Don't take this man's "slow" seriously

Features: exquisite and considerate, full of patience, and sometimes shy, sometimes bold and generous, and sometimes WenLiangRen and, sometimes callous
Essence: the lack of a sense of security, the heart fragile, afraid of defeat, overly sensitive and dependent

cancerMan is not easily forget again let a person do not love master (although they call themselves the emotional victims), this is easily achieved man sign, also easy to reverse, so be sure to fire eyes eyes.For cancer man feelings is not rare an adult cancer men in a state of emotional vacuum for a long time, because they don't have to be strong and be fond of solitude.A man afraid of loneliness and lack of security in cancerThe zodiacIs the most obvious, they have shown the fragility and perceptual will leave a mother's loveA womanFeel feel sorry can't again, this is the cancer of the embodiment of the pliers hung up.

Don't take this man's "slow" seriously _ the zodiac

Don't be too seriously, take cancer men keen attention representation for oily, coquetry, sweet words, tearful, didn't you can't live, swear to wait for you in ten thousand infatuation han image, etc.ifGeminiLove is easy to let people despise a man love is often a man so cancer look too high, they actually did not surface that reflects the deep feeling and who do not, it's just their fear of losing the conditioned reflex.

What take seriously?

Seriously, is not I, but more than a cancer man himself has admitted, take them seriously is to mistake.Treat cancer male to do "don't take their words as words, don't put them when the person" the cruel (cancer brothers forgive me ^ o ^), cancer man "make mean" feature is absolutely leading in the zodiac, namely holding don't go to play back.Disdain to do both attitude and gentle, can give a fragile cancer male confidence, let them get rid of the inner struggle, spread out the nature of man.

How to determine whether he was seriously?

Cancer man emotional three stages: 1) cancer man's emotional hesitant in the beginning, after or not to chase, action or silence, is torture their ambivalence, because of the lack of confidence in its fear of failure and the power is not strongThe tortoise;Or because get too easy to doubt reliability and authenticity of the sameA crabGo across (not as a rule, the better for him the more he shrink faster), at this time of the cancer men are really think too much, everyone else is tired for them.2) once you determine direction, when the cancer men and sentimental when another person, you will find around a labeled, he may be romantic, sharing the future will also be raised, but his jealousy or possessiveness said not necessarily on the surface, but over the whole body to let a person breath;And because of suspected heart heavy, feels they sometimes nervous.3) when the two phases are over, the cancer man is exposed to the prototype into a slacker, actually let them to think about too long is impractical, because their vision is and category of daily necessities.

Don't flirt with cancer man, they say don't like ambiguous, he is ambiguous.Gentleness is not only warm things they are doing magnanimous, and softhearted and indecision, can make women fall in love.(the zodiac/astro /)

But this man is the most appropriate when the husband of a good Sir, if you can give them enough sense of security and confidence, they can be build as external coercive, internal warm know both to make money and take care of the family of good man.

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