Scorpio personality analysis of the zodiac

Sign:Scorpio: (negative, water sign, guardian planet Pluto (traditionally) Mars)

Taken the Scorpio born because skin color is black, so particularly sharp, bright highlights the eyes.Their wide forehead, brow thick thick, zygomatic flat, fleshy, mouth clear and fortitude, chin is hard and strong.Overall, it looks easy to energetic, decisive, enthusiasm impression to the person.

U Scorpio's birthday (October 23) : decisive, fickle, can do business with the public, and through the combination of powerful or rich friends and successful, proper education, make it ready, lead a life of by the service to the masses, refuse to accept the violation of its inherent sense of justice and right out of business.Must learn to trust your judgment.

Taken the Scorpio represents the law of "fire phoenix", constellation motto is: "failure is the mother of success".

Sell yourself u Scorpio will say: although I compare quiet, but I was able to carry out in the end, is not only a man of words and not of deeds.

Taken the Scorpio in sports to do physical exercise, the burden is too big, lest make brain hobby literature and art.

The legend of Scorpio:

Scorpio's helpless

There was no desert, it has no desert and amber.

Sun palace, was supported with ornate columns, studded with bright shiny gold and gems, cornices embedded with white ivory, the two silver door was carved with beautiful decorative pattern, record the world beautiful and ancient legends.The son of Apollo phaethon, daughter hayley lived in this beautiful palace.Phaethon naturally beautiful sexy, impulse conceit;Hayley gentleness docile, but failed to get the gift of father have a sun that beautiful face, which makes her very helpless, because she is deeply loved phaethon.Also like phaethon and beautiful water fountain goddess nin.

Day after day, year after year, in the endless lovesickness and despair, hurley gradually become melancholy and sensitive, conceited phaethon doesn't understand her, still with nin into pairs.Whenever hayley said, phaethon always citing they are one and the same father will refused her outside the door.Hayley can't stand his rude and cold, at last, an ignorant lies in her mind was born.One day, she found phaethon, said to him: "dear brother, I can't hide you, even though she is our mother, what I shouldn't laugh at her, but I have to tell you, you are not the children of the kingdom of heaven, but gram lu ink nirvana, which is our dear mother, and an unknown man."Impulse phaethon easily believe that the sister never lie, ran to the father Apollo question there.But no matter what the Apollo assurances, he just don't believe in yourself is the fatherson.Finally, Apollo, and swear by Styx, to prove his son phaethon is, no matter what he wants, he promised.But phaethon choice is the sun god never expected the car!To know phaethon would not drive the sun, if not in accordance with the relevant provisions of walking routes, it will bring disaster.But, the son of ego completely listen to not into advice, jumped into the car, the sun out of the two doors of time.

Stars each concealed, golden sun car, with the wings of pegasus, as the illusion of endless sky, the devil...Phaethon don't control the car, the sun let it devastating shuttle in space and time.Dry grassland, forest fire, destroyed crops, lakes turned out to be a desert.The people of the earth is not freeze to death is hot to death, and dark, in the world filled with countless frustrations.Hurley helplessly watched the tragedy happening, know that it's all your fault, she helplessly sigh breath, cruel let out a scorpion, biting the ankle of phaethon, the gods that desire the chance to stop him, but everything is too late, the burning method of urban dowa car fall from the sky with the sun to the broad lida yunus river.Springs of water goddess nin tears buried him.Hurley and desperate cry for four months, and finally became a poplar tree, her tears turned into a glittering and translucent amber.Zeus to warn the human ego weakness, named after the scorpion liledagong it only a constellation, called Scorpio.

Scorpio's character:

Lead the person's energy is Scorpio man hidden capital, others tend to think of it, and I do not know if the energy to be in the right direction, its have the stamina, relentless pursuit of goals, until completion, enables him to in the fierce competition, stand out.Scorpio's possessiveness, jealousy and revenge heart is very heavy, not only emotionally so, others can't bear other people's, even so cruel means, retribution.

Scorpio calm, smart, loyal to their own desires, ignore the opinions of others.So bossy, good secrecy and conceal truth and designing scheme, gloomy personality and unpredictable.Concentration is the biggest characteristic, Scorpio personality so once set a goal, will go all out.Almost all about description and Scorpio, stressed his emotionally deep, in fact this constellation of people in other areas of life are also endowed with the same enthusiasm, he likes to give their life to the limit, no matter work or game will have a tendency to too hard, but a strong and sincere to the target, can lead to overly demanding.

Scorpio's mind:

Scorpio man looks cold inner passion, full of curiosity, a vision.They are born with attract other people's magnetic force, the pageant is a dynamic, stimulating and attractive.Although Scorpio people naturally thering is no lack of reasoning and analysis ability, able to see through the problems facing their, but his intuition induction is more sharp, Benjamin and therefore tend to have no press CARDS out of the performance.

