Dream time

Dream time is what mean?Dream dream time, ok?Dream of have reality and the influence of reaction time, also the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dream time the detailed solution.

Dream time

Dream dream of time, or the bell, usually symbolize a sense of urgency, and reminds you to focus on the right place.

Dreamed that he was looking at the time that the dreamer work is very busy, a lot of transaction or communication, presage a will win the time, but also to win success.

Businessman dream of watching time, suggests that the concept of time is strong, to win customers trust.

Students dream of watching time that cherish the time, suggesting that will get good grades.

Time dream of others are watching, suggesting that he was very busy, there is no need to bother.

Dream time of case analysis

Dream description: last night dreamt he was at the time, the result that clock seems to have no batteries, just freeze in 12: : the appearance of five, don't go, I remember especially clear, do you have what mean?

Dream parsing: recently, feel very powerless, feel what all don't want to do?Time frames, means that without progress, the 12 point actually is coincidence with zero, meaning that is the beginning and end, then after 12 o 'clock is another new start, this shows that the matter has not good progress in start-up, the things you have to think about it, because if the power is insufficient, is to find a way to retrieve the power, if is impossible for it to stop earlier.Recommended stop this thing.

Psychological hint: recently there are important things afraid miss?

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