Don't take the "authority" seriously Leo man

Features: the foreign mature, naive internally, foreign scenery, lazy at home used to call the shots and said somewhat ironic
Essence: face saving, defend the dignity and authority, arms folded in the sleeves, but guilty to suffer

LeoWhether external handsome man, family is good, in general temperament is not bad, do not give a person the sense of petty, walk always else nor timid, and attaches great importance to the look and taste, carry out such a man is a face.But extremely value others look and feel of the Leo man is used to judge a book by its cover, the other half is not only to have him in the eyes of the elegant temperament (generally depends on the people around him aesthetics), even half the people around you will be returned to his measure (at least in the heart."Take out" is the big fear of Leo (both male and female), treat people, all don't magnanimous behavior in their eyes "can't afford to lose the people".So while Leo men are visual males, danger but for men and women relation, such as looking for miss a class in their view "part" is resigned to.Don't look at your cat beast external coercive, actually not predators, people become need wool after stroke feline pet.

Don't take the Leo man "authority" seriously _ the zodiac

Don't put the authority of the Leo man too seriously, if really put him as the king will spoil him, let him get into the habit of command are treated like a servant, and their eyes even find a top hall does not enter the princess of the kitchen, also don't want to face to serve their hermes, it is equal to the fish market.Leo men without the appearance of male chauvinism, actually they are on the hall under the kitchen be "generalist", as long as you put in a good word, they are not spare to do more chores reflects its value.

What take seriously?

In front of the Leo man, to show anything to him seriously, he needs this kind of certainty to defend "the head of the" glorious image, and in fact Leo is easy to authorize, nicole Winfield after they no longer would like gas inflatable dolls and the collapse in your shoulders, need a baby spoil arms, he what all listen to you at this moment.Remember a principle, all his words before the Leo man when the truth comes to listen, just after you don't too truer, commitment, whether or not cash is the king's decision as to a few discount depends on your Leo man boast levels.

Also don't too hot and straight in front of the lion male caused their suspicion of heart, although they do not say, jealousy of will always remember the time until the next time you catch you handle put somewhat ironic, this time you only to find that the original big cats are also very careful ah remember everything, in fact, because they are too care about.Don't tempt a Leo man sincerely, their concept is clear, your suspicion will cause their impatience, and you want to the heart of tolerance to properly handle their suspicion, and this is a Leo man "unfair" but had to obey the law.

How to determine whether he was seriously?

Judge Leo man is quite easy, and they can be immediately eyeing involution appetite prey, although not immediately take action, but this time they are impatient, from his words (more is reported to the situation on their own, and with his code of conduct for your orders and advice) can be felt.

But this time you are must contain anger, even if the man to a lionA womanDo have attracted, will because the other side of the active or attack, and finally give up, because this does not conform to the law of "food chain", remember must not deprive the rights of the Leo man active attack, it will make them feel the lack of a sense of achievement, not for themselves to also won't be worry about it.When the lion male active pursuit of you, you is not you, but the choice of "he", his emphasis of the genus content, is not so easy to deny himself to give up.To stir up the lazy cat and lend you a "claws", will play hard to get deduction must have some "rocks", all the time to make him feel worthy of treatment, so they would deign to boldly regardless of the consequences.(Leo men once established goals, the pursuit of actions is always confident, sugar-coated cannonball plus a carrot and stick, at that time they could Leo the advantages of the generosity of tolerance responsibility performance incisively and vividly, but don't covet enjoy your big cats waiting for too long, they do not have patience that long),The zodiac /astro/)

Leo men are actually very confess "SiLi", also easy to believe others, family values and the tail from wagging the dog.So once become their "SiLi", Leo man as a lifetime responsibility to bear and maintenance, is a real bear good Sir And good dad?

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