Dream of the end of the world

Dream of the end of the world is what mean?Dream dreamed that the end of the world?Dream of the end of the world have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the detailed solution of dream of the end of the world.

Dream of the end of the world

Dream of the end of the worldThat you will be able to complete the planned work, if you seem to be appointed, also hope to be able to escape punishment;If not, your job will fail.

Young woman dreamed that he appear in the trial stage, heard her convictions, said she would to a friend because of the selfish and dishonest behavior bring misfortune and sorrow.

If she dreamt that the deceased slowly stood up, all of them, in the solemn and fear to wait for the final result means she must continue to work hard struggle.Her friends don't give her help;This dream also indicated that nasty gossip, there is likely to be about your scandal;, there is no improvement in my career.

Dream ofThe end of the worldThe case analysis

Description: dream a dream and I two people sit in the spacecraft, they suddenly by pressing a button, as a result, in addition to the us, everything on earth.My boyfriend and I had saw the two men in the magazine.When we walked out of the spaceship, we is located in the great lakes of Michigan.(female, 26)

Resolution: dream into the image of the "doomsday" suggests that a feeling of powerlessness.You may feel helpless, feel some pressure from life or work can't afford to, so you want to free from the daily duties.Dream you and your boyfriend, your friend survived in the destruction of the earth, and these people are symbol of your support system.

Dream of the end of the world

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