Living with Taurus is the final result

andTaurusTogether the final result

Taurus: exposed weaknesses, finally break up

Living together for Taurus, and true marriage is not much difference.Because Taurus is not good at disguise themselves, at the time of living together, we can see the Taurus will appear in the marriage.Both suitable for the characteristics of marriage, such as solid, steady, full of patience, also exposed the jealousy, lazy, square, irritability and other characteristics.

Advantages of Taurus is a little unfair, can't seem to let the other half deep experience, but the drawback is easy to make others strong feelings, so, dwell with Taurus is likely to be the consequences of his exposed the shortcomings, but you chose to break up.(The zodiac /astro/)

Living with Taurus final result _ the zodiac

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