Inner sky Gemini


Changes in mode:

Prototype: observer, teacher, storyteller, reporter

Cut off your head!Dissolve your whole body for images, see, see, see!- rumi

GeminiThe symbol:

Inner sky _ twelve constellation Gemini

Twins, who are they?Brother.And sisters.Soul mate.Lover.Two beings.Irrevocably tied together, is full of curiosity to each other, but also by side cannot penetrate the walls of misunderstanding.

How do they do?They speak, they listen to, they scan the other party, look for clues, meaningful gestures, and hidden innuendo, nothing can escape their eyes, no detail is too small, no footprint is neglected.

A bomb exploded in puzzle factory.One thousand puzzles are blown into one million pieces, scattered on the ground like confetti.Two crazy genius ready to tackle this problem.Both guarantee before dawn the next day will be five hundred puzzle pieces assembled well.

Imagine the situation, that is Gemini.

Gemini destination:

Turn to any a book about the sun sign of Gemini this chapter, you will be in the first paragraph to read the word communication.For Gemini, speaking and listening are key issues.But to understand them, we must go further.Gemini refers to mental processes include more, that is, the world and the way we communicate.We see, feel, hear, smell and perception of surrounded by our ever-changing scenery, listen to what others say it's just a line of the enormous tapestries.

Gemini was born to perception, to immersed in observation.Solid - characteristics that are most important to Taurus - is a kind of opposite characteristics for a Gemini.This sign must be kept in motion.There are so many things to see to understand, also can't waste a minute.Like a child only ten minutes to sweep a toy store, Gemini hurried through all kinds of experience, sometimes scrambling, and usually don't have a clear plan of the main, but he always with a keen interest.

Astute intelligence for Gemini is very basic.But the attention to mental will prevent us from understanding to this purpose.For Gemini, phenomenon, thinking is only a by-product is a kind of side effects.Is the main idea of this constellation is not intelligence.It is pure perception, not thinking, but see.Gemini is a reporter, rather than a philosopher.Undigested perception is the fact that his food, instead of the significance of these facts.He just wanted to see, want to witness the world.In this process, some ideas and understanding will rise, but they are not the point.

Uncover the secrets of the world, collecting all the clues, see all things, this is the twin of a destination.

Gemini's strategy:

See everything!This task is impossible.Give a man one hundred years to live, to give him X-ray vision and electronic ears, brains of the computer, and as the age of fourThe childAs highly active energy.What can he see?He could see through many lives?It's like using a needle to explorationThe sea.But this task is Gemini.

Gemini should how to move forward?A key strategy is to live in the highest strength and the highest change of life.Live the life of three or four generations in the rest of my life.Predictability and boring as unforgivable sin.Never let the brain to stop growth.It is very difficult.

We will create in your mind about what the universe is like images, and we don't like does not accord with the experience.A doctor don't like to see a man of success by faith healing;A racist whites feel a clever physicists to myself for nothing.We created an image, and then we look for evidence to support it.Gemini must violate this instinct.No matter how to do not understand its observation, it must be hard to see clearly.Gemini must allow the universe is not reasonable.If they are confused, that means they are going the right way, it's just that the information they collected more than their ability to understand it.Keep this wide open degree, completely accept state is the most important evolutionary strategy for this sign.Once again, we see that look more, rather than thinking.

A way of life is to collect experience.But there is another way.The world is full of experience, full of people.Each people all have a unique perception system, it take the perception, and put them from a coarse observation into a more subtle form: thought.But how do we get them?They were locked in the bones and muscles and the brain.

Gemini know the answer.Want to get these treasures of the people around us, we just need to ask.To ask.We must master the art of speaking.For Gemini, this is a key evolutionary strategy.Gemini born to speak.

They are also born to listen.But this often does not come automatically.A clever mind and eloquence, for Gemini is easier than to listen with your heart.To those who are born disk hard and direct, they are likely to interrupt others, for they do the rest.Born in dish more soft and sensitive person, this pattern may be less obvious.We may find that they are very quiet, view of we seem to be very interested.But their ideas have already ran to the front, although they make eye contact with us, and nodded, but did not know what we're talking about.In fact, they have already decided what we say.They just at the moment our noses in study, thinking of the nose in high school with them to see as a nose.

Communication is a two-way street.Gemini must keep that in mind.We want to say what they know, but sometimes we can hear some of the things they did not know.Listen to, absorb the world, and this is the twin strategies.Only when the speech can help to speed up the process, it is useful.

Gemini resources:

Curiosity.This is the ultimate Gemini resources.A sense of wonder of the world.For each drop of dew, every tear, each a snowflake like children appreciate.Without this, Gemini is just a talkative person.

Vitality is the twin of resources.Don't stop their curiosity brings them.So much to see and so much want to know.There are few signs so hao not tiredly live, so little sleep.All my life to lead a life of three generations, so that no time to be lazy.Once their enthusiasm was lit, Gemini is like a meteor across the life.

Physical and operation level in mind, this it brought the twin third resources: intelligence.They will all the curious, energy together, build a huge undigested original information of the library.While Gemini in it at the speed of light scanning, find the attachment, to find common ground, notice the difference.There is no another sign have faster intelligence.

Finally, the twin said very well.They would be able to detect the ideas of others, to be able to filter out all those false and fabricated, to find nuggets of insight, and crystalline experience.For Gemini, the basic composition of the universe is not molecules and atoms, but information.No sign, as it is so hungry for information, and good at gathering information, like him to find related information, and communication.This is their most valuable resource.

The shadow of the Gemini:

There is no opinion of the purest form of a Gemini.Just like a mirror, it's just observation, and won't judge.Always doubt more architecture, as well as the ultimate truth, Gemini to weave a clue to the nets, he was always at hesitant, don't give a conclusion not mature enough.Intuitively, they know that any thing can be proved.

Gemini adaptable characteristics, therefore.But unfortunately, when this feature together with some of the more low motivation, their flexibility will create a terrorist.When forced to face an unpleasant truth, their minds may reorganize information.Lie doesn't happen, but by emphasizing the point of transfer, some strategic silence, and a row of focus words.Generally speaking, the new montage theory is reasonable.No matter how unreal, it can be very persuasive, at least enough to convince anyone to forget what happened.When Gemini start to defend themselves, only the most cunning and one track-minded person can see through the maze. They weaveWhether right or wrong, they rarely in a debate.

For Gemini, and physical danger.Gemini moment kept buzzing energy inevitably into their nervous system.Accumulated in the mind of stress can cause them especially excited.This can't relax often cause insomnia, and intensify the constellation neurotic nagging.If the buzz of energy within is not aware of, the external situation will begin to reflect the same pattern: busy, pressure is too large, the last is the emotional exhaustion.

Like Gemini accumulated pressure must be released.With a deep insight and relaxed quiet conversation partners can help to release it.There's no intelligenceThe war, no verbal battle, only simple communication each other heart, no one to take notes, and no one wants to sell each other.

Physical activity can help Gemini to release pressure.Generally speaking, they need to exercise than they want to do more exercise.Walk, run, friendly volleyball will do.But not pushups, please keep in mind that the twin to come here is not to become bored.

Gemini are here to collect experience, let the miracle of life by their heart operation.No arrogance and dogma in their space, these things will they isolated from chaos and mysterious.Through their insatiable curiosity, they can be full of his life experience.But they are riding a wild horse, it can bring them to the horizon, the distance may also be in place continuously in circles, touch, didn't go anywhere.Paper into many Gemini epitaph.Finally everything is attributed to one point: the horse needs a knight to harness it.(The zodiac /astro/)

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