Sagittarius woman defect list

Sagittarius woman defect list

Sagittarius: unable to bear pressure, sometimes too blunt, lack of step-by-step plan, nerve article big thick line of female, emotional ups and downs, blind optimism, has a tendency to restless, because is too optimistic, idealize life too, clumsy, yali, easy to give offence.

Sagittarius: respect marriage.

Sagittarius girls thinkTo get marriedIs a paper contract, marriage have signed contract, so we need to respect contract, so she what all can endure, owed money can help each other, help each other to handle everything size, any unreasonable treatment, she will silently endure for this paper marriage contract.

Sagittarius woman defect list _ the zodiac

Sagittarius love defect list: ambiguous behind the vanity. (The zodiac /astro/)

Sagittarius girls are more likely to early love marry at a mature age, this is because they enjoy the feelings of love, but does not clearly define the real demands of himself in love early.So when they are eager to warm, gentle type of boy is their choice;But sometimes they also infatuated with a handsome boy, or into the arms of mature man.Sagittarius woman may love unexpectedly switching channels, reason is "don't like the".In this childish reason behind, actually hiding the Sagittarius woman is eager to get more people love the small vanity.Comfortable in love, but one day feel feel lost, Sagittarius woman herself lost nature is someone else's heart.So still clear routes, as soon as possible to the port!

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