Libra boy

  libraThe boy character

Libra men pay attention to the reality, the pursuit of the balance between ideal and reality, have keen PiPanLi and sensitive nerve.Clever, want their outstanding, but the lack of competition ability and pioneering spirit, not calm enough.Introverted cautious, it is suggested that in the future on the things straight, cultivate courage, after establishing clear goals step by step.Although talented, but not good at to paraphrase.A sense of impulsivity, tired of bondage, the desire for freedom is bold and unrestrained life.Good-hearted, entrust to refuse to others, so can friendly exchanges with all kinds of people.Others for their candor, refused to remove the mysterious veil, for no one is willing to share their accomplishments.

  Libra men attention point

Libra boy is good at accumulating property, but always can't spend money on the blade, so avoid carrying cash.Never try to gambling, once obsessed with this, would get into irreparable situation, because in the aspect of love when broken constantly, slow, and affectionate nature, should pay attention to the peach blossom.You pursue outstanding gentleman, strong self-esteem, vanity is very strong, if everything for himself more than others, will bring his curse.

  Libra boy, career and money

Libra boy to respect the peace and harmony, the most suitable career in the noble, is not suitable for career in impurity or incoherent to speak.Not too much noise, or quarrel with people, not in all things and people, disposition gentle, will not be angered by extreme things, trying to maintain peace.Have a spirit of cooperation, can play in the middle of the need to cooperation ability, so would seem to be very active in the community or rally.For libra boy, constantly broaden the horizons, close to have identity status of senior people will be very good, also can succeed with the help of the opposite sex.

Suitable for specific career diplomats, writers, artists, designers, doctors, legal experts, tax accountant, also suitable for tourism and service industries.If at enterprise, suitable for business, trade, general services, such as position, only participate in a variety of organizations and groups can kaiyun, if the joint venture will gain greater success.

Fortune's age is 24, 33, 42, 51, 60 years old (in the stock and real estate will have unexpected harvest).

  Libra boy in love and marriage

Libra men love luck is very good, send out the captureA womanThe charm of heart, always choose among many women.Do you like beauty, for you, the beauty of the value is not only good looks and graceful figure, but also in the breeding and mature lasting appeal.In love, you tend to by feeling, rather than starting from the reality to consider (no resistance to romantic atmosphere).You want to love is romantic and like a dream, good you have the charm of women heart flutter.Can you distinguish clearly spiritual love and physical love, never offered to break up.Harmonious sex life, keen on change, even with the aid of instruments, like touching, but lack of skill.

The most idealTo get marriedThe object isGeminiAquarius:Female, age six years old the following, best considering and age or younger than two or three years old married, or early, to fully listen to advice around.For you to choose from members of the opposite sex very much, so be sure to be discreet, don't rush.

  Libra men health and disease

The body isn't strong enough to withstand the cold, moisture, heat capacity is weak, to avoid overly drink excessive use of food and drugs.

You are a gourmet, excessive intake of nutrition, easily after 25 years old is likely to get fat, so be careful to maintain the body.Should pay attention to the nervous system, kidneys, urinary system diseases and diabetes, as well as allergies and migraine.

  Libra boy home

Housing can be new or the old, but the best overall harmony, the Windows wide, each room arrangement for the center with bathroom.Visit fortune-teller for slope, from the position is more suitable for located in low-lying areas, doors and Windows should be toward the west, or south, interior should have sufficient space.You have a good aesthetic ability, like harmony, so it's best to personally decorate and design.

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