Aries boy

  AriesThe boy character

Aries boy with a strong sense of justice, have FuRuoJiPin enterprising sense of responsibility for the realization of the ideal and pioneering spirit.Race to the top in any field, positive enterprising, can only be best to be a leader.In some of the landmark event, or negotiation, bidding and other thorny issues, Aries ability of more admiration.(a variety ofThe test, competition, competition, etc.) only be leaders can play a leadership and pioneering spirit, but if everything is self-centered, also can appear problem.Because of the impulsive personality, have a tendency to do things play by ear, if go, can only taste the bitterness of failure.Can easily and become one people, but because personality is pure and enthusiastic and open, and easy to fall into, suffer.

  Aries boy, pay attention to the point

Aries boy strong personality and headstrong, but due to the nature is pure, it is easy to be used by others, remember this.Is good, doing things carefully, take its own but on specific things always, so easy to treat problem one-sided, it need to correct them.Because of the brilliant, can start a career, but because of self-awareness is too strong, is easy to break, so it's really important to cultivate the virtue of humility.

  Aries boy, career and money

If use with pioneering spirit and the dynamic competition advantage in the competition, negotiation, the outcome of the professional kind of uncertainty, will succeed.As Aries boy, your leadership skills and fight can only play out in the relevant places.You have unbearable negation and is not perfect, too pay attention to the tendency of principle, should develop flexibility and mild.You have insight, but patience is not enough, easy to rush, to correct it is easier to success.

Suitable for the specific profession has professional soldiers, politicians and civil servants, the news media industry, the surgeon, athletes, entertainers, crew, advertising personnel, engineers, etc.If in the enterprise, had better choose to have autonomy in the department, and pay attention to the superior place good relations.Services, business management, foreign trade, construction, planning and other positions are suitable.

Fortune's age is 27, 36, 45, 54, 63 - year - old, earlier to earn the money, but by no means.

  Aries boy in love and marriage

As the Aries boy, you will have a sincere love, but it's easy to fall into pure blind love, passion in a hurry.From adolescence began to understand the opposite sex, due to the innocence and temper, hope and older women fall in love.You opinionated, possessive, sometimes because of jealousy for his wife suspicion, so avoid relationship with nerve sensitive women.Sensory perception is slow, not sweet talk and build romantic atmosphere, but fortunately, personality prominent, likely to win the favor of women.Positive enthusiasm on sex, even have a tendency to regardless of time and place follow one's inclinations.But you don't have an affair.You don't admit that women's ability and affection, he will carry out his will.

The most idealTo get marriedThe object isLeoSagittariusFemale, 36 years old when they encounter the most ideal of women, so don't rush.From the point of luck, you will get married at the age of 23 and 27, but should be avoided when married, when necessary, should listen to parents or relatives advice.You don't admit that women's ability, but after getting married, had better listen to the lady's advice on financial problems, don't arbitrary.

  Aries boy, health and disease

Too believe her natural resilience, can only lead to disease worsening, so don't be stubborn, should get a doctor's treatment as soon as possible.Cigarettes, alcohol and excessive intake can cause stomach, liver and kidney abnormalities, and cause disease of urinary system and excretory system.

Particular attention should be paid to the disease's age is 16, 25, 34, 43, 52, be careful of the occasional accident, avoid combined others arms.

  Aries boy home

Housing should be a strong personality, a large number of use the natural building materials such as stone house, had better be Chinese and western style.The closer the location from the busy streets, the better, and Windows facing east toward the open perspective, it makes you blessing from heaven.Housing should have sufficient living space, you need a separate room.Choose independent villas will be more than the apartment for you.

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