Aquarius man defect list

Aquarius man defect list

Aquarius:: love, fear of marriage, unqualified householder, extreme, cleanliness, men's and women's informal, childish grow up and wulitou, find excuses for yourself, can't bear the responsibility, not mature, naughty, just enjoy the feeling of joy;Unwilling to bear the sentiment of debt.

Aquarius man defect list _ the zodiac

Aquarius man:

If it is not a smallA womanYou can sacrifice for love all the girls still don't provoke them!

Promiscuous, funny as hell let people elusive feel there was something wrong with him, and a bit abnormal condition, great man's doctrine thinks himself is also a little abnormal condition.

Control of desire is very strong, absolutely have to himself to love at their own pace, extreme a bit scary, his injury is easy to die to live, startling.

He can spoil girlfriend almost everything but the girl have to shun him, otherwise things take a little break up coerce you.

This constellation male estimate basic nothing else except sex in the brain, like to speak about sex and then is quite explicit, estimates that not every girl can endure.

As special as balance male association in appearance, and he would love to hook up with basic is beauty, and then a leg as if beauty were with them.

Dating again and make friends with Aquarius man feel bad to be miles, if from friends develop into lovers that estimates of the girls would pretty disappointed, associate with Aquarius man too tired so tired, is far from good friend more relaxed and happy.

To deal with Aquarius man loves to use break up to threaten each other this, actually is the best way to, you dare to a stronger than he, because if he is sincere to you, he really can not do without you.

But the problem again, you are tough to say to want to break up after he refused to points you made, furious at once he began to arrogance, so again and again, he is must oneself to fall in love at their own pace.(The zodiac /astro/)

Ego to protect consciousness is too strong, so when he felt insecure when doing something will say something to hurt each other to see each other for their own pain in exchange for their own security.

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