Sagittarius men defect list

Sagittarius men defect list

Sagittarius: hate being bound, contradiction, weak, lack of self-control, spirit, don't listen to your advice, flower heart, easy to indulge gambling and gaming, reading the face to make you under the table, like I did it my way, than be disciplined by others, the heart is very thick, beyond the principle of Sagittarius will become abnormal persistent, nothing like ramble, emotional instability, falters.

Sagittarius men defect list _ the zodiac

Sagittarius men:

Stay a little stuffy, but cold humor.

Sagittarius men really need is divided into two kinds, a kind of special feeling of childish boy next door, is a kind of surface is very rigid old-school serious gives a person the sense of distance.

In fact, are very love to play, the heart is very wild, super love freedom, don't tube he, you must also can't hold him.

Don't flower heart, thought to be will beA womanDo stay more signs of the zodiac, men are also is freedom and love must choose the kind of freedom.

Heavy sentiment, however, who asked his favourite, for example, will say "who and who contact time is longest favorite because more emotional" this kind of words.

A bit ofFormer girlfriendCharge type, especially the first love, don't doubt don't worry, the somebody else just value those memories, don't want a piece of his life.

Eq is not high oh, also belong to quietly pay a type, may even think that material is good for a man pay, make people angry and funny.

And then not too will say sweet words, he love you estimate is take you to play with him, or allow you to play with him.

Hypocrite, open-minded, free and easy but overall is unlikely to with oneself of man, can not or heart?

Will hurt the child, but is very strict, striker father play daughter won't softhearted.

Too principled, too didactic, in the same way tell you, one hundred times he didn't bother you are bored.(The zodiac /astro/)

Too simple sometimes let a person feel can't stand is rejected.

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