Inner sky Pisces

Water elements:

Changes in mode:

Prototype: mysterious

The dreamer

The poet


We are transparent.We are perceived.We are conscious, not an object.We are not solid, we are infinite.

Looking - tang (by card Ross stanishev paraphrased)

The symbol of Pisces:

Inner sky Pisces _ the zodiac

Home, is not a fish, but fish of the ocean.Ocean mother: mountains, luminous plankton, and loss of the areas of the city.Sea: the mother of life, its symbol for the all don't understand things, all can be felt but not known.

Marine: scour off the coast of the mainland, in various countries passed between art and thoughts, bring itThe warWine and food, disease and pestilence, transportation, poets and musicians, mix cultures on earth endlessly and blend together.

Pisces ocean: liquid, will we all connect together can't tell the symbol of the mystery of the flow.

The symbol of life.

The end of the Pisces:

Tibetan buddhist teachers suggest their students to view the world as a dream.People, things, relationships, even the mountains - all of which should be considered as an illusion, it doesn't matter just in the mind of the image of a play.

In the west, we often mistakenly interpret buddhist point of view.We think it is said that the world is not real, its atoms and molecules are all illusion: it's hard to digest a concept, especially when you just put your toes hit "unreal" on the foot of the bed.

For those buddhist mentor, important is not the true or false of the world.It is a deeper point: we have to realize that we cannot directly experience the world, we are experiencing is the consciousness of the world.

Awareness: things in our minds.We think the world is just what happens in our brain ravines biochemical phenomenon.Only an image of drama, is just a dream.

For most of us, this kind of knowledge has no real effect.Whether we are a dog or a hallucination dog bite is not important: anyway, we all have pain.

But for Pisces, this knowledge is very important.Why is that?Pisces is a symbol of consciousness itself.Pisces is often associated with mysticism, its evolutionary journey represents the mind evolution of a fundamental change.Completely changed a file.Not to see the world, Pisces observation is the mind in the world.Objective the universe instantly disappear.Only one large subjective response of the network.

Only a dream.

Pisces destination?A consciousness, a fine tuning of mind.This adjustment will not change anything, but it changed everything.It is realized that no matter where we are, what we do, what we see, we can only meet a inescapable reality: our own consciousness.

Pisces strategy:

Events in our life always persecute we believe in "external" one world, one is independent of the mind is objective reality.The cold wind blowing our clothes, cold.The inside of the pan oil jumped up and burned a scar on the forearm.We love disappear, for several months, we have a feeling of nausea and stomach.

Action and reaction.

Each of the Pisces strategy is always around the overturn this objective the beliefs of the universe.You must lose their certainty.They have to let go of the world.How to do it?A strategy is to spend every day some event to focus on the mind.Close your eyes, slow breath, stop, and direct experience of consciousness.Not content of consciousness - not that usually filled with anxiety and theory, and the noise of the mind, but consciousness itself.Empty.Invisible.The quiet.

We named this process for meditation.But the word has been misunderstood.It always caused people's mind with some images associated with incense and asceticism, and a long white beard and hung with secret smile of Indian men.These are not necessary.For Pisces, meditation is a natural, organic function.It does not contain theology, also does not include shapeGo to school.We can simply call it "isolation".

No matter what name we use, meditation Pisces have evolved a basic strategy.Through it, the mind is aware of himself.It goes with the clock of information flow through senses temporarily disconnect the connection.

Creative work can also have the same effect.When will release their creative power, the external world from back on center stage.A poem, song of the next note, the next image of oil painting - all these are from the mind, rather than the objective world.They will withdraw from the objective world, attention and consciousness itself.

Evolutionary strategy?Pisces must be released his creative inspiration, whether in the form of art, or in the form of a secret fantasy of a pure illusion.Why is that?Because in the free play of imagination, we will experience the inner world to do and the real.We give their own subjective world with external world the same truth, no matter how short it.For Pisces, this general precious is like bringing sight to the blind.

From the point of view of the reality that we are unable to live permanently in the imagination.We have a relationship and responsibilities.We have a need to take care of body.Like everyone else, you also have to live in the world.But life in the world does not need to slow down their work.In a happy and colorful life in this world, can also be a Pisces evolutionary strategy.You must change the way they look at the world.There is no other things need to change.

