Taurus men defect list

Taurus men defect list

Taurus man:Taurus: pragmatic don't understand romantic, stubborn, but I don't think so, lewd, lazy, sluggish, flexibility, lack of innovation, the lack of spirit of adventure and it is dull, conservative, inferiority "chichikov old man" type, self-indulgence, irritability, zhenyi, jealous.

Taurus men defect list _ the zodiac

Taurus man:

Narrow-minded, selfish, Taurus men mean not materially, mean love bear grudges.

What if other people hurt he will keep that in mind, even if it is not intentional.

Mouth bad, lack of action, a bit belong to visionaries.

The ink, ink, the ink is no words.

Taurus men very curtilage ah, most basic is the sort of in the house to the death, in addition to the computer game film food look for the sort of.

Sometimes too weak, by feeling injury is stuffy in the heart, it is easy to shake, don't mind eating grass back rekindling type.

To forget the old flame who knows how hard it is, but old mouth shut like dead ducks.

Tolerance is very strong, most of the time is a good Sir, but he has tolerated if need, he also will have erupted.

It seems not very romantic, don't like the sister superior ram, passion is not enough, steadfast and pursue the quiet type.

Is color, but not the kind head only SEX, a bit of color heart have no desire for SEX.(The zodiac /astro/)

The two extremes, one is moral quite strong not messing around, and one for the whole confuse don't care other people's feelings.

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