Cancer men defect list

Cancer men defect list

cancerCaptive: bullying, emotion and a little self-control, easily broken broken falls, extreme, stubborn, and dark, and the romantic very practical dreamer, in order to maintain their image or conceal melancholy mood will unavoidably lying, hypocrisy, lack of self-discipline, look very gentleman, there are many ghosts and inner darkness.

Cancer men defect list _ the zodiac

Before the top three have always thought that cancer is a good sign, but then I heard for cancer men are also very color very frowsty coquettish ha ha.

But looks like nature or kind quite patient, such as the bus will give old woman give up her seat, will accommodate homeless animals.

A little flower heart, belong to eat a bowl to the pot, walking in the street must love watching the beauty of that.

Find the cancer very prude, gentleman, but I don't know is or loading, because maybe is to win the girl.

Boys have to be careful this dude, because there are part of the cancer man is very love seduce a friend's wife, not to rob the past but anyway can monkey with ambiguous.

Don't understand refused to others, can lie, but the poor is easy to see through.

Like their talk, small small noisy don't win you silence of the cold war with you will come back and then pretend nothing happens stick you.

Seems quite easy to blush but for you blush with shame does not represent the somebody else is like you.(The zodiac /astro/)

Actually pretty childish constellation male, but partial curtilage, stuffy, is not very interesting, a bit of a traditional kind of clingy.

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