Capricorn men defect list

Capricorn men defect list

Capricorn: frowsty coquettish, abdomen black, dull, be good at camouflage, melancholy, is not determined, insecure, not completely, believe others, strict requirements.

Capricorn men defect list _ the zodiac

Capricorn men:

Like dark * *, themselves can be mature and old wet.

Boring, anyway, not very interesting, sometimes humorous, sometimes.

In front of the elder's will hold a mamma is rebellious to death, there is absolutely no good anyway.

Also a little tradition, also a little male chauvinism is their ownA womanMuch more contact with another man.

Sometimes stick a little terror, then no morality, regardless of the women's status is (may be), as long as enough is can communication and have a look.

Sweet words but deceptive practice kung fu to oh, like a long not big, some naive.

Actually very simple, easy to cheat, don't think that they will bear, but will just enjoy life.

Pick girlfriend's eyes are always very strange, like himself very handsome is obviously a lot of girls chase, but had a very bad girl then find yourself after the girls are super positive.

Temper is good, very tolerant of people, but I don't like others make trouble without a cause, must be too tired, the girl's angry words will always pull the girls don't let go unless gas away but never speak up said he was wrong to let you don't get angry.(The zodiac /astro/)

Capricorn men himself when he's angry also pretty awful, sweet words should be good can coax him, but if you feel not to be taunted fled.

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