Inner sky Aquarius

Chemical element: the wind

Pattern: fixed

Prototype: a genius and innovator, tell the truth, scientists, exiles

If you met the Buddha on the road, you will kill him.- zen buddhist

Aquarius symbol:

Inner sky _ the zodiac Aquarius

Aquarius symbol is a pair of parallel wavy lines, it is often misunderstood as water.It's not right.This thread is a snake, a symbol of wisdom.

In the garden of Eden, the snake tempted eve to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge.Eve ate the fruit, then god will she and Adam out of the garden of Eden, then the world had a beginning.The meaning of eve did move far more than that.In thatAquarius:Rebellious behavior, she created a trait, wisdom is more precious than security.

She created for the freedom of man.

Aquarius destination:

Freedom -- that is the end of the Aquarius.What is it?Personality, ability to choose his own way, do you want to do, don't allow anyone to command, whatever it from my father, mother, President, priest or other authority figure.

It's easier said than done.

Have great strength in the oppression of our individual character, if we let them, we would be around them, and mercy.Peer pressure, conform to the conventional, socialization, desire to be accepted by others, if we are mastered, we would serve two masters: our own nature, and the people around all kinds of delusion.Our freedom will be lost soon.

For Aquarius, the compromise is a curse.Aquarius moral enemy is racial instincts.If she succumbed to this instinct, then all is lost.She became a soap opera our daily life and the role of a familiar.

Aquarius and conform to the conventional unable to melt, just like peace and nuclear warheads not harmony.

Want to conquer the racial instincts, Aquarius must cultivate absolutely loyal to the truth.Regardless of the consequences, she must tell what they see.When her free challenged - whether it is a force through direct or latent persuasion, she needs to gain a foothold.She must also actively accept their fate: an exile, with the value of their own communities and motivation will never agree.

Aquarius destination?Completely true, never yield to self expression.The perfect personalized.

Aquarius strategies:

Imagine an Aquarius is a walled city in the old testament.The time is very violent.Each city has different culture, there is tension between adjacent cities.

Being attacked, if the walls of Aquarius in crack under the pressure, her culture will be shattered.Win the enemy will kill bottle of the king, the temples of the gods have broken, and then to erect their own gods.

Never surrender.Once the enemy through the gate, there must be a stalled the massacre.For Aquarius, there is only one strategy: to protect the defence, don't let them suffer any damage.There will be no treaty, there will be no compromise, only the stones and shells of cold facts.

The metaphor of the city is very appropriate, but to protect the integrity is not a history of social culture, but to protect a person's freedom and personality.The enemy outside the walls, they crowded in front of the city.They carried the siege wood ready to hit the door.

For Aquarius, that root siege wood can there are many kinds of forms, but in essence it is our culture wants us to obey the established patterns of behavior.

We have a series of internal preferences and value, but our society had other plans for us.Since we can talk, we are programming, the program describes what is success, decent, and normal.For most of us, enter these patterns is natural, even is helpful.But for Aquarius, this is the death penalty.

Aquarius must resist siege wood.She must not intimidate by their culture.She strategy is to follow the command of individual character, always make your own choice, no matter how it makes people around him angry or issued or not sneer at.

"I will be normal, even if that means everyone thought I was crazy."- this is the motto of Aquarius.

If she insists on the strategy, the society may want to use violence to deprive her of her freedom: will she threw it into the prison or asylum.But these are real siege wood.Usually, cultural pressure is more subtle: "if you have to do this, you will never keep a job.We will let you go hungry, let you feel unsafe and uncomfortable."Or: "if you go on like this, we will laugh at you.We will call you crazy, we will never seriously whatever you do."

Bottles of the enemy seems to feel siege wood is not enough, they also have a second.They have planted spies, inside the walls the spies will be opened from the inside the gates.For Aquarius, the spies is in the form of a love her man.They really love her, deep and sincere.Unfortunately, this does not mean they understand her.

The spies have penetrated the bottle of defense system.They are in the wall.They may be a husband or wife, may be friends, or parents.When the water bottle to make choices, they put great pressure on her, forcing her to consider again, forcing her to obey their expectations.

Their starting point may be good, but regardless of whether or not they know, the way they are unfaithful.The spies tried to let Aquarius believes she has the responsibility to betray myself.They made her believe that if she really loves them, she looked at her, won't make them different in this society, looked at her in a world full of round hole to be a square, and looked at her so under high pressure.

