Inner sky Capricorn

Soil elements:

Pattern: the founding

Prototype: hermit, father, the prime minister

When you were a boy, do you think a magician is a man who can do anything.I was so, so we all have.When a person's real strength increasing, expanding his knowledge, along the way, he will be more and more narrow, until finally he no longer choose, but to completely to do what he must do.

- Ursula le guin

The Capricorn symbol:

Inner sky Capricorn _ the zodiac

Symbol is the sea goat is a, only the fish tail goat: an animal doesn't exist.It fluttered in the water, on land has swung forward - the only exist in the world of symbol.Here, the sea goat lost all stupid and weak, he became the symbol of final and absolute strength.

He is an expert in two worlds: don't be in the midst of the sea or in the cold mountain.The sea goat climbing the most sinister peak, in the place where the most rarefied air to breathe.He across the vast ocean.Nothing could stop him.Once he set his strong will on one goal, he is invincible.

He must do is choice, once he's made a choice, there is no thing can resist him.

Capricorn destination:

Ambitious, materialism and desire for power, popular information described in Capricorn is really a sly devil, he have no face, wearing a gray shroud.Calculation, manipulation, quickly took advantage of each other, he has often been described as sleek and the epitome of evil opportunists.

This is the accurate description of the shadow of Capricorn, but they have nothing to do with its evolution direction.

The sea goat really represents the secular power, but that doesn't mean money.This does not mean to make you face the cover of newsweek.So many people who had power, live like a hostage, limited by their role in public.Their role with the secular power, but they didn't.This is not a Capricorn.Have another meaning for Capricorn, secular power.It doesn't mean that glory, but means freedom.On the grounds of the world, you must act according to the essence of his personality.Will the nature of a man and his public identity - which is Capricorn's destination.This is the unity of internal and external, social identity, and express in the society.

In one word, Capricorn is the symbol of integration.In this sign in the highest form of expression, no lies, no hypocrisy.Only visible to the public behavior and the perfect combination of invisible personal nature.A person's work and tell a person's life, both one.

To achieve this, you must be completely immune to applause.He must not for someone else to show, although his public work should be carried out in public.Once he was the hooks in the social identity, everything lost.But he could not escape.The applause would have been by his side, seduce him, tease him.

To avoid the temptation of power, Capricorn must be a very lonely place.Is not his important to spend time with their stay, although this is a feasible strategy.But that he must to seek approval from within oneself.Want to succeed, he must is indifferent to success and failure, be yourself.He must be a stand-alone.

Capricorn's destination?The integration and alone.Both must achieve, if one is not reached, another thing will collapse.

Capricorn's strategy:

Take the time to stay with yourself for Capricorn is an effective evolution strategy, especially in the early development stage.Capricorn must learn is that he doesn't need anyone's approval, even if nobody appreciate him or praised him, he can also be satisfied with their ideas and plans, no matter what they are.

Capricorn is a no love or is not cold.You can love and be loved.It won't go against his strategy, he must do is to avoid the need to another person.

Capricorn's strategy requires for his own ego to find a practical support.Walking, daydreaming, alone a person to go skiing, or a person go surfing, any one can carry on the activity to be able to help him alone, reading, meditation, no one can from burden alone to opportunity needs enthusiastic hobby will do.

It is only when the internal state has acquired alone, Capricorn will be able to safely switch to the eyes.If he is to do this in advance, glory and light than the sun still badly let his eyes blind.

Capricorn is a climb.He looked at the sparkle of the world, for him, it is so attractive and challenging, just like mount Everest on the sherpas.Him until he had to run to the top.His fear is he might make the wrong choice.

This in the way of Capricorn is one of the key turning point.When the world open in front of his own colour and drama, he must return to himself alone.He must find the strength to elsewhere, withdrew her eyes from the President be removed out of clothing, and, turning to his roots.

