A Pisces woman defect list

A Pisces woman defect list

Pisces: like daydreaming, do not stand firm, fantasy reality can't distinguish, sentimental pessimistic disappointment, don't understand refused, ambiguity, mood swings too fast acting too strong, is not subject to personal control, great, insecure, easy state of hysteria, self-delusion.

Pisces: the ultimate all inclusive.

Pisces girls looking for in a relationship if there is a problem will continue to settle for second best, as long as can let both sides can maintain relationships between, she can come up with a lot of weird and special way, let others breathtaking even emotional world company she can tolerate and accept it.

A Pisces woman defect list _ the zodiac

Pisces love defect list: make love when the bread. (The zodiac /astro/)

Pisces girl is only love.Believe that the vast majority of Pisces female in hours, had countless fantasy yourself in love,To get marriedAfter the life, and these imagined images are gentle charming, never stopped in the fuel oil life trivial things.Grew up, in order to pursue looking forward to for a long time, idealized love, will a Pisces woman ferociously for giving up everything.Whether their academic, career or family, Pisces female brain hot, will abandon all ignore.But it really good?Want to know after marriage, the two will be together for life, is to squeeze to work to make money to live under one roof.If for love rather than the cause, relationship happiness again in front of him, and how is it possible for a long time?

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