In the face of these agents is the ultimate water test, it much more difficult than to resist siege on wood.In the process of maintaining their freedom, bottle must make oneself firm such as steel, to face the test of a scary and bitter: she must be prepared to hurt those who love their own people.No matter how much they are disappointed and pain, the pain comes from how much they want to pressure her into a she was born is not in conformity with the mold.Their pain is real, as long as a concession, Aquarius can reduce it.But she can't compromise, she can't pretending to be anyone what is not.

Aquarius is apathy?No, but she often looks like this.The way she is very serious, took her to the clear and thin, the real personality of the stratosphere.If her ascension will disappoint those who live on the earth, she must learn to with this pain sometimes.She can be used to comfort myself, must let these people heart is free of cost.

Water resources:

"Once upon a time a year before the corn, we will give the rain god sacrifice a virgin.Every year he will feedback to give us a rain.But you said we can't sacrifice anyone this year, rain will come."

Ten thousand years ago, a Aquarius heard these words, but she still insist on your opinion.If she insists on caused no killed her, so she adhere to have changed the history of human beings.

Why can this happen?Because she saw the truth, and no one can change her mind.In a very common thing, she saw something that others cannot see.

There is a word used to describe the idea of extreme independence, one can describe the water bottle is the most important resource of word: genius.

Genius - we generally believe that genius is an extremely intelligent man, but this is misleading.Intelligence is just a tool of genius, and he also can exist without it.Genius is the ability to new thinking, the way to see the old problems in new ways.Genius is in a way we have not been taught to think about.Aquarius has a rich this trait.

This year we don't sacrifice a virgin, the first to have this rebellious AquariusA womanImmediately subjected to extreme pressures.Maybe in the village there are one thousand people, including nine hundred and ninety-nine people all think that this is a crazy idea.But know that this is our bottle heroine truth -- and this will support her.This feeling is now still in support of the water bottle.They know that they are correct, even though no one agreed with.

Water bottle as well as a resource.Don't have the resources, no with her genius.Just know truth also cannot let a person against red means.Her second resource is a kind of immutable, stubborn not to give in.Once she stood her ground, Antarctic storm is just for her in the early morning breeze.Nothing can shake her.

The shadow of water bottles:

This may be a strategy for the water bottle service.Because follow tribal instincts to resist strong pressure, she must have absolutely confirm about themselves.In her inner depths, she must have a kind of can't shake is convinced that it is no matter how intense or wonderful her opponents deny them, her cognitive is correct.

But the stubborn will also be able to destroy her.

Water bottle might produce a false story about their independence, and then like a soldier defend position with all the stubborn to protect it.She could refuse to wear any clothes; in addition to the cowboyShe may be to swear in front of the prime minister of us to insist on his own rights;She may refuse to listen to any music in addition to the classical music.These quirks in and of itself without any harm, but they can make the bottle from his basic tasks, personal.

That kind of odd stubborn was a shadow of Aquarius.She is not to defend the rights of create their own life but acquiesced in the society's pressure.She follow regular life trajectory, and not in the face of the evolution of the facing problems on their own.Then she kind of rebellious Aquarius and freedom have been pouring in a relatively safe in the field of life.

Genius is gone.No more rebellious, also did not have the revolutionary thought.Just have a face without a name in the crowd, a predictable life.She only know with some annoy others but ultimately and harmless eccentricities to add a little color to your life.

The shadow of Aquarius is especially for their darkness.

Comply with the conventional itself is not a crime.Most of us are born is such a person.When we adapt to the society, we are also very comfortable.But for an Aquarius is not.Routine for her, just a mask.She may choose to wear it, but when she put on the mask, she will pay a heavy price, she is no longer your life.

A walk in the darkness the bottle on the road may be on the surface looks very successful, very stable, very elegant.She may be rich and interesting.But she felt like an outsider, like the one without flaw plays a foreign spy a false identity.

Aquarius will feel at odds with the outside world.

Then, even those with her closest people don't understand her.They spent a relationship with her ups and downs.But they feel she has a kind of alienation.She seemed far away, maybe aloof or no feeling.Her words are very appropriate, she also fulfill their responsibility, her the punchline of a joke also grasp well, she also can tell jokes for yourself.But others will not be blinded, everyone knows that she hides some of the most basic things.

In those clear and sharp eyes, like ice skates were empty.She is no longer inside.(The zodiac /astro/)

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