Capricorn life principles

  Capricorn life principles

Capricorn attractive traits, stable, reliable, sincere, do things into, melodramatic, to the matter to have the enthusiasm of the collect inside a.

Capricorn personality sketch against authority, and thinks the authorities

Like the quiet in the cornerThe spider, always lie quietly in the corner, it don't have to chase the moths insects, and insects would trap, in any place, can progress to carry out you can find him.In can promote breast aspiring occasions, you can find him.He is like a bee, most concerned about work, in addition to work, or work.

Capricorn Capricorn as simple as dark sideThe dead.They just want to possess, control and avoid what they know every one of us.Capricorn is always between open and close, they pretended to be angry and want to win more, ownership and control is in the condition of open;When they stood quietly chew all rushed him to the reproach of men, is in the off state.Capricorn about money or drugs is also shifting between open and close.They prefer not to be used, and enjoy the needs of the rejected in any form.Capricorn never indulged in anything, they cool.Must not be allowed when the police Capricorn: they are criminals.

(by Capricorn Achilles' heel fame and wealthThe zodiac/astro/Provide)

Don't often tell jokes Capricorn is worthy of the name "grim", might be to use a promotion or transcripts of lies to fool him such as when the model is the most effective, just in the face of the better they have packed up, but otherwise the gentleman revenge decade not night oh!

Capricorn love monogatari feel a little bit, a little don't want to, can love, can not love.

Capricorn self-analysis there is no free lunch.

Capricorn colors red, purple

Cold alienated Capricorn, like most emphasized logical and reasonable, especially the argumentative and the spirit of hard to argue, often made of a daunting.However, down-to-earth style of work, how many back some respect and accept it.Foot on the ground, therefore, make the work of red energy, the purple energy and good at thinking and learning, is the colour of Capricorn energy.A little more red can help Capricorn person out of your world, and have the courage to face challenges of the outside world, more can strengthen the function of the performance of building body, looks good really many.

Capricorn woman

Capricorn is not conspicuous in the crowd, they quiet, their life like ducks paddling, silent and cultivated, but along with the age increasing, the results are increasingly clear, they know what they want.To recognize the Capricorn woman need to touch.They live a simple life, when there are few gaffes.The easiest way to identify their place, is the general manager of the presence of the meeting, you see a wear conservative fastidious, speech interesting and pertinent female child, a humble silent at ordinary times, that's her.

Comb a dressed in a suit, relaxed and clean, the traditional long straight hair, wearing a natural wool, or cotton, linen and silk fabric texture is strong, so classic and elegantA woman, in a friend's birthday party, it's so inconspicuous.Not too perverse dress has composed temperament, at first glance is wet behind is not deep, like a pair of cold light, she is conservative and boring?You were cheated!Capricorn woman didn't want to will reveal the truth to actually, rigorous and depression is to hide his own weakness.She spent most of time to adapt to the environment, the man to identify from her eyes, because in Capricorn women appearance of cold is coated with strong passion, the quiet face, eye is like, on the one hand is to her, she is looking at the strange surroundings, on the one hand, is she waiting for someone to find her, good to open her mouth, her heart.After, she awakened, strong emotions, the joys and sorrows of positive reaction she looks quiet, in fact heart already dull to panic!

Capricorn men

There is a calm and wise mind.An ability to work.Her words, though few, but a sense of humor.Ambitious, think they may one day can in the above all.If really can try to implement, will be very not got.Tolerance, even if the burden is not back to go forward.Too great!There is a close appearance.Please don't frown again?Expression ability is poor, I want to, even conveyed by half.

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