Inner sky Scorpio

Water elements:

Pattern: fixed

Prototype: detective, wizards, hypnotist

We must make Allies are those who know the truth of our enemies.- Mahatma Gandhi

Scorpio symbol:

Inner sky Scorpio _ the zodiac

You're lying in his sleeping bag, body stretched tightly, like a deadThe bodyThe same.In the desert the sun rose higher and higher, as if you filling in the tooth gold to bask in general.

As long as a little move you died: a scorpion motionless stay on your belly.

Marital discord, sad in politics, these are filled with your mind thinking yesterday.They are the center of your world.Today, the scorpion in your abdomen, all these just like a small red star in distant galaxies, not important.

The scorpion on your belly, only the presence of extremely strong.All the other things - all the false, vanity, ambition, are off.Mind, naked, very alert, like a jewel cut generally sharp, ready to live or die.

This kind of attitude, this kind of state of consciousness, is a Scorpio.

Scorpio's destination:

Now read the book you are sitting on the chair.Your mind focused on it.You are likely to be calm, more comfortable.You forgot my birth, death is an abstract concept on the road in the future.Between the two now, you go with the flow, live in the existing life and try my best.

But think about it: you flying life of the planet in the universe, surrounded by millions of tons of rock randomly at hundreds of miles per second.But you just was protected by a thin layer of air.Within the cover of the air, you like many decided to sabotage the madman coexist in a space.Some of them have a pistol, some people have a nuclear bomb.Even if you escape this, also of no help, you are trapped by a body, the body is doomed, and fragile like cattle run in the middle of the orchids.

These ideas are afraid.We prefer not to see it.So we do plan for your life, buy insurance, and avoid to think about these unimaginable things.But if we dare to think of that?If we have the courage to face the death taboo around?What will happen?

Just like that with a scorpion in the same sleeping bag, we will clearly what is the most important.Disappeared in the future, evaporated in the past.We fully concentrate on at the moment.All other things are no longer important.At this moment, all of the manners of courtesy, hypocrisy, comfort, and all were torn off.Is only left over from the truth.We never know who you are, what they want.

If the scorpion climb out of the sleeping bag and disappeared in the desert, so the dream can become a blessing.Maybe we will be the honesty, strength, and clarity into your life.We will no longer for a mistake in the past, there is a dream of the future, addiction and negative tired.

This is the scorpion destination.With strength to live like that.To burn away all hypocrisy.Don't let anything to hide behind the wall of fear.Make the unconscious conscious.

The scorpion's goal, in a nutshell, it is like every minute is the last minute of his life to live.

The scorpion's strategy:

Imagine if your doctor tells you that you only have six months to live.What do you do?In order to make it more interesting, let's add one million yuan for you.Do you have the freedom to do whatever you want to do, but you must hurry up to do.

Some people may be crazy to put me on a cruise travel round the world.Others, also crazy, may go to make up for his past did is shameful.But those who can successfully adapt to have a common characteristic: they will sit down quietly, return to the center, and then try to feel what they want to do.They won't go to think.They will intuitively know for this situation, reason of logic, reasoning, is wrong, they have their own position, but not appropriate here.

They will follow Scorpio's basic strategy: based on feelings rather than rational and action.

Why is that?Because logic is too general, not personal.At the crossroads of life, often have a lot of logical choice.Logic to say, for example, everyone has a lot of different career choices, with a lot of different peopleTo get marriedThe possibility of.Logic is only one function: remove the impossible and ridiculous.After that, you must feel to move forward in life.

A lot of times, happiness from getting what they want.And we must by feeling to know what you want, but never by reasoning to find it.Scorpio knows this.

Has always been so, only death let this principle is more prominent.If you want to let every minute as were their last minute, he must let oneself feel adjustment is consistent with their own actions at all.To achieve this, he must destroy any stop feeling into the wall of consciousness.He must have the courage to feel any feelings, no matter how these feelings to his fear, no matter what they may bring to your life.

Think about death can let Scorpio to reach this level of self-awareness.It will shock brings emotional clarity.This strategy is to fully accept the truth of people cannot escape death.Death as a consultant.To feel fear, let it disturbing your mood, then death a key question: "if I'm here time is limited, so what I should do next?What is really important for me?What are my commitment and behavior model is based on the "my life is eternal" it a crazy hypothesis?"

