Pisces constellation symbol meaning

  PiscesSigns of the zodiac symbol meaning

Ruling planet Jupiter, Neptune

Main characteristics: warm and affectionate, soft sensitive than tears out-of-touch dream angel

Pisces zodiac symbols meaning:

Pisces zodiac symbols are two crescent-shaped arc, in the middle by a straight line together with them, looks like two tied to fish, a upstream, the other is to the downstream, completely the opposite, because in the middle of the line is linked together, no matter how hard, the result still can't separation, but let oneself exhausted, the contradiction of unceasingly, is clearly points out the dual personality of Pisces born

Constellation Pisces: belongs to change, and water sign (February 19 ~ March 20) :

Pisces two patron saint of Jupiter and Neptune and Jupiter represents the growth and thrive, contains the mental, emotional, and physical and psychological, influences the Pisces woman with smart, generous and magnanimous and capricious, extravagant waste characteristics, its features and Neptune, like ocean, corrosive is difficult to calm, but high plasticity, adaptable, with a charity, willing to sacrifice, rich perceptual characteristics, so the Pisces woman is very sensitive and emotional signs of the zodiac.

Pisces woman care about other people's thoughts and feelings, they will unconsciously absorb friends around the outpouring of thoughts and feelings, thus has produced a Pisces woman inherent contradictions and conflicts, and sometimes also can appear the tendency of self-indulgence, they generally have no strong willpower, although they are also very want to get things right, well done, but because of lack of willpower, Pisces woman is hard to resist the impact of external factors.

For Pisces woman, they decided to one thing that you can't change, is very difficult, to be a Pisces woman for the rest of your life a simplistic, normalization rules of rigid life, it is in play jokes on them, because she often allow yourself to inexplicably wonderful dilemma, shall be investigated for the biggest cause, Pisces woman is too kind, the relationship between Pisces woman always to think of "person" too good, the result often suffer, so would trouble constantly find them.

Dual personality, warm and generous Pisces woman:

Pisces woman's charm, a sense of humor and compassion, often for they bring a lot of people dream of a good opportunity, but a Pisces woman kind, gentle in nature, may let them get into the habit, often makes it a good chance to helplessly slip from the fingers, Pisces woman this problem often than their efficient people unbearable, but according to a Pisces woman born of dual personality to analyze, in fact, as long as they wish, they can become really and effectively.

Pisces woman usually have not selfish, enthusiasm and dedication, cute they are willing to sacrifice for others around their own people, they are eager to contact and into a different life, so the Pisces woman take this feeling, translated into people from various different life zeal and gentle, so a Pisces woman for those they love, trust, people's faults, it is very blind, sometimes with this is to turn a blind eye.

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