The transfer of the eye is not a permanent state of Capricorn must climb.He has to face the world.Want to avoid the world to resist the temptation of it will accomplish nothing.He can only look away that she recalled that he doesn't need other people's praise.He already has a self respect, he already knows who he is.

When he was so calm self-confidence, Capricorn will cold eyes turned to the world of celebrity and fame.He entered the among them, but only one goal in mind: to do only those their natural thing to do.You must select a Capricorn can express his personal values, interests, and public role of fantasy.Maybe this role is a job, maybe is a kind of more voluntary thing, perhaps is a kind of public services, even maybe it's just a personal hobby - for example on the jazz team to blow a clarinet.No matter what form it takes: perhaps people will cheer for him, with respect to look at him, call him master, maybe people will think he is nothing, has nothing to do.In both cases, he must like nebula's indifference.The only thing that matters is whether he is doing.

Capricorn's resources:

To be successful access of the circuit board actually not difficult.A man must learn some skills, to the right people smile, and keep on doing so for several years.This is not a shame, but this is not a Capricorn.

Carved out its own position in society - Capricorn's need to work - is much more challenging.Failure, uncertain, long-term the feedback - these are only a few will be tortured him.But Capricorn is prepared.He has two resources can make him through unimaginable pressure: patience, and discipline.

Capricorn than any constellation can wait.But he's waiting for is not hesitate, nor is it a swing.But a still full of strength, as a focus on the eight feet awayThe mouseThe cat.

Self-discipline is unmatched by other signs of Capricorn.No matter how much pressure, once he determined, will insist on his own way.Fear, frustration, and resistance - nothing can shake it.He may be able to feel the power, but the real behavior of Capricorn is always a reflection of his intention, not his emotions.

You have another resource: a practical sense of intuition.When he used two plus two, the answer is always 4 - no matter how much his hope that the answer is 5.In his life, fantasy has its place - but only when the fantasy has really logically possible.If there is the possibility, then you will be very efficient with absolutely insist to work, know that this dream come true.If this possibility does not exist, he would throw it away like throwing the old newspaper yesterday.

Capricorn's resources?Under the hard shell, is he nerves of steel.He's alone, determined, patient, accurate logic - all these help him to predict storms as well as the possible setbacks in daily life, but at the same time not forget their dreams.He may be slow, looks like he might die in the orbit.But in the end, he will get what you want.

Capricorn's shadow:

Capricorn path requires great self-control.Properly used, it can let him climb the heights of any.He make a choice, and action.If he encounter failure, he will insist on.If this kind of self control misused, Capricorn suffered disaster.

Capricorn's self control must be used in the objective world.It must reflect the essence of his action, but if Capricorn's nerves, decided to shake, then the self-control will be distorted.It is no longer associated with behavior.It is subjectively show for one of the problem, and the development of life emotional response of repression.

At that time, you may become a stone.

No other signs of the zodiac can seem so cold, no emotion.When his life tilt and lose control, Capricorn may be cold, like a piece of obsidian.Go forward, you will encounter his most dark shadow.It's his natural attitude alone fall form: loneliness.

Lonely, no expression of Capricorn is awesome, but now he is distorted.When he lost his direction, he would try to decide the way each and every one around.He has become autocratic, like that of a tyrant.His attitude to people is a kind of patronizing attitude, but he should have an equal to share their life.

He is looking for power in the world, just like a hungry Wolf looking for carrion.Whatever he goes, he wants to expand its own authority.

He ought to be from blindly in outside to look for his own internal looking for sympathy, but he will succeed.He climbed up the top step by step, filled with the persistence and determination.When he reached there, he was still not satisfied.So he will continue to push yourself.He became a workaholic, relentlessly pushing himself, with his own body and the heart pain lost contact.When he died, he was a victim of their own roles and responsibilities.He may be very powerful, very rich, but lonely like a grain of sand floating in the interstellar void.(The zodiac /astro/)

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