Sagittarius boys

  SagittariusThe boy character

Sagittarius men refuse to bondage, yearning freedom, understand their own ideal and goal in life, in a planned way, has a strong personality.On tiny details of a small matter to penetrative, and open-minded tolerance, easy to be a leader in the group.Adhere to the "comes to the net, who don't chase," the principle, but I don't forgive to criticism of his people.Sagittarius men feel keenly, animal reflex developed, with sound judgment, early rising.Has a strong independent spirit, will be full of twists and turns, but personal career only together to struggle and the people around, focus time and energy, to achieve something.Optimist Sagittarius boys are full of humor, often have a whim, but emotional ups and downs, the lack of staying power and toughness.

  • Sagittarius boys pay attention to the point

Sagittarius boy talented, will be able to develop a career at a young age, but if rushed or complacency, also can appear mistakes, be sure to take note.Because of the intense, whether for good or bad has a persistent, need for homemade his feelings.Better fortunes around, occasionally a small harvest, but once in trouble, will ruin, remember this.

  Sagittarius men, career and money

Do pay attention to methods, worldly wise, can self-reliance with the help of the people around easily, but before the age of 35 career ups and downs is bigger.You know book, easy to gain the respect of colleagues, in broad, know a lot about overseas linguistics, geography and economy.No matter in which field, you will be have the characters of individual character, destined to own in the social life, a leadership ability, create a brilliant life.Although there is a strong personality, but the lack of flexibility, feelings straightforward, sometimes people use or complain.

Suitable for specific professional artists, diplomats, lawyers, trade, industry, sports industry, tourism and service industry needs leadership ability and creative ability of profession, if for the enterprise, can choose planning, publicity, business, foreign related business, such as competition or production site for dynamic, wide range, have certain discretion of the department.

Fortune's age is 21, 30 and 49, 58 years old, if engaged in securities, real estate, horse racing, and other industries, accidentally get considerable income.

  • Sagittarius men fall in love and marriage

Sagittarius boys love freedom, optional and directness.Has a strong social ability, even meet for the first time for you.Born with a bright and cheerful disposition and articulate will give you a chance to romantic relationship with a number of the opposite sex, but because not enough careful, sometimes causing serious mistakes.It is desirable to your lover and her husband, but as a result of exclusion, have a passion for freedom, may be a celibate.Open on the sexual freedom, but does not allow each other sexual freedom, all self-centered.About sex itself, which do you prefer the process and the atmosphere, only produce conquer feeling, will feel satisfied.After marriage will be passionate lovers, but it is hardly a model husband.

The most idealTo get marriedThe object isAriesLeoFemale, age difference best two or three years old or 11, 12 years old, marry at a mature age than early marriage is more suitable for you.30 years old when they encounter the most ideal of the opposite sex, only and active, good at communication and gentle women family will be happy.You are keen to play, sometimes will be a family person, like to sleep.

  Sagittarius men health and disease

Because the metabolism active, energetic, able to keep the balance of human body system, but due to the pace of life is not reasonable, easy to cause the liver and respiratory disorders.Unrestrained and irregular life and hobbies such as alcohol and tobacco, coffee taste of excessive intake may influence of health after the age of 40.

Particular attention should be paid to the age of the disease is 25, 31, 43, 56, neurological diseases and urinary system diseases should be paid attention to.

  Sagittarius boy home

Housing should be located in place can fully enjoy the sun and the wind, look from the geographical position is more suitable for low areas.Best choice on the outskirts of vision, easy to take a walk, away from the busy streets.Should have broad courtyard and sitting room, the window wide, doors and Windows to WSW towards best.

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