He so like to face difficulties, is not he has a special hobby for difficult itself, but he wants to know they will have what kind of reaction when facing difficulties.Innovation, bold, like power, at any time to curb excessive strong will and dictatorial tendencies, arrogant personality and impulsive behavior is easy to set up the enemy, should be more forgiving someone different ideas and style.Is very remarkable talkative character, very popular, showing the spirit of independence and orderly and sharp diplomatic ability, friends can easily get what he want, so may be it is easy to spoil and become egocentric.

The advantages and disadvantages of Scorpio:

Taken the advantages of u

Scorpio people have the ability to counsel, rich insight into things.Mood is very sensitive, delicate feeling and have rich imagination, decisive, actual and enthusiasm, a strong subjective opinion, determination, perseverance, average person bored easily and avoid things, often can perseverance stubborn doing it.Smart, intelligent, and higher intellect.Rich intuition ability.

Taken the shortcomings u

Scorpios have a tendency to meddle in other people's things, impulsive, radical, jealous, irritability, stubborn, stubborn and difficult to manage, paranoid, fickle, all deep, too emotional, adventurous, very lofty dreams.For food wine often excessive sex and sinister character, indifference, often use tricks and wit to defeat the enemy.

Scorpio's love:

In the zodiac, Scorpio constellation is the favorite of strong feelings, in the emotional aspects of life that, focused and persistent, when jealousy once turned on, was devastating.Unstable emotions, sometimes it's hard to understand, inside contain strong suspicion, struggle, so talk about feelings if it is easy to go to extremes.Scorpio people are usually the most has the sex appeal, both men and women of sexual demand is very strong, with passion and deep and mysterious charm, if not satisfied on the sex life, he will feel in life and personality have a drawback beyond remedy.

Scorpio man usually always have enough to conquer the other side of the energy, he is the pursuit of success, in this respect, too.Scorpio abundant emotion can get the best from sex, but jealous personality is likely to cause emotional fatal blow.

Scorpio girl is dangerous, but you aside some daredevil men want to provoke her.Love a devastating scorpion, but if you know how to walk in secret, between the destruction and rebirth that is ready to let all want scorpion love, but unable to get a man to envy you!It was a very challenging glory.

Still will desist!If you are very afraid of Scorpio woman strong enthusiasm will make you get hurt, then you'd better hurry to leave, don't be after the first class with the other man come up to hurt.

Although Scorpio women don't see her enthusiasm in appearance, or can't see her real passion, but she's absolutely true enthusiasm.At least she can make you warm up!

She has been looking for a man, because she can be like a man, but, after all, she is still aA woman;Men are supposed to master, although she can do the work of many men, even do better than men, but she still hopes to be protected.See here, and there are many men back?All right.Scorpio women looking for she saw that the man in my dream, and she knew that he would never retreat.

"Doubt" is are not likely to lack in her life, she has a strong possessive instinct, she will want to know your every move, that she may rest assured.So, together with her life, had better not leave any bad record, otherwise she would have more doubt your reasons.In addition, don't tease, her revenge mentality, quite made that no more!


Scorpio can't endure tablet career, it's need to engage in work with a sense of accomplishment, and can't stand drab routine.Once he found work lack of challenging when he will find another job, even forced herself in trouble, try to set up his inheritance from adversity, or give up scale of career to struggle.Any facing the biggest test of his ability to work, to be able to meet the needs of his working.

Scorpio people have find out the core ability, if engaged in illegal work, also can be a smart criminals, and let the police big headache.This constellation of people often have power, wealth, fame and enviable position, but be careful, don't against him, because he itself is a person who is easy to bear grudges.

To academic research, is one of the projects of Scorpio people are good at.He can concentrate on the long-term exploration, and often choose and medical related projects, such as surgery or psychology as an object of study.Scorpio people can also become excellent soldiers or sailors, discipline, and they like and can be wedded not by accident, perhaps the shackles of military can meet him near the masochistic mentality.If make good use of talent, can be in the detective, espionage, of great development of the scientific community.

Scorpio: between parents and children

U parents u

Scorpio people are stubborn and his way of disciplining children have their own a set of ideas, hence children hardly to change his mind.In order to avoid the generation gap with their children, he'd better accept more at ordinary times and contemporary ideological trend of relevant information.Scorpio's father children require sometimes too harsh, but he can naturally glides gracefully in the cope, thus can derive pleasure from the education the children, on the one hand, he also can let the children from the constant travel and all kinds of contact development experiences.

Taken the children to end

Parents in the discipline of ScorpioThe childWhen, should try to keep him busy, and have plenty of outdoor activities, good let his energy to be able to send.When new members have come in the home, to deal with Scorpio child jealous behavior, can let he take up the responsibility to help parents to take care of younger siblings, can dissolve because of his siblings, themselves sidelined and jealous, because he likes to be regarded, therefore, can have a good performance.

Scorpio's lucky things:

Your lucky day, Tuesday

Lucky stone: topaz

Lucky color: dark red

Lucky Numbers: 3, 5

Lucky location: close to water

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