Scorpio man defect list

Scorpio man defect list

Scorpio: extreme, jealous, sensitive and vulnerable, don't allow others to his doubt and distrust, paranoia, acquisitiveness is very heavy, frowsty coquettish at odds, high-handed, tapping in counsel, indifference, gloomy personality and anti-social.

Scorpio man defect list _ the zodiac

Scorpio man:

Most Scorpio man is very funny humorous, but in fact most of the time they are too lazy to talk.

Is narrow but cannot tolerate others betray whether lover or friend.

Narrow-minded as hell, hell, great man's doctrine thinks himself to death, and some controlling himself unable to detect.

Scorpio man had an idea, also have the patience, talked about life ideal of what a deep topic suited to find them.

But attention, if you are divided, don't against him, as soon he's saying.

Otherwise, he will try to his idea to persuade you, convince half again suddenly stop, because people will think you naive, he said you also don't understand, too lazy to explain to you, yes, Scorpio man don't like to explain.

He will feel the other people all don't know him, but he himself can insight into everyone, to be honest it makes me feel quite funny.

Pretty will direct people but he didn't feel, seems to be self-centered, but at the same time will consider the feelings of people around, just his feelings is more preferred.

A little bit cold, only to the one you love, the other to him are all floating clouds, but the brothers are very heavy friendship oh.

Very thoughtful, very dare for them, work is a bit reckless, a little crazy, speak less likely to do things of nature to the person.

Psychological dark enough, didn't feel mysterious, love didn't see they have more illusive, yes actually can have means to retaliate others more.(The zodiac /astro/)

Brief is to let a person feel ridiculous since DaZhu.

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