Taurus character analysis of the zodiac

Sign:TaurusTo sign (negative,, guardian planet: Venus)

Taken the Taurus looks as a whole appears robust, thick hair, stability, as thick as the bulls neck, coupled with strong lips and chin, sophisticated and stable.Positive personality with patience, durable and practical, enthusiasm;Negative is lazy, greedy, stubborn personality.

U birthday (April 21) the Taurus: temper arrogance, t-shirts, fortitude, show the artistic special talent.Will contact with prominent men, pleasant personality, very natural to make friends at once.Is a dictatorship, to avoid this tendency.

Taken on behalf of the "rich" rule, Taurus constellation motto is: "a grass, a little dew, god will not make you lack".

U sell yourself Taurus will say: I am very patient, also very attentively, more stability, not speaking out of turn to resign.

Taken the Taurus people are easy to have a bad habit of sleeping leisure should do more exercise, otherwise easy to put on weight.

The legend of Taurus:

The temptation of Taurus

In the very distant era of ancient Greece, the continent has no name, there was a kingdom called Phoenician kingdom, Tyler and the sidonians, capital is a fertile place.The king of agenor had a beautiful daughter, called Europa.

Europa often dreamt of a strangeA womanSaid to himself: "let me take you to see Zeus, because destiny goddess named you as his lover."At that time is only a wife Hera, Zeus and does not love his wife of Zeus, he was in low spirits all day long, the goddess of fate crow felt help Zeus to find happiness.She knew the fire a long front skirt dress, and lavender thin sand with gold silver embroidered the lives of many deities, valuable, and beautiful.Crowe, bring the dress to let Zeus sent to Europa.Zeus not at first, but when he saw Europa, can not help but deeply attracted to her beauty, Zeus is the princess fell in love with the continent.He to the prince's identity to a neighbour, and give the dress to the Europa.But Europa has not promised to him, her heart has been thinking of the goddess of fate.

Early one morning, as usual in Europa and his companions came to the seaside play on the grass.Just as they are happy picking flowers, wove garlands, a group of sleek cows came to the meadow, Europa saw cows that a noble magnificent Taurus.Horn small and exquisite, looked like arts and crafts, crystal bright, forehead flashing a crescent shape of birthmark, the hair is golden, a pair of blue eyes burning passion.That kind of invisible hard to resist the temptation to Europa, she delighted to jump on the back, and call came up with a partner, but they have no one dare to ride cow back like Europa.Just at that time, Taurus gently jumped from the ground, slowly flew to the sky.Comrades panicking cried out, the name of Europa, Europa also overwhelmed, Taurus leap beach, leapThe seaHave always been on the fly to an island.This time tight cattle into a features such as the god of man, he told her that he is the master of Crete, if Europa agreed to marry him, he can protect her.But Europa no promise him, her heart has been thinking of the goddess of fate.

A red flag raised, Europa was a man in the isolated island, she toward the direction of the sun's anger shouted: "poor Europa, don't you want to marry a beast king do shi concubine?Nemesis, why didn't you take the calf to me again, let me break her horn!"All of a sudden, there is little smile on her back, Europa looking back, was a dream that strange woman.Beautiful woman standing in front of her said: "the beautiful girl, stop sulking, the Taurus you curse immediately sent his horn make you break.I am the goddess Venus, my son Cupid has shot through the heart of you and Zeus, what brought you here is Zeus himself.You are now on the ground of the goddess, your name will be immortal, since then, the land is called Europa."Europa was suddenly enlighted, finally believe that the arrangement of the goddess of fate.whileThe zodiacThe Taurus and hence the name, become a symbol of love and beauty.

Taurus personality:

This constellation as trees, rooted in the soil for the constant of the earth landscape, there is a deep-rooted trait, once determined, there is not easy to change the toughness and stubborn.He pursuit of the eternal, and character is stable and reliable, likes to show off, the most taboo others against and criticism, the friends and relatives around must be duly gave him a little incentive, otherwise he will because of the excessive pursuit of perfection, and seem to be slow, even lead to distractions.

Regardless of family, career, or marriage, the most important security, but often in order to destroy all elaboration of stubbornness.He's not too bad temper, but will be pent-up anger, came up to me at once, then momentum is quite striking.Because the star has a strong possessive person, so in the marriage life of quarrel, fuse are mostly related to jealousy.

Taurus people quite patient, is a sincere, friendly, so has the attractive conditions, but sometimes also can appear dull and annoying.He is used to rest to do every thing, and not suitable for timeliness of work, in addition to the character of the collect inside is not suitable for adventure;More suitable for rural, can from gardening work, to get the greatest satisfaction, Taurus people skilled in business - he know the way to make money, more know how to accumulate.A part of the throat is weaker on the body.

