Pisces men

  ·PiscesThe boy character

Pisces boy character gentle and quiet, quiet, compassionate, affection is rich.With love, easy to trust others, pay more than get, with gentle romantic personality.Insist on his own claims, occasionally like to debate, opinionated, until his opinion is accepted.And anyone can easily associate happily, but will not open up the whole heart.For Pisces boy, learn to face the benefit has the person, we will reduce the inner allergic reaction, develop logical thinking, learn to open up getting along with people.Pisces although the boys like coexist with people, but also enjoy the solitude, better to participate in the activities related to love, to keep a wide range of interpersonal relationship.

  Pisces boy, pay attention to the point

As a Pisces boy, your mind some negative, may want to pursue personal happiness, but you should know that life is the essence of social life.Relative to the logic of the goal, chasing imaginary things do you like better, so should think about what you get, actually develop their real feelings.You for money no basic concept, so don't carry cash or credit card, as far as possible had better get into the habit of saving and temperance.

  Pisces boy, career and money

Pisces men trust and distrust attitude is world wide, sometimes encountered predicament.To obtain social status and reputation, must abandon like irony the habits of others, learn to see other people's strengths rather than weaknesses.For Pisces boy, a lack of modesty and simple, not enough flexibility is one of the biggest shortcomings, will miss important opportunities.Suitable for emphasis on intuition and the artistry of career choice, it is difficult to become a kind of realist draining others purse.

Suitable for specific have professional designers, diplomats, salesman, financial professionals, educators, doctors, artists, musicians, services, etc.20 s hobby or career may be a lifelong career, in the process of developing its own must remember this.

Fortune's age is 25, 34, 43, 52, 61 years old, had better be in main engaged in a sideline.

  Pisces boy fall in love and marriage

Boys are exquisite romantic Pisces, intoxicated in the sense of happiness, it is easy to see attitude toward their tender women fall in love easily.Ears soft, trusting others, sometimes suffer because of this, the best cultivating their own without the ability to judge people.Emotional at the same time pay more attention to sex and spirit, although no feet trample two ship, but also often withstand the temptation.Soft-hearted, will fall in love with several women, will change sympathy for love.Women may encounter with 20 sTo get married, but this kind of marriage is very difficult to continue until middle age, so should keep cautious attitude.Women like the lovely and lively, but the first time in women, under the direction of this favors the sex life in the future.The actual operation ability is not strong, thought of not necessarily can do it, like in the heart to imagine and ponder.

The ideal marriage iscancer, Scorpio women, the most like his young age 7 years old, age or older.31 when the ideal female, early marriage will bring danger to remarry, so be sure to carefully, listen to advice around.

  Pisces men health and disease

Pisces men generally healthy, but in a car accident and other accidents, likely before and after 30 years of age may suffer from a serious illness.Drugs, alcohol, and the overreaction of sex may cause hysteria, triggering neurosis.

Particular attention should be paid to the disease's age is 26, 35 and 44, 53, 62 - year - old, may be due to excessive fatigue caused by the liver and stomach trouble.

  Pisces boy home

Housing should be a beautiful environment, tree-lined, have capacious sitting room and bedroom more elegant.Look from the location not too far away from busy streets, and is located in the dimple, best direction to the southeast to the east and northeast by north is advisable.Housing should have a comfortable life space, and send out the artistic aesthetic feeling, at the same time, good water and electricity supply.

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