Inner sky Taurus

Pattern: fixed

Prototype: the spirit of the earth, musicians, silence

Trying to reach is easy, but to learn to trust it.-- -- Alfred North Whitehead

TaurusThe symbol:

Inner sky Taurus _ the zodiac

beAriesExhausted after burning hot stove, consciousness began to look for the cool water, the ancient stone comfort, green leaves from healing between birdsong.It is looking for quiet.It use symphony instead of talk, use silence instead of passion.Spirit will no longer be fighting the fire lit, it will be weathered hand in land, the feeling of seeds, mud, feel the earth.

Symbol is a bull.Is not a head of the red flag angry beast bullfighting, not ferocious bull.But a quiet the bulls, he stood alone in yangchun April under an oak tree, quietly looking at the green grass, the sun, the calf, and the earth.Nothing make him afraid.Fear of ram attitude had already gone.Taurus in your world have such control degree, he is so beyond fear, that fear itself is no significance for him.The ramThe warHave to win.Taurus won the peace.

Taurus destination:

In early may a cliff top.Warm wind slowly tear at the clouds of heaven lazy accumulation;The dogwood blossom;The eagle in the sky effortless turf turning.You sit alone, in the warm air, feel the sun baked under ass warm stone, feel the touch of spring let a person so easy.Valley stretched out in front of you, full of flowers, such fertile land.Busy in the fields of farmers.The cattle are eating grass.Spring green sections over the furrows, stretches of forest in the distance.

You sit there for an hour, two hours, and then another hour.No thinking, just feeling.No problem in bother you.You don't care about the nature of life.In that moment, in the stone, under the white clouds, you're just exist (yousimplyare).Language is no longer necessary.In the wide inner space, what is your feeling?Fertile lands in teach us?Eternity.To take a break.Peace.How to become infinitely complex but still simple.How to become an probe deep but don't need to talk about it.

In that moment, you caught a glimpse of the Taurus destination.Find the peace, and keep it, that is the task of Taurus.

Taurus strategy:

Not all will then love nature.But sitting on the top of the mountain is a basic evolutionary strategy.The earth mother is Taurus main teacher.Her mind soothe, teaching simple and calm.Take a walk in one of the forest, for an hour, quietly in the spring night walking through the desert shrubs - these are better than "speak" healing way could bring more peace.

If fate brought Taurus to cities, this does not mean that there must be a psychological disaster.Pure Taurus will always choose the comfortable and quiet village, but no one can be a sign of purity.The power of the other could be a man of great part to the city of Taurus, to maintain peace in the environment is more difficult.Regularly for a Taurus in the city it is important to leave the city, may be the weekend mountain climbing or small hotel stay for a few days in the country.At the same time, there is a room full of plants is very important.A cat or dog can also help him to keep connection with the earth.

The shadow of the earth mother has a sister.If we see one of them, and another not far from certain.She is a great teacher Taurus.Her name is silence.Taurus is the most taciturn of all the constellations.People who are driven by Taurus energy found that speech is a very difficult thing.The essence of their conflicts with language, can not use language to translation.Simple quiet simple, quiet.Taurus knows this, so will instinctively against said too many words.

External peace is not easy to obtain.Inner peace -- the real goal of Taurus - is more difficult to obtain.But there is also a teacher, she will provide a strategy.Paradoxically, she is music.When we are mesmerized by a melody notes, totally immersed in listening, what would happen?A few seconds, the in the mind have been sustained the voice was silent.This brief peace comes from listening to Beethoven or poll is not important, a heavy metal band (,), in both cases, the head has stopped to himself.For Taurus, this is all.

When we listen to music, it can bring us silence.When we play the music, the effect is more obvious.For a Taurus, singing in the shower, or improvise to segment the harmonica playing an evolution strategy is the best.In front of a room full of people playing a Chopin etude, of course, also have the same effect.But it is only when we put all the public performance of complacency, false, and tension under play the notes enjoy can occur.

In all the signs of the zodiac, Taurus is the name of the material.He seeks to imagine the pressure will all 'mind grow into the material world.Feel the flesh on flesh.Hand in the soil, fingers touched a high quality of old violin, to create with clay, paint, or even to clean the room, or cut vegetables for Taurus is the activity of self healing.His way through the body.He will not go beyond the flesh, but indulge in among them, light in it, celebrating in it.

Taurus must be going to the touch.This is the most basic.He through his senses, skin, fingertips to find the world.He will never be just through his mind to find it.We feel the earth under our feet.Hear the music in our ears;Feel the partner's body posted on our bodies.The nature of life?Who knows?Who to think about it?Who CARES?The perfect is the nature of life at the moment.To talk about it will only make the veil down again.

Taurus resources:

Antipathy towards drama, the suspicion of complex.These are the resources of the Taurus.Instinctively, he will be looking for those who can let him find his own simple and peace.A stable job.A reliable network.Patiently, absolutely practical, Taurus weaving a cocoon.In the cocoon, his work is very methodical and inexorably forward, just like the slow growth of stalactites.

Jenny has a new psychologist, she is good at the new cycle of Freud type vitamin therapy, she was happy to grope in the dark for so many years after she finally found out the final answer;Billy now boasts close (refers to the Indian master), the name than his last month's titles "feathers" spots still difficult;Sam found god;Ann found climax;Joe found himself.

For Taurus, these are crazy.He shrugged his shoulders.He will live very well at the moment.He lay back in his leather chair;He felt a perfect apple crispy taste in the mouth;He looked at his own children;He felt his own house, solid feel the efficient of the body.And, in the depths of unspeakable inner in one part can't detect silence, he could feel some other signs of the zodiac can not feel.

He felt the fear.

The shadow of Taurus:

Immortal monster is usually a Taurus are looking for the symbol of peace, than a mountain, and a big oak tree.They guide it.But he might forget this, but only to physical security.This is the shadow of the cattle.In his search for the mysterious quiet inner security.But he might be fooled by the reflection of it in the outside world: money, property, real estate, retirement plan.

Security is not evil, it is not a problem.But it could build a fatal attraction for Taurus "fool's gold".If the Taurus to secure the temptation to give up the resistance, and all this constellation eternal peace will be destroyed.Instead, only a numb will kill the stability of the spirit.Taurus can let yourself bored to death.

For Taurus has a crossroads, he have to face it sooner or later.On the one hand, he has a physical security road, it is predictable and stable.This road is likely to be a honest and moral way, harmless to everyone - in addition to Taurus.On the other hand, he saw a piece of his excited road, a road will bring him to grow and change.Not sure, not safe, but exciting.It brings to the Taurus is a basic problem: life is a defensive behavior is an aggressive behavior?I'm here in order to grow, or for safety?

Security also may cause a blocking in mind.Here we found the people often say that Taurus stubbornness.Like all the fixed signs, Taurus is convinced, although sometimes a start is not clear.Most of the time is very quiet, he says there are not many, but don't put the wrong thought is weak.In a quiet here has an iron will, it brought a kind of ability to Taurus - he can do anything he was determined to do.But it also brings a kind not flexible.

Stubborn may lead to the experience of the narrow and no response of the imagination, and it makes people could not be the sort of existential type, with the leap of faith - and this is the basic element of life.We grow and change, in this process, our self image and the corresponding must also be changed.Taurus may fail in this respect, like those guide it toward the ancient mountains, Taurus might say: "I yesterday, today and tomorrow is the same."

Then everything is lost.(The zodiac /astro/)

"In the sky of inner

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