Libra woman defect list

Libra woman defect list

libra: I did it my way, follow one's inclinations, the good and bad, right and wrong to distinguish clearly the reason, sometimes seem heartless, inferiority complex, set the goal of difficulties are generally turned back, and not move on to the opposite sex, and like to keep ambiguous relationship, or bones hesitate mood at work, a pair of lazy, enjoy is the fundamental purpose of their life and perfect personality to let a person not picky, but the heart already, mad, but also can show a pair of elegant calm.They is love.

Libra: is blind he casually.

Libra girl when feeling out of the question, even though she is very clear the problem, but she will show a more magnanimouses appearance, very tolerant, because she think that love is to give each other more space, but often that is because that each other more.

Libra woman defect list _ the zodiac

Libra defect list: love in love puzzle approval. (The zodiac /astro/)

Libra woman with a kind heart.They are happy, usually based on the people around happy.So the constellation girl usually is good at sense motive, in order to determine each other's mood.This kind of practice, of course, is the purpose of this with a pleasant, yet they walk into the intricacies of the one thousand love puzzle, but was tired by this talent.Because these women don't want to hurt others, but also difficult to make any decision about trade-offs.So for the love triangle, they always make uncertain.But don't forget to libra women, when broken constantly, will be subject to the mess!

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