Penance?You don't need them.Penance is an external behavior.Believe this kind of behavior is important for Pisces this constellation is very not good.It must avoid any such beliefs, it is that objects and events are independent of the mind.Compassion, to help others, not competitive - if you can keep these attitudes, only to see his luck in secular ebb and flow, so even the most busy and exciting life is able to support their evolution.

The strategy of Pisces?That is to let go of the world.It is realized that consciousness itself is the only reality we can come into contact with, and only need to be adapt to the reality.

Pisces resources:

If we let it go, we go from here?The question will make most of us desperately to seize their own environment and stories, frantically trying to complete an impossible thing: in the survival of the roller coaster place to create a safe and stable life for himself.

But this is not so.Instinctively, Pisces is to know that personality is hugeThe seaA cork floating in the ocean, the sea is the sea of consciousness.Any time when they feel the impulse, they are able to take a deep breath and dive into the field of heads.

To you, the mind is the main resource.There is the element of refuge, where they can escape from life brings shame and stress.A fairy tale world.A world full of miracles and peace, infinite magic.One can enter the world forever.

It's always summon the Pisces.

Image always came up from the depths of spontaneously in consciousness is full of illusion and invention.You can imagine more than all other constellations.This kind of imagination can bring art or just daydreaming is not important, because either way, attention were to adduction, away from the originally occupied its external circumstances.

The resources of the compassion and kindness and Pisces.In Pisces, and personality changes.It will be bent, it will flow, adapt to the changing situation.To understand other people, and have mercy on others, is very easy for them.You only need to imagine them in that person's status.Flow effortlessly, they in their consciousness to find that other people's subjective world.Like Pisces mind can hold all of the possible human point of view at the same time.

Best, you have an instinct to a higher level of conscious awareness.Since childhood, they let yourself busy exploring mind map, explore the forefront of the mind.Some of them are religious.Others are fascinated by psychology.There's a lot of perspective and other supernatural ability very interested.

Regardless of what is to explore, it represents the key resources of another Pisces: feel the possibility of self-transcendence.Pisces is likely to be in countless different ways to express themselves, but they came into the world with three core insight: life is mysterious, surface condition is its veil, consciousness itself is the key to unlock it.

These three resources is given, you're on your own.

The shadow of Pisces:

Pisces have to their own consciousness.There is no such ecstasy, all work will be the evolution of the block.But only fascinated enough of consciousness itself.It must be management and self control.If not to do this will cause terror.

Pisces will become confused.

Their mind is full of all sorts of image and implication.Sentiment swept them, like a wave of fear and empty dream, scour their consciousness, flooded the personality.And you just sat there, eyes round, and the basement of the mind and of the dungeon, judging by the shattered personality.

If the explosion from the depths of the self is not safe to import the creation and meditation, they will be more deadly than the guillotine, also because of its slow speed, and is more cruel than break.

First of all, you just go with the flow.In order to maintain the appearance of a normal personality, a lot of efforts have been paid, no energy to strategy and commitment to life.A job had been accepted.The relationship was established.Starting from this point, you just follow the path of least resistance.

Soon, life began to follow its own logic.It is like a spirited horse were outraged, rushing with Pisces, but you can try to stay will not be thrown down.They will be more and more to the point of view of a third party of your life, as though you just can't understand the movie roles.

That kind of emptiness, plus the sensitive Pisces, will lead to the final trap: Pisces will escape from the objective world, and entered into his subjective world.Not because the insight, not because see the nature of the life dream, but just looking for a kind of numbness.

Pisces is likely to startdrinking.They may start out of the dependence on drugs.The shadow of the Pisces in traditional astrology books have detailed list.

But there are some of the shadow of the other, they are not being understanding.

Pisces is likely to immerse themselves in books, TV, and music.They are likely to have crush on food and sex.They may sleep ten hours a day.

All these actions are not wrong.This is not the key.The key is that they are used to stimulate the subjective consciousness, so that the objective reality was temporarily erased.In this didn't happen awareness and transformation in the process of cognition.It's a matter of evolution was thrown into the background, replaced by sets and meaningless alternatives.

The shadow of a Pisces?That is to escape.The mind, through all the imagination and creation, to escape from this world, it turned from before each block, just waiting for fate to face it finally a bad hand.(The zodiac /astro/)

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