Libra girl

  libraGirl's basic character

Libra girl is well balance the ideal and the reality of a relativist, a stable personality, can calm observation, careful operation.You firmly defend their own ideal, but don't want to risk for practice or competition, there should always keep the average level.You love peace, full of sense of justice, but the emotional nurturing swallowed, do not form of potential, and strong enough, a sense of indecision.Creed is harmony and balance your life, you also the pursuit of excellence, with a hope more than in all the ways in which the vanity of others.Good at sense motive, brilliant, is to cater to other people's mood, jealous and possessive.Mild character uprightness, has a strong social ability and high prestige, but due to a lack of flexibility, attitude be blunt, sometimes in loneliness.

  Social skills

And anyone can easily.Like to play, many friends.At the same time is welcomed by male colleagues and the female colleague, always surrounded by people living in.

  Slow to type

The most hate hard work or ideas.Hope "surrounded by neat and beautiful things, like immersed in the dream.


Natural elegance.This elegant incomparable charm make you send out other women.


Due to people's favorite, so a lot of people know you.Many people would produce "if I can become the friend with her, it would be great...The idea of "and so on.But you wont make waves, although very popular, but also attract a lot of complaints.


You are good and bad, right and wrong to distinguish clearly the reason, is often held up as mediate disputes or solve problems.

  Charming attitude

Hate pain and loneliness, is always to choose the road, when in trouble won't go forward, with only want to taste the sweet and charming attitude lazy life.

  Superior aesthetic feeling

Like the beautiful things.To the clothing has very good taste, can very quickly understand the latest fashion trends.

  I did it my way

Have a good cooperation spirit, the stubborn will be returned home, follow one's inclinations.Both preparing meals, cleaning, and washing clothes, will certainly push for her to do.


In life can maintain happy state of mind, so there is very little pressure.But when your ability is not approved, or their own eloquence is not appreciated, will feel the pressure.

  Love the flaws in

Not confident, active and actively.But it's not because there is no love feeling, but because they don't know where he exactly good.It is necessary to think about what they need most.


If walking by the window always glancing at his reflection in the above figure, or hands his loins posing carefully studied.


Was surrounded by so many friends to play sound when they feel most happiness.Have a lover, if in the advanced western restaurant and lovers in the romantic atmosphere of the drink red wine, will produce happiness.


Libra smile world-beater, like angel general bright attractive, the smile is not only unique, and very gentle.Because face handsome, also welcomed by children.Cry of the children come to your arms will immediately be glad.


In terms of shape of "Venus" is refers to a libra.You attractive, always a bright.But as a libra girl, you might always be bothered by too plump hips.The facial outline is clear, you have temperament, wherever he goes is the object of attention.Body appears to be weak, but very healthy.If the diet life without law, may cause damage to the skin.There is always diarrhea, not good at drinking, after drinking or physical condition deteriorated rapidly.As long as pay attention to diet, naturally heal disease, but if we don't follow the rules of the body, easy to suffer from kidney disease or diabetes.In addition, because your body is cold, should pay attention to the urinary system diseases.

  Libra girl, pay attention to the point

You have not abide by the contract and the shortcoming of weak concept of time, be sure to efforts to correct, sometimes you capricious and stubborn will bring their losses.You are of a hopeless romantic, compared with the results more attention to process, not enough firm, total want to bother to many members of the opposite sex problems.You pursuit of excellence, serious when defiant, arrogant impression to the person, so to cultivate the virtues of modesty and humility.

  Libra girl, career and money

You are introverted, only make the character of the negative side and positive side of a balance, can will be developed to get incisively and vividly.You always wander in the world of the dream and reality, but as long as there is faith, we will be able to obtain broad prospects for career or position.Relative to the money, you pay more attention to reputation and grade, so avoid impurity and unregulated occupations.

Suitable for specific professional artists, designers, chemists, nurses, teachers, service industries, beautician, insurance company employees, etc.If the pioneering or husband and wife jointly together with others will receive unexpected success.

Fortune's age is 24, 33, 42, 51, 60 years old, married to continue to participate in social activities is beneficial to mental health.We need cooperation to remember, in work, easy to play to you.

  Libra girl, love and marriage

You send out the charm of the terrifying, temperament elegant, the pursuit of a profoundly earnest and sincere love.No resistance to the wonderful atmosphere, easy to fall into temptation, but due to the practical character, not in too deep, in the heart wanders.22 years old will experience no fruit of love, really understand the opposite sex, become trueA woman.Suggest you try to avoid dimly lit cosy atmosphere, you will meet many entanglements between men and women, so make yourself my own way of life.You are educated, pay attention to courtesy, dignified handsome men will get your first love, but if there is no future or economic capacity, you and he will be rejected.In terms of sexual freedom, "and when they are in loveTo get marriedAre two different things, "is your belief.You like self-centered, when enjoy love taste, it is hard to understand to let each other and enjoy together is the real meaning of love.

The ideal marriage isGeminiAquarius:Male, 24 years old when they encounter the most ideal of men.A blind dateMarriage than free love marriage is more suitable for you, to early cautious attitude should be taken.

  Libra girl, health and disease

Bodies are not strong enough, is sensitive to temperature changes, the risk of obesity because of excessive intake of nutrition.Allergic disease should be paid attention to and discharge system, reproductive system diseases, absolutely not an overdose of drugs.

The secret of longevity is regularly life, prone to disease's age is 25, 34, 43, 55, 67 years old.

  Libra girl's house

Overall harmony is a precondition for house, the window wants bounty, daylighting is better, bedroom, bathroom and kitchen are spacious.From the position relative to the slope, low-lying areas more beneficial, if yard wide, tree-lined, is the best choice.Doors and Windows face to the west or south to geely, design or choose color, if done by the luck will come.

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