Libra men defect list

Libra men defect list

libraCut off: think hard about, lewd, afraid to upset people, unable to bear the pressure, no bear, excessive request fairness, eat not kui, silence, take temporary solution not effect a permanent cure, procrastination is not flat, like to enjoy, often inadvertently disorderly discharge.

Libra men defect list _ the zodiac

Balance male:

Grace, have poise, romantic, gentle.

Is he will never be angry with you, but it is easy to impatient for you also must be him.

Away from home, his radiant, but are you sure you can put up with his various slovenly image don't at home?

Can give you a candle light music rose, but please believe that these are to return, or balance is male will psychological imbalance.

As a little dig as ram and feel good about themselves, like the Taurus is a little ink (because really very contradictory very hesitant), whats wrong with twin emotional.

Like cancer, don't know how to refuse a person, like a lion, a little male chauvinism (not directly to force you, but will force you to like playing away in anger or something) as a virgin a little spirit cleanliness and the pursuit of perfect but it's not that serious.

As a little narrow-minded as Scorpio love holding grudges, but not necessarily revenge because they're pretty good, like Sagittarius love freedom do not like to be constraint.

Like Capricorn one track-minded, like water bottles, elusive, like Pisces fanciful daydreaming.

Summary, although does not belong to nature and easy to hang, but because can't stand other people than you also add a bit of a respectable ink so it is easy to be pay.

Like to listen to praise, narcissism and inferiority in combination with contradiction, he say he is bad but you can't go along with him, more can't stand criticism he said he is bad.

Don't hate to die, quarrel, temper is not good, will direct the cold war with you, but a word to him good.

Bothersome, but different from virgo man bothersome, balance is pure nonsense a heap of the male, long said that short words.(The zodiac /astro/)

Balance in two kinds of male, super funny clown, boring to die tip, it's playboy's sweetheart, but although love to flirt, scales when you fall in love with your heart is not love cheating on.

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