Inner sky Sagittarius

Elements: fire

Changes in mode:

Prototype: the gypsies, student, a philosopher

I am not looking for a kind of entertainment, but understanding, understanding, more understanding.I will fill in understanding myself, to smell it, with every pore filling it in every pore.The search for one day will make me get compensation.All everything will find its proper position, by that time, I will be able to understand.--, laurel. Cape door

Sagittarius symbol:

Inner sky Sagittarius _ the zodiac

Instead of archers, bows and arrows.Fingers trembling because of tension, the striker of bowstring.The curve of the bowstring springing back, will take the feather now into the air.

Arrows, at the rate of eyes can't see it in the air, fly to the cloud.If it had eyes, it will see the archer figure more and more small, slowly become a little point in the scene.It will see the scenery under the spread out like a map, a simple and clear.

If the arrow is endowed with a mind, it will be what way?Like a person on the peak, it driven by some dynamic energy, will have some idea about global and experience.Who will I projected onto this bright in the sky?For what purpose?What is my position here?I want to go where?What is the reason I exist?


For medieval astrologers, striker has three possible fate.It represents the gypsies, students, and philosopher.The three in order to arrange good, better, best, philosophers are placed in the highest position.

Once we put off the striker a form is better than other forms of expression of ideas, so the fate of the three is a kind of very effective understand this sign meaning and purpose of the method.

The gypsies, student, a philosopher.What is what they have in common?If they each is a striker a form, so their common denominator must be the essence of this constellation.

In them in the three forms, projecting his mind to a new horizon, like the flying arrow.In every form, we were all observed by collecting unfamiliar experiences to extend the consciousness of the action.

This extension is to offer striker life's blood.

At roma, this extension from the physical action - she move from one place to another place, entering a new and exotic environment.Students through the intelligence to complete this extension, absorb new facts and opinions.Philosophers use intuition to complete it, efforts to expand awareness, always trying to sense the basic principle of the universe.

Striker destination?To realize the ultimate meaning of life, in the design of the universe to find their own fate, discover the truth.These are the target of an arrow.Is indeed very lofty goals, in practice, they it is harder to achieve than climb to the top of a flagpole.

Of all the constellations, striker destination is perhaps the most difficult to define from the practical level.Without a clear end point for striker, only endless process.It is a moving, flow state of existence.The truth of life is a never-ending search.To realize people's basic task is to find meaning, and realized in this impermanent world, if a sense of security and peace of hindered this people and this endless exploration, then sacrifice them nothing.

Striker strategy:

The gypsies.Students;A philosopher.The medieval formula contains a Sagittarius encryption specifications for evolution.Archer is not form the three characteristics of this sign fixed description, but evolutionary strategy.

Become a roma - this is the first step.Release to bundle a person in a particular culture and related value and habits.What will matter is not need to go to travel, but in a strange way of thinking to keep open.Those who travel only striker is used to implement the open method.

In India for a month meaning far more than just entertainment.We have to face a completely different social basic operation way.If we can put off his growing up of evaluation and the superiority, can teach us trip there in a different perspective of life - for the striker, it was like the press in the evolution of the rocket ignition.

Very expensive trip to the east, and is sometimes not practical.It doesn't matter.Roma than travel on the manual describes the way of can much more broad.With a life of indians in the country to make friends, and it was just as effective.Also, if you are a rich man, you can talk with a close to the poor;If you are a white, can close to black.

Roma's strategy is not purely chapter collects a lot of foreign passport, but by willing and open to contact with their own different culture, and thus expanded consciousness.Even if it's just a journey in the city.

If we just in accordance with the face value to judge, student's journey is often misunderstood.Of course, the formal education can be expanded consciousness.Striker like classes and lectures.But the book also has the same effect, even if not institutional education support books are equally effective.Any force us to experience a new way to look at life as well.

Standing on the top of the hill, a hang glider is on your back, are you ready to jump into the air.This is the student's way.The mind open to new experiences, a new learning opportunities.

Like gypsies, slowly become a student, the student also slowly become a philosopher.What happened in the process is the focus of the transfer.Now we are going to your attention away from the eyes and ears to the function of people's perception of the deepest intuition -- --.We instinctively try to understand the wholeness of life and find our place in it.

Philosopher way depends on the gypsies and student's collection of insight.Without them, he is just a dry old pedant, with a brain no blood.Philosophers in intuition conclusions must be experienced support.Otherwise, it has no real roots.

Christianity, Buddhism, existentialism, philosopher's strategy is to absorb all of this, but never let any one system for him to think about.He must be constantly gather more experience, constantly modify and deepen his view of life.

Striker, in a word, attitude to life is an adventure.He must give up all the concept of security.He must intend to let go of any thoughts or ideas, as long as he saw his hide behind it.He must not hesitate to forward, hoping for miracles, ready to go to classic striker stunt show: with faith to leap.

The resources of the striker:

Personal freedom is very essential for striker.Gypsies wither as without it, the students also will be trapped by boring routine, philosopher, unable to get a bigger perspective, or use it in a different situation in reality.

Extreme love for freedom is a basic resource striker.Without a constellation so afraid.

Enthusiasm, optimistic, adventurous spirit - the striker's resources.No matter what life will be thrown to the striker, he is ready.He has adaptability, elastic, rebounded from any adversity.

Within a person's striker ingredients if is very strong, so he is like a pair of resistance to lament the immune armour.Although he may have sadness and depression.But for striker these are temporary, at any time as long as there is an adventure and new possibilities, the state will dissipate.

Striker may not instinctively know what's the meaning of life.But he is inherently very sure there must be a meaning life.For Sagittarius, this is an unquestioned assumptions.In the brain in as if he came to the world with an empty alter - instinct, he will be there for an idol.It could be Jesus, also may be literature.It may be the world revolution.In his a free way, he will choose his god, and so there will be no matter what the external pressure.But he will choose.

The resources of the striker?For his ideal belief.The ideal may take the form of one thousand species, but no matter what kind of form, it is striker will be directed by it to life.Without a constellation with principle and so firmly.At any cost, regardless of whether reality, Sagittarius are going to do the right thing.This is the "correct" self definition, not everyone can agree.But once we know what is the god of the striker, his behavior is like planets orbit the sun path can be predicted.

The shadow of striker:

In life, there are times when caution can save us.Sometimes life is very dark, very complex, full of mask with naive death trap.Hesitation and doubt may save us.But for striker, hesitation and doubt, it is very strange, like a swimsuit to the eskimos.

In his bright eyes flashing the enthusiasm of the trust, the striker often fall into the trap.Too optimistic, over-expansion and wrong judgment is his shadow.Like a run on the interstate highway golden retriever, he think these cars are his playmates, results have often been crushed under the wheel of life.

He is often unstable too trust those steps.He might continue to move in an invisible curve in the road, he may follow a self proclaimed guru to collectiveThe graveThe soup.All of these are in the name of the belief.

Sagittarius the most sinister shadow appear in intimate relationships.Freedom is crucial for the evolution of the striker, but few have a constellation would like him to eternal romantic and freedom will be thrown into the water.It was because of his trust, careless attitude, let the arrow half way there, a fall into the trap."In a hurry toTo get married, and repent at leisure. ""Is a lot of unhappy striker epitaph.

Strong faith, sense of humor, adventurous -- these features help us become more complete, the striker has these qualities.But if they are not fragile and short life feeling, summed up how the spark of life consciousness by equilibrium, with bright spirit of the striker could become a tragedy of the zodiac.(The zodiac /astro/)

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