Leo girl

  LeoGirl's basic character

Leo girl affectionate gentle, strong, rich imagination, is a typical romantic.Enthusiastic, but it is difficult to call its advantages, has a strong personality, but the lack of a firm position in some cases.As a Leo, you easy to wander in the real world and the ideal world, so I can't give yourself too much leisure time, busy can make you feel the reality.Curiosity is strong, like not too dangerous adventure, occasionally appear bold, fickleness and hysterical.Such as secret camouflage to save money with people and this kind of thing with you, you must be open on everything.Your lack of sacrifice, easy to become complacent and self-righteous, on things like follow one's inclinations, this could easily lead to failure.


Hear words of praise will be stoned, enchanted by the, immediately become arrogant self-righteousness.Remember, after the high feeling, could follow is the second.

  Has a kind heart

Love is rich, is deeply trusted friends.

  No special habits

Childhood is conspicuous problem child, to speak without the brain, what want to say what will be.


Even if the other party is the elder, also will never bow to him.Should keep in mind the old saying "the person under the eaves, have to bow".


Nothing is worth timidity.Believe in yourself, believe that fair and square and throats is enemy hero.This is the lion's nature.


Whether in love or with friends, if the initiative is not in their hand will be gloomy mood.You need to all things for a few times more empathy.


Because belong to Leo, if there is no noticeable will be depressed.At this time always want to "as a lion..."How should how, and hard to extricate themselves, but nearby friends will give you courage.


Feel is most happiness when ten thousand people at the center of attention.


Have a strong artistic feeling, it is very surprising.Was telling the story can be fascinating.Especially good at western movie story.


Demanding, such as must be handsome, highly educated, and so on.Don't know to love each other, often in the heart with guilt.Once appear, the ideal male, many girls in private, Leo will shine"A blind dateAlso it is good?"The idea of.


Like grandstanding, elegant expression of the vanity in side.


Outstanding appearance, wherever he goes is the focus of attention.You are a real beauty, not only busty, a beautiful face, and it is double eyelid, long hair shawls.Body full of vitality, is exclamation have such full of vitality of woman in the world.But remember too active will make your blood pressure to rise, need extra attention to.Prone to eye fatigue, so often with eye drops.In addition, beware of the heart, blood and spinal diseases.If the stake health overdraft too much will make exuberant strength and energy attenuation greatly.If possible, shall, from time to time sunbathing.

  • Leo girl pay attention to the point

Real insensitive, easy in other people's praise and flattery sugar-coated cannonball under such as high I do not know where, especially there is no immunity for the wonderful mood, should pay attention.Vanity, like extravagance and waste, so try not to carry cash.Before the age of 30 make money is to stay.Was sometimes lonely, subjected to inner pain struggle, if in order to get rid of loneliness and heterosexual contacts will fail.

  • Leo girl career and money

Strong self-confidence and toughness to overcome difficulties, has the faculty to make family prosperous.You are good at to rule out difficult, but possible defeat in prosperity, or framed by sinister SIMS.You have attractive unique charm, if you can play in the cause of this advantage is sure to succeed.You destined to experience more setbacks, only taste the bitterness of the failure, around 25 to 30 enjoy stable life.About 28 accidentally get top approval, get the chance to play alone operating ability.

Suitable for senior management cosmetics shops, senior clothing store, jewelry shops, or become a flight attendant, educators, financiers, entertainers, and so on, many of the Leo girl wit prominent politicians and businessmen.

Fortune's age is 28, 37, 46, 55, 64.

  • Leo girl fall in love and marriage

Born premature, 20 or so will appearTo get marriedThought, but then denied you see members of the opposite sex.In vulnerable honeyed words, gifts or romantic atmosphere, when the heart is full of loneliness is especially easy to fall into temptation.It's easy to passion, sometimes imagine they can like the heroine of the novel through vigorous love.Like the gentle, handsome men, is in danger of in immoral emotional, not able to distinguish compassion, affection and love.Has a strong desire for sex, like actively to hug each other, happy don't refuse to take the new pattern.After marriage will be a wife and mother, but occasionally have the thought of running away from home, want to get rid of the family to society.Period from the girl start chasing by men, but part of the Leo girl before the age of 30 has been too lonely single life.

The ideal marriage isAriesSagittariusMale, 25, 28, 37 years old when they encounter the most ideal of men.Relative to free love to marry, to get married to you better, if early marriage, must continue to take part in social activities after marriage.

  • Leo girl's health and disease

Belongs to sensitive physique, not excessive intake of food and wine, beware of diseases such as hypertension, angina pectoris, rheumatoid arthritis.Easy to fall into periodic depression.So try to make myself happy and spirits.

Particular attention should be paid to the age of the disease is 23, 38, 40, 47, 53, attention should be paid to the skin disease, reproductive system and urinary system diseases.

  • Leo girl home

House should be located in can enjoy plenty of sunlight and water, it is best to have broad courtyard and capacious sitting room, majestic luxuriant style, terrain slightly above the ground.Doors and Windows to WSW towards the northwest north or brings luck, shall have their own separate room.

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