Inner sky libra

Chemical element: the wind

Model: a standard

Prototype: lovers, artists, mediator

Only in silence with words,

There is light in the dark,

In death is life,

The eagle in the empty sky

To shine.

-- -- Ursula le guin

libraThe symbol:

Inner sky libra _ the zodiac

Libra.Is not a product of the modern, there is no spring, digital display.Only a simple lever, directly from Babylon and ancient Egypt market.An ounce of lead on a tray, in another tray sands, when they balance each other, you have an ounce of gold.

Libra represents the harmonious and balanced, the poles of reconciliation.Lead in gold, life in death and fear in love.No light without shadow, there is no shadow without light.

The end of the libra:

Libra teaches peace.It represents the mind's ability to consciously control the nervous system.Libra represents our inner disturbance, angered by that won't be anything, shocked.It has signed a permanent peace agreement with chaos.

A rainy night in Georgia, the bus station, the car engine is burnt out, broke down in the three miles away.On the left side of the us, the paid advertising on TV constantly let people use more deodorant, tired.On the right side of the us, a portable high-power recorder the cacophony of three years oldThe childListen to the disco dance music.Speakers from a notice, our bus was delayed two hours.We care about?No, this is life.There is no reason to fret.

Libra goal, just like all the signs of the zodiac, is the transformation of consciousness.It to get a strong inner harmony.Nothing can shake the balance since at the moment.Nothing can't break the balance.Pain, pain away.Ups and downs, joy and sadness is like night and day alternate.He stood in the center of the turning turn the Trojan, consciously but not libra.

Libra's destination?It is simple, but it's hard to do, is to calm down.

Libra strategy:

Other signs of the zodiac has a built-in balance.No matter how life become not harmonious, they will continue to focus on the hands of the matter.Their task has nothing to do with peace, but something else.

Is not the case for a libra.Peace is the essence of this sign work.And this must consciously use will for peace.Numbness and ignore doesn't count.Libra balance no natural immunity to oneself.They must pass the indomitable efforts to maintain peace.It is never happen automatically.

This is a paradox: libra, the peaceful symbol, will own tensed as the strings of the violin.Its art is not to relax them, but was never touch to see them.Completely vulnerable, become extremely sensitive, but also can be calm.It is the task.

How to do?Libra must learn to realize early symptom of emotional imbalance.Date you already was ten minutes late, the phone is constantly ringing, you also see through the Windows a can annoy you college roommate went down to the original you'd like to have a sudden visit before the hall.Ok, make a deep breathing, meditation for five seconds.This is the core of the strategy of libra: never let pressure to form a chain reaction.Stop it before it starts.

There are other methods, but this is the key.

In any of the popular astrology books, opening, you will see a constellation libra is an artist.The correctness of this statement is to have it, but we have to go a step further to see it.This constellation is usually can really improve sensitivity to beauty.But we usually have no understanding of beauty appreciation and creation actually conform to the evolutionary purpose of libra: they will bring peace.

Turn a corner on the mountain path, from the dark pine forest took a wide stretch of grass, look up to, a few miles on the ridge is blue and green, and dusk is very tender pink and red.Feeling the surprise, this kind of happy.What happened?Unconsciously, we open mouth, our muscles relaxed, we relieved.When we see a ballet dancer turning turn through the stage will have the same psychological and physical reactions.When we look at a beautiful painting, or finally clean finished watching her bedroom also is same.

In the external world of harmony will be interpreted as the inner world of peace.This is in the evolutionary strategy focus libra: it must constantly beautify their environment.Learn to paint can achieve this goal, to visit the beautiful places such as mountains and rivers or gallery can also, make the bed.

Harmony is not only through the five senses and into consciousness.It is also through the feelings.And our feelings are often depends on the quality of our relationships with others.For other signs, friendship and marriage problems are not so center.Libra is only half, it seeks from to find the other half of it.

Popular books usually say libra was lucky in love.The reverse is often true.For this sign, the relationship is a high strength growth sector.It means to do your homework in this respect, could happen in this lot of ups and downs.

Libra's goal is to set up further, harmonious relationship.Strategy is to learn to compromise the essence of their habits but don't compromise yourself.But the danger is that it is in a relationship of care so much about keeping the harmonious appearance, so that all true peace was lost.

Libra resources:

Harmony is a libra resources.But this kind of harmony refers to not only the color, shape, or personality.It is a kind of consciousness, and that is all of the whole is made up of complementary half.Full men women, light complete darkness, create a better evil, good for evil meaning.

To plug any libra a rigid, dogmatic opinions, it will immediately put forward a contrary view.Tell it to political leftists have all the answers, libra will celebrate the right wisdom.Tell it to the conservative will save the country, it is pointed out that the virtue of liberalism.For this sign, the truth is always a balance.Intuitively, libra must feel gold and lead a balanced, every truth is balanced by an equal and opposite of the truth.

This is the treasure of libra.Not only the artistic sensitivity, not only the kindness, grace is not just a social occasion.But a deeper thing, and infiltration of all the virtues.More than any other a constellation libra can endure contradiction.It does not need the world meaningful.The opposite of philosophy, people, choice - libra can accept them all.

Mary thinks jack is selfish.Jack thinks Mary is manipulation.Disagree about how their friends.One of them is necessarily right.But who is?Libra only understand that they are right.Found in the balance of truth in both.For libra, every truth contains two "half the truth.No sign like it couldn't satisfied with only half the truth.

Libra's shadow:

Truth is fuzzy.If we can accept this, our perception is more clearly.But this knowledge is also a terrible burden.We come to the crossroads, we need to make a decision.But it must be clear every decision step.Retreat on the bridge must be burned.

Want to have to take the medicine?It means that you can't write about the poem of Crete.You want toTo get married?You mean you can't continue to single.The mind is very wide, it can also keep the two possibilities.But life is much more narrow.We have to choose in life.

In the field of mind, tolerance of contradiction is wisdom.But in daily life, it only means hesitating.Libra will stand at a crossroads, was shocked to realize that a road is not completely absolutely right.

Libra is the only can do is to throw a coin to make a decision, and then into the selection, so as if there is no other choice.If there is no commitment, life is but a long wait.We can't keep options open.But it may have such hard, libra in such attempt it met its own shadow.

Libra may be just in time to wait.They are wandering around.They smile sweetly.They will not have any enemy because they will not take any position.But beneath the calm surface, pressure is gained by accumulation.What is fundamentally wrong.What is it?No threats, no pressure, no problem.Anything has not occurred in.

But a old clock ticking away somewhere.Whether you make a decision, life is going on.(The zodiac /astro/)

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