Leo boy

  LeoThe boy character

Leo boy with transcendental confidence and stubborn tenacity, believe their own ideas, full of personality.Believe that where there is a will there is a way to face any difficulties do not give up speaking out of turn, with perseverance will overcome difficulties and obstacles.Personality is distinct, distinguished, prestige, side has many followers, outstanding leadership.Don't like are at the mercy of others or commands, there should always want to give priority to with oneself, sometimes so disaster.As a Leo, your life will be a leap, at the same time full of frustrations, to gain wealth in early, but at least through 3, 4, failed.Seemingly serious cold, but the inner loneliness perceptual, fragile and fine.

  • Leo boys pay attention to the point

As a Leo, you strong personality, self-righteous, the most endorsed at the same time, also hard to avoid can make enemies all around, so ought to reflect.You never agree, lack of flexibility, good counsel and similar to their own people, but easy to have female charm and has a dangerous person.You are lucky, the god of early but remember good luck before age 30, after all, do not belong to oneself, don't be greedy for these, and to remember that life can only be dug a well.

  • Leo boy career and money

A teenager may experience mental suffering, have a deep loneliness, family circumstances is not abundant enough, but also can have good luck.As a Leo, you will experience a few times before, during, and after 25, a turning point in life, but after 30 years of age to sprint to get splendid achievements.You have good judgment and bold pioneering spirit, constantly have outstanding creative, able to come to the fore in the field of risk business or sophisticated.Must stick to credit and faith, because this is your most precious possession and the key to success.

Suitable for specific career politicians, entertainers, and service industry, salesman, educators, military, transportation, industry, etc., if own the best career in dealing with cash, if the enterprise, the best is engaged in the business, planning, publicity, trade, shipping, such as position, a position as secretary and stationed overseas personnel is also very good, but to own is the best.

Fortune's age is 28, 37, 46, 55, 64 years old, have a bet on luck, but if it will break.

  • Leo boy in love and marriage

Are not good at to show women's emotion, because cannot anxious to express deep feeling for each other.Women and 20 s meet you don't have the fate, if forcedTo get marriedWill encounter many incidents.In order to eliminate the loneliness of the heart, you will communicate with several members of the opposite sex, but if in too deep, will hinder the development of you.You may be because of an affair, cause stuck or irregular life and divorce, some people even to establish two families.In the sexual energy is far better than the other party, don't know sweet whispering things and caress, like to the point.But also suppresses his own desire, make each other happy enjoy feeling, sometimes even the initiative to the woman.Like extravagance and waste are your shortcomings, the reason is because you don't know the restraint, and to show off the psychological.

The ideal marriage isAriesandSagittariusFemale, 28, and 34, when they encounter the ideal female, unfavorable early marriage.Your friendly warmth, have emotional appeal met women can feel happy, can gently lead you women are the most ideal spouse.

  • Leo boy health and disease

Youth should be wary of urinary system and nervous system disease, heart disease and high blood pressure, diabetes should be paid attention to mature period.Belongs to sensitive physique, beware of allergies and skin disease, only hobby goods including moderate intake of alcohol, tobacco and coffee can live longer.

Particular attention should be paid to the age of the disease is juvenile period and 26, 38, 40, 56, 62 - year - old, obesity is your enemy.

  • Leo boy home

Housing should be tonal and bright, is located in the ground or terrain is relatively high, and appropriate distances from the busy streets, capacious sitting room, bedroom.Need to have their own separate room, doors and Windows by northwest north or west to geely.Residential don't beside the road, should have a wide courtyard, ensure adequate use of space, and solemn appearance have tolerance.

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