"Scorpio is a sexy" this sentence in popular astrology is a very common saying.In this thesis has certain accuracy, but it is often misunderstood and magnified.The key is to remember that in our store have a lot of emotional energy of sex - we must be here in a way that is a kind of mood, personal definition, rather than on the physical way to define it.It is more of a strong emotional interaction, rather than a high tide.

To live every minute is like the last minute, bringing the strength to at the moment - to do this, if we lost contact sex is impossible.If we lose this link, then a lot of our emotional needs, a lot of psychological truth is left behind the wall of a depression.By suppressing will create disharmony between the actions and feelings, that contrary to the goal of Scorpio.

To accept a person's sexual desire, feel your feeling, in this respect is a basic strategy of Scorpio.Beyond all the attractive girl and all the bad man want our desire "to do";Also let the person all the missionaries and prude said "don't do" voice quiet.Elegant and sensitive to make his sexual it is yes - this is the way of Scorpio.

But sex is not the key.Feeling is.Feeling is often what we accept all kinds of moral or training distorted by sex.We must reveal the feeling, is that we must be happy and firmly to live in a world in which all people will die.

Scorpio's resources:

There is a guard at the boundaries of the consciousness, the conscious part of the unconscious parts with separate.His role is to those who might make us unhappy, or let us out the consciousness of self image.He was very conservative and prudent.In the psychology of language, the guard is depressive mechanisms.

ScorpioDepression mechanism has certain defects.It can also work, but did not work very well.So violent emotions, destructive thinking, and to the environment in the interpretation of the shock and pain often broke out into consciousness.

Although may sound strange, but the depression mechanism of defect is the main resource of Scorpio.There is no such defect, the nature of the self analysis for Scorpio work can not be completed.The shocking, sometimes will change the course of life feelings cannot be realized.

Have no sense of the depression mechanism, will be emotional, forcing it to.Consciousness becomes extremely honest about themselves.Portray our inner map, it began to constantly look for any small details without being noticed, will that we used to hide things they don't want to think the curtain open.

None of the constellation so relentlessly introspection.Like such a deep insight into his mind, Scorpio will use such sharp eyes scanned the world around them.With instinctive suspicion, his mind in the mind into those people around you, want to understand, find each and every one of the motives of the deepest and darkest secrets.Normally he managed to find them.

Scorpio's resources?As sharp as swords and silence of the mind, it must tear any comfort lies, every comfort people false, and false description of our lives.A fully committed to his mind.

Scorpio's shadow.

Scorpio was sandwiched between two shadows: too much and too little of self-awareness.They all have their own trap, very deadly.As long as Scorpio succumb to any one of them, this constellation all desire, strength, and wisdom will become poison.

There are too many to know myself?Scorpio may not able to accept the possibility.He automatically, sometimes blindly, will continue to dig deeper in consciousness.Always hope to find the ultimate facts or ultimate insight, to transform their lives.

Sometimes Scorpio is found too much, so much so that he could not face.Have a good reason for the existence of the depression mechanism.When it has a defect, consciousness is facing a fatal danger: it may be that is too complex to fell under the spell of Revelations of feelings.

Once it happened, Scorpio will fall into the sullen.The mind cannot be pulled out from the depths of himself.It began to anxiety.It recorded the impossible and unable to solve the situation, then put these tapes constantly play, until the vitality of consciousness become low, into a desperate exhausted.Too much of self-knowledge is dangerous, at least when it comes soon enough to see we can't.But too little self-knowledge is equally dangerous, especially when we deliberately their fear or some unhappy things stop when beyond consciousness.

For example, if you choose not to think about death, for death instinct knowledge will not disappear.On the contrary, it will operate outside consciousness, operating in the unconscious.This kind of feeling.They continue to bring pressure Scorpio's behavior and attitudes.But he no longer can understand where the pressure source.

So what will happen?Dominated consciousness is a kind of anxiety and suffering, it is always a feeling, that is "what's the worst thing to happen".It will be connected with the goal of any convenient: my car is broken, my boss will fire me, I have a brain tumor, and so on.

Repressed sexual functioning of the same, the feeling is still there, but we don't know where the source of it.Succumb to the shadow of Scorpio, will find their endless thirst, can never be satisfied.But mind don't know what I want.It can't understand his hunger.So, it will once again to find a convenient target: money, power, a spotless clean villa.He possessed by hand, forced to pursue these goals, but still can't meet.

Darkness, anxiety, insidious, on the road of Scorpio darkly hiding in the shadows, slowly devoured by he couldn't see the devil, until death to close the curtain of the himself to despair.(The zodiac /astro/)

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