Leo life principles

  LeoLaw of life

Lion charming qualities bright and easy, informal section, heroism wide mad, it is not preoccupied with things, is the most energetic moment.

The lion character sketch the son of the sun

He have coils of hair, long claws, looks gentle, kind and brilliant so, he thought, should respect him a little..Leo people are always in carelessly between reveal the temperament of the majestic demeanor, and hope that all eyes were focused on him, this is the case, however, who don't like the warmth of the sun?

The dark side of the lion

Leo needs a unique to their 24-hour channel, whereby they can only reach for two seconds ambitions, as long as to achieve the goal, to let them enough.No cronies lion a fart sound like a stuffy in the pan.Lions like to wander everywhere we go,Them all the way on the pursuit of the more wit, the more air.The lion hated anyone who more beautiful than they.All the lions can have what they want, and excluding all costs and consequences.Must not be any authority to the lion, he would feel obligated to abuse the authority, although they only beans as a brain the size of a point and no aesthetic feeling, but they are very good at of the wind.

The lion Achilles' heel vanity

To joke about this constellation, advise you remember readyescapeBridges, and the easiest way to seduce them take the bait, is someone has a crush on him, and tell them this package would make him happy for a whole day.As for how to end the joke, but have to see you in the work force.

The lion in love tale that don't deserve I have?But I think should be a little chance.

The lion self-analysis are you looking at me, actually I also like to see me.

Yellow, red lion color elves

A king of Leo, it is need to heat and light.So, a full of heat energy, a happy and lively red and yellow, became a Leo performance stage, is to support a Leo can fully play the positive energy of people can not lack of color.However, yellow with red, orange, Leo people should be aware that your ever arrogance, and sometimes depend on the novel beloved stage, that will not allow others to show or go to have a rest.Want to know, you are very need of the audience, to play a more selfless love.

Leo woman

None of the lion is willing to be left out, the lion in the crowd, there is always a little different.Luxuriant nobility, sometimes difficult to close to the queen;Sometimes lively and funny, like a wayward little princess.Leo woman is always long not bigThe little girlA word of praise can made her dizzy.They like leading the generous to the person,, a little elder sister of the vehemence of the head.Impatient and warm, like the weak economic help.Leo's enthusiastic with a point of oppressive feeling, can't help you don't talk to her.Leo is easy to identify, the love beautiful, is she likes to lead others.Hear the praise, thrilled, overwhelming, also must be her.Free threw out zhang xiaoyan, Jacqueline Kennedy style!

In office jungle, if you are careful enough, the popular, transaction is busy, know yourself, have fun, quite generous to his friendsA womanTen to one, is a female lion.Try to close to her, she absolutely be loved for the friend, obvious pride and arrogant, sometimes unconsciously hurt others' self-esteem in speech, her noble elegant demeanour, make you feel as though her pride is taken for granted.You smell of her generous enthusiasm and exaggerated body movements, had no difficulty to recognize her, generous, optimistic, have a sense of humor and laughter. Ha ha, bobbing in the company of women, lavishly (not coarse hands rough feet, please recognize a lion brand), the lion!Praise words is her love to feast on fat.You meet her excesses of instinct.

Leo man

Leo is ruled by the sun, because such, the star man with elan of majestic demeanor, quite has the leadership, informal personality needs, there are weak and lifted the spirit of lean.Leo male people treat everyone equally and fairly warm, but people often can only see the Leo man and they get along the surface of the relationship.Actually, Leo is belong to the cat, the cat is quite keen, so Leo heart also has its delicate side.

However, it is worth noting that perhaps some people not so appreciate the enthusiasm of the Leo, but they did not notice, and continue in this way to people.In addition, the Leo man is too subjective, difficult to adopt others, if anyone should not obey the he would get his displeasure, therefore, suitable for Leo men women have the following two categories:

The first kind of strong, losing ground with him, have ideal goal, broad mind, can fight with him, to dream together.

The second can gentle treats him, comfort him, when he out from the front, the most eager to safe haven, can flexible to persuade his women, the women can let him know when to ChaNaYaYan, accept the opinions of others, she is smooth, strong-minded.If right now, your partner or your dream man is Leo, remember that don't correct it in front of all his or correcting him, must be reserved for him face and self-esteem, when two people alone, committee wan to persuade him again.Remember that for a Leo, you give him, he will return you 3 points.

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