Capricorn girl

  Basic character, Capricorn girl

  CapricornCapricorn girl's personality is conservative, more stubborn, on trivial things wouldn't be careless again, honest kindhearted.As a Capricorn, you have a working chivalrous, face the unjust things can never stand by and have a sense of justice very much.You are not good at controlling their emotions, joys and sorrows fully expressed on the face, is very real.You are honest and stubborn, and like to play, although versatile, but the power of expression, some self-centered.You belong to the character of velvet glove, have self-control ability, able to distinguish good and evil, sometimes express emotions like men.Do you have a strong sense of responsibility, but if too strict to own life, will make oneself in the tired, lead to hysteria, so should be reasonably adjust life.

  Efforts to

Extreme reality, even the dream and reality.Capricorn will be lifelong efforts to achieve their goals, often have to make the people around.Is typical of hard work.

  Aizeng clear

Hate frivolous people, as long as found each other even if a little is not enough and agile, can produce a sense of contempt.

  Behind the leader

Honest, compelling enough, but it has a strong drive.Your words will produce the absolute authority.


Once what he believed vilified, docile will disappear.Should learn to listen to the opinions of others.

  Reliability of hundred

Never don't follow the conventions or betray a friend.Communication range, though not wide, but friends are friends.


"Anyway, people like me..."May be it is your pet phrase, remember to change this negative point of view, should be in a positive enthusiastic attitude in the face of life.


Although there is no power, but the staying power is very strong.This power will never have any less before reach the goal.Long distance marathon type.

  Too honest

You is a typical type of learning committee member.Although can get the teacher or boss's favor, but it will be cold by their peers.Should develop informal side.


Face the jubilation, constantly noisy friends, you will light "hum!"Disapprovingly with a glimpse, in fact heart is full of envy, sometimes hesitate whether to change its character grasp the discretion.Often because of surface pressure.

  A lie

You may say "never use lies to deceive others, but in fact, in order to maintain their own self-esteem, sometimes involuntarily tell lies.


Childhood have a habit of biting her fingernails, like ripping thing when he grows up.


Although with rigid, inflexible impression to the person, but to love a man's hand to cook with happiness.

  Fall in love

As long as you like, you will like it hot.As long as a flash an idea thinks he is a good man, will soon be thoroughly.


In front of close friends was very gentle.Serious moment disintegrated, if you are not familiar with your people to see this scene will be shocked to say "oh, my gosh!The original is such a person..."And so moved.


Body type belongs to the vulnerability of children.Is the partial short, small bones, a lot of Capricorn will feel psychological pressure.The skin delicate, but the color of skin slants black.Even so, but in the orthodox costumes and will become a gorgeous beauty.Be weak body, should pay attention to not more than the body burden.Resistance is weak, the body slants cool.An enviable is not easy to get fat, no matter how to eat, weight will not change.Because the stomach, many capricorns have the condition of gastroptosis symptoms and malabsorption.Susceptible to bone and skin diseases, so attention should be paid to fracture, low back pain and skin diseases.Once suffer from this kind of disease, can with it for a long time.Afraid of cold, had better put on a thick winter clothes in winter.

  Capricorn girl, pay attention to the point

Capricorn, Capricorn girl have a keen ability to think, can develop their own logic, but if too deep could cause autism, so you need to cultivate openness in their life.As a Capricorn, you have to get involved in the risk of sudden accident, don't be too deeply in the face of life, should learn to enjoy life, with a more open attitude in the face of others, improve in all aspects of yourself, don't interfere in other people's things.

  Capricorn girl, career and money

Capricorn, Capricorn girl social good, able to explore the fate in the process of sacrifice to make full use of dedication to become the pillars of the society.As a Capricorn, you have a good career, but don't expect the leap type development, as long as an honest down-to-earth along, will get around to help.From your social view, only an expert can talents, so do not pay attention to too much money, but to put the emphasis on fame or power.Some people will early marriage,To get marriedAlso must hold to take part in social activities, after the formation of harmonious interpersonal relations, so as to give her husband a helping hand.You honest steady, is not suitable for work in the need to speed or new ideas.

Suitable for the specific profession has to play dedication nanny, volunteer workers, politicians, nurses, educators, bank staff, radio news media workers.

Fortune's age is 26, 35 and 44, 53, 62 - year - old, never involved in speculative career or business.

  • Capricorn girl fall in love and marriage

Capricorn, Capricorn girl hope encounter a sincere partner, enjoy the ordinary happiness in ordinary life.As a Capricorn, you to the opposite sex curiosity far more than the average man, but the inner calm, can't try the usual love game.Sometimes enjoy alone, looking forward to the maternal love, kindness, rich the milk of human kindness.When their favorite people express emotion, although they were filled with joy, but it will make the opposite action surface.Love luck is not good enough, the first love and the possibility of success is slim, some people love, would be in immoral or remain single life.Sex, keen perception of space and time has strong adaptability, so as long as the atmosphere is suitable for, will take a very bold action.The vast majority of Capricorn, Capricorn girl belong to the Stoic, but as long as the product to the feeling, will be completely addicted to it.Don't like with sexual atmosphere, after marriage will be a typical "my fair lady, some women suffer from sexy deficit disorder.

The ideal marriage isTaurusvirgoMale, 36 years old when they encounter the most ideal of men.

  Capricorn girl's health and disease

Whenever you are youthful, healthy state of ideal, as long as you don't get fat, can live a long time.The skin exquisite and beautiful, but has little resistance to allergic diseases and to the digestive and reproductive systems are weaker.

Particular attention should be paid to the disease's age is 24, 33, 45, 62 years old, if marry at a mature age birth has great risks.

  Capricorn girl's house

Housing should make full use of the beauty of nature, and warm in winter and cool in summer.Is a bad place to live in a noisy place, you should choose is quiet beautiful places or four seasons change obviously.Doors and Windows should be toward the south or east to, it will bring luck, to maintain family harmony happiness.

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