Aries girl

  AriesGirl's basic character

Aries girl with strong sense of justice, have cleanliness, tolerant of impurity, her romantic reminiscent of the green of the vast steppe.Shows more than men in all aspects of ambition and positive way of thinking, but careful and gentle is relatively lacking.Independence is strong, belong to the action, but the lack of flexibility, cooperative is poor, easy to use, or complain.As a Aries girl, you have vanguard consciousness, but also very conservative, sometimes being evaluation for old vintage.You are good at active atmosphere, has the potential to become a party leader, but if everything is self-centered, it will be difficult to great things.You are very kind, but also a sense of possessiveness, easy to man as a miser.

  On its feet

No matter in what kind of a difficult time, won't make you.Target the more high morale, healthy physique is the privilege of Aries.

  Short temper

Often by others as impatient and impulsive personality.If rushed to the results and achievements, easily lead to failure in a row.Especially on career and marriage, more can't impatient attitude, need to keep the foot before, hind again shift "attitude.

  The angel of justice

See bullying the weak never turned a blind eye, so often and peopleA fight.If elected, head of the party or club sponsors or, can play to their skills.


Claim to by their own rules and articles of association, insist on your opinion no retreat.If you can't get the support of others, you will have to be alone.Should learn to show individual character while, create a harmonious atmosphere.


Express feelings straightforward, not enough, but not sloppily.Born not flattery of others.Can meet a true friend.


Meet again big difficulty also don't say not so confident.Try to avoid act is inconsistent with their identity and swank, otherwise will be resigned to irreparable.

  Ability to lead

Conceit, think oneself is different, after all for the purpose and characteristics of this kind of consciousness is Aries.


In short, self-centered.No matter how the other person's mood or attitude, won't be around you.Do not only depend on like it or not, always advocates the idea of an either/or.As long as one false move, it may be at risk, so be sure to correct faults as soon as possible, don't wait for the better after the again.


Aries is famous for its frequently quarrel with people.Innate hate to lose, fighting spirit, so the quarrel must think twice before.


When will his deep thoughts into action, will hand stroking the hair, or with his hand up her hair.

  A lie

In order to let others trust yourself, even lie, is a vanity of the zodiac.


The show in front of their energy, in order to lofty goals builders of efforts, brave enough to challenge the life, will be happy.


After think independent love anywayTo get married.You think your partner want oneself to find, but the result is always on the contrary.To marry the age old or young, you can make a big gap between.

  An affair

Even if have a favorable each other, carrots, in the line of the moments will be back from the brink.Offensive in order to reach the goal, Aries will take the initiative, but after waking up inner fever quickly cooling.

  Saving the spirit

Is always generous to their favorite things.To alleviate the pressure, often in and out of the golf course or playroom lose money, but in daily life and will show very stingy.


For others, may have weakened into a pool of mud, but as an Aries you can in a short period of time to restore energetic face.For four consecutive days didn't sleep a wink the horrors of the work all night, is a piece of cake for you.The energetic the will of nature and you stick to it, more important still depend on an amazing natural fatigue recovery and natural healing ability.But it is because of this, you may be too believe that their own health, paid no heed to early curable disease.In addition, an accident or injury is also a potential risk, should be cautious.Despite the weakness of the constitution in the head.For always rush Aries, headache and irritability is the body becomes poor signal, can never be ignored.Aries from constitution belongs to the physique physique, it is not easy to get fat.There are many love adventure and challenge in Aries women movement limit.Aries is the best at the same time the development of mind and body type.Although some people think motor nerve is very slow, but in fact is likely to have potential for all kinds of sports.

  Aries girl, pay attention to the point

Aries girl's strong personality, life temperate, but because not enough flexible, too self-centered, may be people stay at a respectful distance from sb.Activity ability and competitive, can quickly get the reputation for yourself, but if you don't abandon self-centered habit, it is easy to suffer setbacks.Seemingly cautious calm, good at opening, but not good at picking up the situation, thoughtlessly, easy to fail.

  Aries girl, career and money

Not suitable for drab or mechanical work, needs creativity and competitiveness in working to shine.As an Aries, although you are a female, there are no worse than male activity ability and talent, should try to bypass the occupation of gender discrimination.Handle affairs spell able, but due to the haste, easy to overlook the middle trivial problems or difficult to understand the prudent character of others.After marriage had better continue to participate in social activities, even the public welfare activities, not completely fulfilling family life.If you like, may be the great wealth, but so will endanger the happiness of the family, so should be enough is enough.

Suitable for specific career politicians, entertainers, doctors, nurses, salesman, administrators, teachers, etc., or business services.

Fortune's age is 27, 36, 45, 54, had better not too yali in social life.

  Aries girl, love and marriage

As an Aries, you of the love is not floating, enthusiasm, your love once lit, will be like a volcano spewing more than.Mature early, early know sex, affection for gay is more, will only become more mature after 20 years oldA woman.To eyesight is not good enough, the success rate of first love is extremely low, as long as fiscal worry-free, was more inclined to a single life.There may be plans to get married at the age of 20, but early success rate is low, fall in love should avoid to have sex.You there is the potential to be a wife and mother, but it is hard to make my fair lady, never rely on the husband after marriage life.Atmosphere is keen for sex, as long as appropriate, in any place, are likely to take bold action.

The ideal marriage isLeoSagittariusMale, younger than the bigger the better, as far as possible avoid relationship with peers and young.21, 27, 30 years old when confronted by a man in the ideal, but you get married for love later.And handsome, intellectual, humorous and full of tolerance and understanding of men together, will be happy.

  Aries girl, health and disease

If too believe in their own health, only to routine drug therapy, may be a bad disease, ailment remember this.For the excessive intake of hobby goods cause liver and kidney disease, after 40 years old to have regular examination to the digestive and reproductive systems.

Particular attention should be paid to the disease's age is 16, 25, 34, 49, 58, paying special attention to the head and bruised appendicitis.

  Aries girl's house

Housing should be close from the busy streets, can look around, and personality, it is best to match well of Chinese and western style.Yard wide, homestead is higher than the surrounding terrain, the room color fresh, spacious kitchen and sitting room, is a good choice.Doors and Windows to toward the east, the most important thing is to contentment, housing is no future trouble.

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