Virgo man defect list

Virgo man defect list

virgoLike:eggsPick bone, asked too much so that critical, anal, like making a fuss, inflexible and difficult to please, save for a rainy day, obsessive compulsive disorder, self-esteem is too strong, lack of confidence, contradiction between xiaodujichang, purity, and lewd, abdomen black.

Virgo man defect list _ the zodiac

Virgo man:

As is known to all, finicky, cleanliness.

Even if no physical cleanliness also have spiritual cleanliness, some virgo man is serious to taboo others take his bed with his things, or go to his house have to wear disposable slippers and so on.

Part of the virgo man inward to the other people all dare not speak to them quickly, the rest is normal.

Will loose hair nerve, for a while, to you and scold you, a very small eye, narrow-minded.

Very bothersome, tube, but is not the kind of pipe, control you but they are too careful, you will think you side with a grandmother.

Then quiet devotion to you feel scared, appeared what problem between you two, he was entangled with infinite, repeatedly ask yourself or ask their friends, "said she what you think?How did that happen?I was not good enough?Why?".

Too strict, strict to oneself, to others also demanding, sometimes really can't stand, feeling gloomy.(The zodiac /astro/)

Virgo man, do you want to pursue perfect, so perfect, perfect how beautiful.

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