Dream of a car accident

Dream of traffic accident is what mean?Dream dream car accident?Dream car accident have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of accident detailed solution.

Dream car accident _ duke of zhou interprets dream car accident what is meant by the dream to dream car accident is good _ _ duke of zhou interprets website

Dream of a car accident, on the one hand, you will be confronted with danger, or damage to property, etc., on the other hand, may also indicate that you will be very sick.

Dreaming that I am sitting out of the trainA car accident, suggesting that the stability of the life circle of friends, relatives, may be some accident, or hurt, also reveal the dreamer to accidents at ordinary times is very concerned about.

Businessman dreaming that I am on the train accident, suggesting that you should pay attention to local competitors in the market place.

marriedA womanDreamed that he had a car accident, may suggest that her husband will be in an accident, or abandoned by her husband.

Dream of others in an accident, indicates the relationship will deal with it well.

Dream of my fatherAccident, means father body is very healthy.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: when the dream of an accident, need to be careful, that bodes ill for the unfortunate things happen.Sometimes, the dream represents the real life, when you travelDriving a carTake extra care when or white-water rafting.

Psychology analysis: dream of an accident, have evil things happen.

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