The Leo character analysis of the zodiac

Sign:Leo(positive, a fire sign, guardian planet: the sun)

U Leo's broad forehead, eyebrow bone, aquiline nose, chin line is clear, the mouth wide and determined, the whole face give a person the first impression is that there is power, especially his eyes always regent however, with perseverance, solemn and noble attitude, like the wind of the king.

Taken the Leo's birthday (July 23) : ambitious, autocratic, some rough, very independent, what does not need to use the external force can be successful.In business and financial should avoid sudden decision, to succeed, and have unexpected benefits from boss, have authority.

Taken the Leo on behalf of the "happy" rules, constellation motto is: "happiness is always right, to be happy is the most important".

Sell yourself u Leo will say: not I brag, my leadership is first-class, want to find a supervisor, give me the who?

Taken the Leo people are not interested in any leisure activities, only hope will work out perfect oneself inside, so work is also their entertainment.

The legend of the Leo:

The lion's courage

O, dense is giant TYPHON and snake monster's son.When man and monster love, o is dropped from the moon, is given to the couple to a beautiful baby, family call him ANI.

Arnie is actually a half-human demon monster.During the day he was a fierce lion, and the whole body of fur with the color of the sun;In the evening, he became human, is a blond blue-eyed boy.

Arnie's sister, hydra is a hydra demon, her upper body and people, and very beautiful;The lower half is a snake, as silver moonlight.

Arnie was deeply love, although they have the same parents, but ANI fell from heaven, eritrea's mother and xu had produced.Xu thought arnie is a star in the sky, it is to go back to heaven, and said, before go back to heaven is willing to do anything for xu, including death.They fell in love.

However, happy days were soon tore up bad luck.Hero hercules according to the oracle that king's ten task, two of them is to kill ANI and xu.Arnie couldn't understand why certainly fight to hit them, Zeus wrong committed to them.Arnie would not with hercules, but in order to protect the girl xu, he decided to hercules o block in dense forest.Xu want to stop, he went to ANI comfort: "in addition to you, no man can kill me!!!!!!!You can rest assured that I can overcome this, the son of Zeus and a mortal."Say that finish, he will go alone to hercules.

Arnie xu's love, he will not let the ANI to die, she decided to beat hercules before ANI, even die.Xu came to Miami springs near against hercules.However, even though she can conjure up nine heads, hercules is, after all, a great hero, he is a brave and decisive killed the snake, and all the arrows soaked in her blood.

In the evening, arnie also finally found the hercules, he was now a bloody head of a lion and swoops down to hercules to come over.Hercules, drew with lions fight in one place, but the lion's fur, seem to be any weapon also wear by hercules couldn't kill him.It grew dark down, hercules thought of the leaching poison arrows, and aimed at the lion shot at in the past.A, the two missed, the third arrow hit the lion's heart.The leaching of xu blood poison arrows shot into the ANI broken heart.The lion fell to the ground into a man.Hercules surprised look at ANI, and ANI said not a word is dead.

Then Zeus let arnie back into the stars in the sky, is the Leo is shining like the sun.But Leo humans also endowed with the courage to sacrifice for love's character.

Leo's character:

The characteristics of Leo people be clear at a glance, there is no complex or hidden hard place.Is king, is the boss, all in all, he is a leader in the group, and its aware of this kind of control and the ability to lead.This constellation is not only good at leadership, itself can also set a good example, to work hard.When the position of the sun in Leo, this tendency is more obvious.This constellation has the arrogance, the shortcomings of arbitrary, intolerant, and therefore need to discipline yourself, constantly soul-searching, was born with talent will have such as helpful, generous, etc for the best.

Leo are born with genius, drama stage is the focus of attention.If someone around like a gorgeous clothes, the manner is elegant, Shanghai style, he was decisive, so nine times out of ten is a Leo man.Leo people nature enthusiasm, helpful, optimistic and enterprising, have the occasion of their existence, often there is sunshine and laughter.

A surprise is that the Leo people quite sensitive, vulnerable, but because of its flair for the dramatic, so on the surface, can show treated unfairly and to show the biggest tolerance.When enraged, he would use the majesty of the king of presence of each other.Leo people though born poverty, still has its own dignity and our own kingdom.

