Don't take the virgo man "rules" seriously

Features: the principle, more like the quibbling, and the other half are hard on yourself, conceal, careful gentleness
Essence: perfectionism is used to flaunt their own true forever swallow in the belly, sensibility than representation but poor disguise

If you see onlyvirgoMature man gentle side, he also temporal distance apart with you;If you see a turtle hair that being a virgo man, you in the face of the surface at least, but also the heart every belly;If you see the virgo man cowardly perceptual vulnerable, even congratulate you, he has to open up to you.

Don't take the virgo man "rules" seriously _ the zodiac

In the soil to the constellation virgo man is a group of more perceptual (Capricorn men pursue reality, Taurus men's pursuit of simple sense, virgo man pursuit extraordinary), their perception may be embodied in different aspects, someone writes well, someone doesn't love to talk often made the astonishing, someone who someone suddenly static and dynamic uncertainty......Beside the virgo man most of your initial impression is not noisy (sometimes can be boring), but much more understanding will find they are pretty good, even some friends too.That is entangled with virgo (both male and female), they always can't chang to do inside, it is not from the "tragedy of Capricorn and the Taurus cute persona, virgo in keeping with a kind of can let a person feel" hold "status, which may be why they think that" different ".So people can communicate evaluation with virgo man boring, stiff and uncomfortable at such a time...But no one will judge their superficial childish, from the start because although there is no communication, but their hidden layer or the mysterious or melancholy breath has successfully make customers to feel the dialogue.Virgo (especially the virgo man) is not going to just get to know a person let each other know very well, but in attitude or talking way let the other side they have perception "depth" to be the "next".

Don't take the code of the virgo man too seriously, the virgo man often give yourself and others to set the box, seemingly harsh even score bricks and sentence level to "objective" evaluation of others, but in front of the person familiar with sometimes reveal these boxes and the conclusion, is actually to flaunt their own distinctive and presence.

What take seriously?

In the emotional aspects, the virgo man may also simply to stay in the adolescent stage, then the boys and girls when they don't like the little hand "good friends" hand in hand, to know to keep their distance, but the curiosity and they always want to give the girl trouble, there will beHave a classPull the somebody else braid, it notes such childish behavior.Adult virgo man won't do such a foolish thing, of course, but their "trick" embodies in selective.

Treat things irrelevant people virgo man tolerance, and compassion heart also often ACTS as detest evil character, good to speak for the weak, showing personal heroism or silently do good, and so on.But for people who are interested in, and they began to "tongue", especially for loveA woman, requirements can be finicky how much weight to height in mm mg (~ ~) exaggerated, but in fact it is interesting to note the virgo man choose to partner with your original "principles" so not conform to, or even a complete reversal, it because they have a heart of soil to the constellation pragmatic tolerate it.

How to determine whether he was seriously?

You may have such a virgo man, see the beauty is not calm, meet more attractive beauty and can't control by hook in the past...Puffed up the virgo man is representation of a class, or are less common, in fact constellation virgo man and earth to the other two, the demanding and how emotion and just some surface also forbear, others can't do (work), but this kind of fast food relationship of sensory before long will maintain not bottom go to, and often is a virgo man somehow out reason often inspiring laugh-out-loud (to), is because the essence of the fast food does not conform to their inner senses to imagine the world of water out the emotional state of (VS adolescent boys like fairy tale).

Real they can attract the virgo man and deep falling in love is to let them in some way a heroic woman, so the virgo man rather than worry about partner become a strong woman, some virgo man even has a "strong woman", in fact they appreciate is that part of the strength and confidence behind the tenacious personality and steadfast efforts to self-renewal spirit, that in their view that "fairy tale" little male have the possibility of implementation.

Virgo man while looking forward to a different impression on everyone, but in the end, they can only be the difference to his partner, if he is lucky to find a can be strung together, then this person will also is happy, because she will get a hard work, or the protection of the evil to reward good angel, also is a good plan and arrangement for all of the details, discuss life events, and gentle treatment good lovers.(The zodiac /astro/)

With your sincere heart influence your analThe little boy(probably a long march), you should believe you can get an angel.

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