Aquarius boys

  ·Aquarius:The boy character

Aquarius boys have keen insight and the true sense, strong sense of justice.With a special focus on the real, don't know by people familiar old habits and rules, easy to extremes, a pure character as a child, regardless of the section, that being pure, very much love to anyone.Nature is pure, but not enough careful and calm, occasionally appear capricious, stubborn willfulness.Character at the same time there are observing and analyzing the rational tendency of things and follow one's inclinations of perceptual tendency, seem to be some unfathomable.

  Aquarius boys, pay attention to the point

Through talents and efforts, the smooth development of the Aquarius boys can get until middle age, but because of the strong self-consciousness, vulnerable to blame or strife.Gentle, but also may get a bad evaluation, is likely to encounter the peach blossom, or lost in a lonely feelings cannot extricate oneself, hastilyTo get married.Although revenue, but because of its high spending, often make ends meet.So for the money, want to with rational attitude.

  Aquarius boys, career and money

The creation of Aquarius men have special talents and cure people's wrist.Do not leave money with, so try not to carry cash, the best converts property to real estate, securities, such as book or collection.Have the opportunity to travel overseas, and will become a work or excellent turn.Aquarius boy destined to self-made, revitalization of the gate, so don't expect my dad for help, and we must establish close relationships and superiors and colleagues.

Suitable for specific profession has a salesman, engineers, designers, programmers, outstanding athletes, service industries, such as the crew free and creative career.If you work in the enterprise, should try to avoid shrinkage within the enterprise, because contact the industry peers, and community outreach or meeting was more suitable for talents.

Fortune's age is 22, 31, 40, 59, on its own business should start after the age of 31.

  Aquarius boys courtship and marriage

Aquarius boys usually precocious, small age began to heterosexual distressing, but the pain is I don't know how to choose happiness.Sometimes moderate character, will be evaluated as "a good person, but a bit to let a person cannot see through".In terms of sex, can control their own sexual desire, not the instinct of extremely impulse or recession.As Aquarius boys, you may tend to early marriage, but if born between 6 PM to 12 PM, it is advisable to try to marry at a mature age.You will not easily to aA womanFall in love, but settled after marry and have children, you will become a good father good husband.Aquarius boys have a bright and cheerful disposition, full of capacity, easy to be happy with intellectual women, if with indifference of women will be suffered many hardships.

The ideal marriage isGeminilibraWomen, are best age four or eight years old or so.Aquarius men's risk of early marriage is bigger, is easy to cause friction in a marriage, so it is advisable to try to marry at a mature age.

  Aquarius boys, health and disease

Aquarius male physique, good environmental adaptability is strong, trim, some sensitive stomach.Easy chest diseases, liver and heart isn't strong enough, the most taboo fatigue, need a thorough rest and aftercare from time to time.

Particular attention should be paid to the age of the disease is 23, 32, 44 and 50, 62 years old, especially should pay attention to the nervous system, digestive system and urinary system.

  Aquarius boys home

Residence shall be the traffic is convenient, angie is open, can fully absorb the wind and the sun, water and electricity supply is good.Located at the top of the mountain is just as well, indoor conditions it doesn't matter, but the surrounding environment should be good, and away from the busy streets.Doors and Windows should be toward to the sse or east-northeast towards, should be spacious living room and study, this will attract luck.

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