Leo's mental performance:

Leo man's thoughts and opinions will not have a marvelous landscape, local often face to the test of intelligence and policy decision.Although it seems careless, but it is the star unique character.He is not a sentimental that type, so few glum, but once when facing to despair, spirit is easy to collapse, but their resilience, internal heat will send out again.The idea on the constructive thought, although not agile, but will make a powerful conclusion.

Leos have open field of vision, at first glance to see that the key of things and sort out outline, but often overlooked details (mercury invirgoWhen the position of the correct this defect).When Leo man for young ideal or belief tend to sacrifice a lifetime will not be change, so should avoid closed minds, their early in life, though it has improved along with the time, but the basic idea remains unchanged, the ingrained habits, both views are stubborn.

The advantages and disadvantages of Leo:

Taken the advantages of u

Human love, enthusiastic, generous, have leadership, big spender, open-minded, innovative ability, have talent for drama and performance.

Taken the shortcomings u

Subjective consciousness is too strong, self-righteous, intolerance, can't stand in opposition to his point of view, too high, snobbish, will to power is too strong, oppression, nosy.

Leo's love:

Leo people dedicated and very loyal to the sentiment, and will not taboo to enthusiasm and loyalty completely, they need natural lover's respect and admiration.Leo's wife, don't let a man to oneself temper should be a little restraint and moderation, so as to avoid competing with her husband and cause dispute.In general, Leo people in marriage are more likely to give an issue, especially the rising sign is Leo, this kind of phenomenon is more obvious.

The Leo woman is sentimental.But few will usually have the grace, and see her face sorrow mood;Very ordinary she's 38, but also very beautiful.There is no any sign of woman can be with us like her rich noble temperament, you're lucky!

She's a sunflower, always so lovely, by the people for her attention and admiration.Don't want to tame her, she has a beautiful appearance, in addition to have a wise head.This also don't strange why she is always so proud, confident, and a bit of vanity.

He is very strong, never fear of power, but for his shadow is afraid.She doesn't like weak men than she, at least in the face of the man, this process can not retreat, to brave forward.She didn't care whether you success (of course, it is important to successful), as long as you like a man to take care of her.Have strong shoulders and bear.

Don't want to call your mother lion don't go to work after their marriage, she loves to own their own business.As long as you can without clean her try not to do, but that doesn't mean she is not competent for this job.She will be proud of your achievement and honor and, same you also have to be to her.

Don't treat her as a lion, she is just a "large cat" only.


This constellation ambitions are big, fortunately not ruthless shortcomings, in fact the person of Leo is a loyal industrious subordinate, but there is a premise, must be the boss to make his case.Under the leadership of such director, they can be complained to undertake the work of the most difficult, even for dull work can also be trouble to bear.However one thousand his boss belong to stupid and narrow caliber or lack of ability of organization, Leo subordinates is better way, the job they can't accept this kind of boss's command.

Leo needs a can fully play to work, they love their work, always go all out, almost do not know the leisure, especially suitable for need to be highly creative and artistic work, more can meet the workaholic.Was born with some theatrical talent makes it is quite suitable for performing work.Leo people due to natural leadership skills, able to guide others to take action in the most pleasant atmosphere, quite suitable for a teacher by worthy example, and he himself also make yu ying from the work of the greatest pleasure, but they teaching suitable for older children.

Leo: between parents and children

U parents u

Leo expectations of their children and their standard strict, if their children's performance does not meet his standards, his disappointment will without reserve.Leo's father (according to the traditional astrology, Leo constellation of father) is a bit too autocracy, down from a children's psychological burden.Their way of discipline rather extreme, not highly enthusiasm is completely laissez-faire.Generally speaking, Leo's father children spend quite generous, even more than his ability can afford to spare.Leo smugness, if their children also belongs to the active enterprising children, the family will surely and harmonious;On the other hand, in the face of timid and shy child, Leo's parents have to be careful, don't in their own standard to hit the child's confidence.Generally speaking, Leo's parents for their children education quite keen, and be able to get the real fun.

Taken the children to end

Leo children tend to be too complacent, so need special teaching, although they are born with unspeakably spiritual strength, but need to others' guide, make its accustomed to harness.Since childhood should let him understand: although he is a smart, but someone outside the person, behind, make it clear pride hurts, modesty benefits.However, the criticism, to be cautious, because the star child, once full of enthusiasm, blocked will lose vitality as purging the air ball.

Leo: lucky things:

Your lucky day, Sunday

Lucky stone: ruby

Lucky color: golden, orange

Lucky Numbers: 5, 9

Lucky place: broad space

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