Gemini boys

  GeminiThe boy character

Gemini boys filled with wisdom, good at thinking, has the strong judgment, to be able to flexibly applied to life wisdom.As a Gemini, you will have a nice, constancy of love, but in your personal life is free, for things like self-centered to people.Only forget the hollowing out of the eyes and not constrained by small things, to face life with a long-term vision.Although everywhere can always make the person feels profile, good at regulating mood, but should pay attention to personality differences in interpersonal relationship.If there are any good opportunities, talents and abilities will be improved, but due to lack of toughness, may miss the opportunity enough to change your life.Gemini boys are volatile and less responsible personality, able to boldly explore the situation is not good at picking up the pieces.

  • Gemini boys pay attention to the point

As a Gemini boy, you are talented, can get the recognition of people, but because of the lack of modest attitude and sense of competition, may delay events, the best cultivate their patience.Immediate interests in handling interpersonal relationship, don't you want to do, to think, overall planning, so will gradually formed a solid sphere of influence.Indecision, no clear goal is your biggest weakness, should learn to lock the target, go forward.

  • Gemini boys career and money

Like to think and study, also very pay attention to methods, but with no toughness, independent enough, not suitable for work in the need of endurance.To sell very talented, but the will give full play to the effect of inferior products, the best choose high quality grade product.Although developing ability, intuitive grasp, if can make full use of this builders of conducting business, will achieve after 30 years of age.

Suitable for the specific vocational education industry, journalism, entertainers, diplomats, salesman, tourism services, designers, athletes, real estate, securities industry, etc.If for the enterprise, can choose trade, advertising, planning, marketing, insurance, securities and so on can play creativity and imagination of the enterprise.Although the mind clear, brilliant, conducting and versatility, but if always, is not careful, it is difficult to achievement.

Fortune's age is 23, 32, 41, 50, 68 years old, is the best in the field of a struggle, until.

  • Gemini boys courtship and marriage

As a Gemini boy, your body also with a childlike innocence, of maternal glorious women would respond.Do you like lively personality, looks lovely women, was a loyal husband, but should pay attention to keep the minds.Everywhere in life, even when you are awayA womanRunning around, also can have many women.Your sensible appearance and full of masculinity in body will lead you to face a variety of temptation, you really has the temperament of a playboy.You nervous, not easy to emotional, lack of compassion, could go into a persecution complex.In the aspect of sex, not only need animal desire, also is keen on skill and change multiterminal, women don't like to feel dull.Owing to the reasonable, it is very hard to vigorous emotions the outbreak of a women, and sometimes or interested.

The idealTo get marriedobjectAquarius:libraFemale, age difference best 4, 5 s, 29 when they encounter the ideal woman.It is advisable to to marry at a mature age, if rushed to avoid cracking in the future.If you want to marry young, need more to listen to the opinions of the relatives and friends around you.

  • Gemini boys health and disease

If life seems fragmented, haphazard, nerve will gradually slow, damage to the health.Excretory system barriers (i.e., hemorrhoids and constipation, etc.) will damage the brain and nerve, so attention should be paid to nervous stomach disease and insomnia, pay attention to avoid excessive intake of drugs and alcohol and tobacco.For Gemini boys, pay attention to the sharp metal, to correct their own neurotic, if want to live a long life, need to insist to do 10 minutes of exercise every day, 10 minutes long nap.

  Gemini boys home

Housing should be located near the dimple, tree-lined, or near the river, the valleys, color best consists of blue, yellow, green.The transportation is convenient, in the urban area, magnificent style and agile.Doors and Windows should be toward the northeast to the east or southeast to the east, it makes you more lucky, you need their own separate room to precipitate his thoughts.

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