Virgo girls

  virgoGirl's basic character

Personality, a strong sense of self and sharp criticism, sensitive nerve, will identify and balanced as a life creed.To make a decision after not easily retreat, don't want to throw in the towel, because of the high self-esteem few bosom friends.You have been helped people experience betrayal, sometimes by the more nice more deeper betrayal.You are a cool lady, but there is a strong tendency of hysteria, on trivial things will also be bothersome querulous and nervousness.Strong critical spirit, but shy, and people will easy to produce fatigue, this is also the performance of the fragile nerves.There is a strong spirit of adventure and curiosity to explore new knowledge, but the lack of pioneering spirit and competition consciousness, lack of the ability of bold attempt.

  The girl of forever

Both in appearance and heart, like girl pure feeling.

  Critical spirit

Character is not enough careful, like to directly say their views, this is very bad for you.Many people were hurt by what you say.


Accustomed to high standards to do every thing, and feel the pleasure of life.Meticulous when cleaning, learning hard work, the most enviable is also have good luck.

  Persecution paranoia (delusion of persecution)

Similar to the tragedy of the heroine, because nervous will always isn't worth mentioning the small things to heart.

  Strong-willed, insist on your idea

You are recognized as sharp mind, man of sharp observation.The thought is agile, superior judgement.


Like cleaning, cleaning and washing to achieve highly purified.Even refused to touch inside the trolley handle, refused to shake hands.This need to improve as soon as possible.


Clever, there is a will, in one instance, particularly clever.All virgos have this ability.

  Top student

From infancy wise, learning seriously, is typical of the top students.Can be exclusive to the teacher's pet, but also can make people disgusted.Yet this tendency.


Since the introverted, his character not confident, always think that "I can't".Should remove the typical top students face, happily playing with my friends.Also, is to don't come in front of, should be reasonably with people.

  A lie

Think that the person must not sinister mean, so don't lie, but a tendency to attack others to protect themselves.Have a pair of sharp eyes, especially good at see through the lies of others.


After entering the teahouse immediately or paper napkin to wipe the table.If you are a virgo friends, should write to her or postcards as often as possible.


When completed the task well, study of professional fields, or quietly reading will be happy.


Due to the talented, to do anything like, game is no exception.A firm to buy guessing magazine every week, do one of the puzzle game.Due to dabble in a wide range of knowledge, guessing is a piece of cake for you.See mystery novels, can quickly find the prisoner, usually didn't read in the middle will be pointed out that "this is the prisoner."Ten to one would guess.


As a virgo, you totally unnecessary worry about curve contour.Your body is beautiful, permeated with the charm of women.Chest full of elasticity, slender legs, hair pitch-black shine.Face, while compelling enough, comely but person, through the intelligent.When in good health can absorb various nutrition, but once has the mental pressure, stomach problems arise.You are not easy to get fat type.Susceptible to neurological gastritis and colitis, with easy to produce psychological pressure, do not be too hard on yourself.Many virgo will also suffer from diarrhoea and constipation, should pay attention to diet, to prevent the body produces a large number of stagnant air.Body is not timely, by changing diet and environment to recuperate more than drugs.

  Virgo girls pay attention to the point

If making secret, camouflage to lie or saving money, for example, will be met with or produce loss, when the attention.Always want to find their own contradiction and thoroughly the root cause of the error, if excessive, would get into autism or suffering from neurosis, also should proceed carefully.You are not satisfied with the realistic idealist, want to live in a dream, but life is not a joke, away from fantasy into reality is the rational choice.

  Virgo girls, career and money

Unable to forget the past memories, comply with the order, to the meticulous work, personality is very careful and meticulous.Don't allow any negative and irrational, everything demand perfection, is conservative and stubborn.Good comments, criticism and satire, had better choose to play the advantages of professional.Thinking and study, brains turn faster, talented, but easily depressed when other people's criticism, and resilient enough, although can get the boss's favor, but also bring hatred.

Suitable for specific professional pharmacists, nurses, writer, educators, artists, financial professionals, engineers, etc., relative to the linked to money, more suitable for have the honorary status or service industry.

Fortune's age is 32, 41 and 50.With money, suitable for learning or art.

  • virgo girls in love and marriage

In the teen years, will be through interaction between the partners, exchange gifts, or with letters and deep sense of satisfaction.As a virgo, your chastity idea relatively conservative, think virginity to your husband, andTo get marriedIs the result of love.Keep the super and pure heart of girl, however, sympathetic to the person I love, is not easy in premarital sex.In sex due to have a thorough knowledge of the shy psychology, also don't want to bare their in front of her husband, even thinkTo make loveIs the male exclusives.Suitable for late marriage, if it's relatives introduced is ever moment, do you have in the danger of immoral love, so want to take note.You should work with intellectual, male of the educated, have grade, if the man like stable life, you will be very happy.

The ideal marriage isTaurusScorpioMale, age 5 s best, if the person is the same age or younger than he will make you tired.Relative to lean, slightly fat people are more suitable for you.23, 32, will encounter the most ideal male, suggest you chooseA blind dateMarriage.

  Virgo girls health and disease

Natural restoring force is strong, this will help you live longer, but for some symptoms of an allergic reaction may cause side effects.Attention should be paid to the digestive system, fallopian tubes, uterus, bladder disease, only keep sex nerve and relax in the brain can live longer.

Particular attention should be paid to the disease's age is 24, 30, 42, 54, 60 years old, should pay special attention to my blood pressure.

  Virgo girls house

Is suitable for the residential, elegant quiet, don't dye dust should have capacious sitting room and kitchen, it is best to have their own separate room.Is far away from the bustling downtown, the best is located in the place where the river or trees, should be able to protect personal privacy.Doors and Windows southwest towards the northwest by west or south is geely, vulgar style is bad for your mental health.

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