Taurus mental performance:

Taurus slow way of thinking and conservative, don't expect from their mouth hear ground-breaking speech or novel insights, but his thoughts are constructive.Taurus people about its plans, can in the most, and thoroughly, director of the play, but often because the trivia of everyday life and not important frustrated or discouraged.

Asked the Taurus man what he is thinking, he truthful with more often than not, don't hide, and when he say it, the fact is also the result allows;Don't expect to change his mind, because the stubborn is the most important characteristics of the zodiac.Astrology where on the planet have to strengthen to the characteristics of each sign or reduce influence, if the mercury and the position of the sun in Taurus, the Taurus are stubborn traits will be more obvious;If the sun in Taurus, mercury in Gemini, his decision will have to discuss and change the room for manoeuvre.

The advantages and disadvantages of Taurus:

Taken the advantages of u

Independent, determined, enthusiastic, friendly, patient and responsible, reliable, practical, reliable, have business mind and strong values, rich aesthetic feeling, like food and the delicate and expensive luxury.

Taken the shortcomings u

Greed, stubborn, zhenyi, possessive, lazy, rigid, lack of resilience, self-indulgence, and irritability.

Taurus love:

Taurus in the emotional aspects of acquisitiveness, as will as a lover or wife strip need to care of the garden, the screen actor enthusiastically hold on the right hand, mouth repeatedly said: "you are mine!"His performance is undoubtedly the most standard Taurus style, but if the position of Venus in Taurus, this tendency will be more obvious.But he won't so charming and warm and appear, instead more added a sense of security.In their life would be too much on feelings, once found his wife or lover is not devoted to him, for he would have been a serious blow, and there will be fierce reprisals.

Taurus woman mostly quiet, but also to be very strong.She always quietly accept the test of life and setbacks, little complain.When women complain about other signs, she won't waste the strength to move on.She has the ability to deal with all things, don't look down upon her;She wants to find a real man, put the burden to pay him, so don't underestimate yourself, at least she wouldn't look down upon you, if you can let her feel trust in life.

She may be very stubborn, and have a strong self-control, so in general will not affect her values judgment, she won't argue with you do too intense, mostly and use her self-control to endure your exception.Don't irritate her, this is not at all good for you, if you want to them, this may only be a good way.

Quite practical Taurus woman, and she is also very romantic, but she doesn't like to let your emotions interfere with the actual.However, she really like romantic, down her romance is not to go to Chiang kai-shek memorial hall to calculate how many piece of stone, that's too waste energy, always some comparative static romantic!

Each cow has acquisitiveness, she really don't like to lose her own things, even though she is appointed, but will always try our best to keep everything.She has a very keen senses, real things to attract her, she hadn't the least interest in plastic flowers.And she must be comfortable in the home, don't send fake flowers, otherwise you just wouldn't stand a chance to sit down in her door of opportunity to all have no!


This constellation has obvious trend of art, but because of its attention to security, so they are mostly employed by people, and not like a normal artist in front of the fame, have to endure three meals is not following, or life without the pain.Taurus to tense city life and are not interested in boring work career.But because of the stability provided by the nine to five, can satisfy his demand for security, so just make sure when we have a stable income every month will concentrate on the job.He can get ahead in economic and related industries, and will save for a rainy day to extreme care after retirement benefits.

Taurus: between parents and children

U parents u

Taurus parents are conservative, and the next generation between prone to alienation, because like to resort to the authority and attaches great importance to the discipline, tend to ignore the wishes of children.Strict discipline way easily, and also to the requirement of discipline will be too hard.The costs of education for their children never think, in order to achieve the highest effect, though expensive, also did not spare.Generally speaking, parents should try to discipline yourself Taurus possessiveness, and avoid general into folk (especially more attention should be paid to the mother of Taurus), otherwise prone to the tragedy of the children ran away from home.

Taurus children of parents teaching, should be constrained from his childhood his possessiveness, encouraged him and other children playing games, and to share toys with others.The constellation of children born discipline, don't need parents to worry about during the learning.Don't give them too much pressure, or to force to bend them, otherwise you will have the opposite effect.Taurus children are dedicated, but due to lack of contingency ability, so the progress is slow, but when once they absorb, can achieve mastery through a comprehensive, durable.In the process of the pursuit of progress, they will be able to fully and persistent.

Taurus was born with some beauty and charm (in all constellation Taurus has been called the beauty to the reputation of the most beautiful male) combined with affectionate, in the first date of opposite sex is most can make each other fall in love, but the danger of deviant and doubled - if he was a conservative, may also be able to discipline yourself, not lose their discretion.

Taurus lucky things:

Your lucky day: Friday

Lucky stone: sapphire

Lucky color: blue

Lucky Numbers: 1, 9

Lucky place: quiet place

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