Inner sky virgo

Soil elements:

Changes in mode:

Prototype: servant, martyrs, perfectionist, analysts

If a person does not give the risk, then he cannot give.- James Baldwin

virgoThe symbol:

Inner sky virgo _ the zodiac

Virgo, of all the symbols, it is the most difficult to understand.We will be a virgin understood as a lack of experience.But this is not a symbol of inexperienced.Is not a prude, or evade the symbol of passion.

Virgo is a pure image.She has not yet been covered.She would not be constrained by the anything, don't want anything, don't fear anything.Nothing can limit her.She is free, not bound by any human theatre.

However, when she was here on earth.The world to a pursuit of the perfect people will only provide what?What she can do?She like the virgin to wait.She constantly improve themselves.And to pass the time, she will go to help others when possible.

The end of the virgo:

While also can become old.In tired of consciousnessLeoBoast, began to explore a deeper sense, the search for a sense of purpose.Leo always scared, we need our attention.But slowly spread our attention.With Leo is displayed in a new perspective: in the Milky Way, one hundred million years of history, under the background of the birth and death, his pride and emptiness is so ridiculous.Leo's roar finally appear empty.

In Leo personality reached its peak.It can't move on again.Our next step can be to jump into a new level of experience.Under that kind of need, in that kind of desperation, virgo from rising.Consciousness into a new kind of feeling: the desire for personal transformation.Does not meet the seed has been planted, virgo must grow.

But we must grow up to which direction?Pure and perfect, content, significance.These strict masters, they can't be like all the targets set by remote.

The end of a virgin?You can say is perfect.But she at the foot of the first step is bitter, virgin must learn humility.

Virgo's strategy:

Two vision in driving all the way to the virgo.A high calling her ahead, another whipping behind her.They could not let her rest.

The first is the feeling of a kind of ideal, a state may achieve.It brings to the virgin of perfectionism, her moral sense and principle.The second vision is a meticulous with the status quo of honest feeling.From here, a virgin for her practice, coherent quality, as well as to the inefficient of hatred.

Traditional astrology will be the sign of a static model which is used to describe these aspects: "virgo is very responsible, analytical thinking, but excessive care of details."Such handling missing virgo dynamic flavor.It is the fact that a rigid, and a man to grow as a point of view will see an evolutionary strategy with explosive force.

The purpose of these two vision is to create an ideal hunger and needs.Virgin saw what I can be.She saw her own potential, and see if she break all ties her inner chains, what will become of his.She saw her own really are.Clear, conscious and absolute honesty, there is no other sign to anatomical herself could be so cruel.

Popular astrologer always use some dim appreciates to curse virgo: "virgo can be a good librarian.They are the most able to coexist with monotonous signs of the zodiac."Poor virgo is regarded as a very boring constellation, became a synonym for petty and withdrawn.

In fact, without a sign is more exciting than her.Why is that?Because there is no a constellation than her more eager to grow.Her perfectionism prompted her constantly change, and the pragmatism and let her have a way to go to really do it.

If these are all strategies of virgo, then she will be the most selfish of all the constellations.Because all of which must be around me, and I grow up.

But self-centered require is arrogant.Compulsive self analysis will bring yourself a distorted self-centered, just like any savior complex.

Virgo will not fall in the trap.There is a second dimension in her personality, this dimension could balance her serious and focus on the characteristics of the self: constellation virgo is server.

For the old astrologers, virgo represents a humble service.This is misleading.Virgo represents our ability of useful to others.And this kind of service is a process of self-discovery, rather than focus on the process of self.Important not only to service, but to express themselves through service.

Virgo must choose one aspect exists, and then have to polish it, education it.She had to let it qualified, and then put it to the world.

Out of kindness?No, is not the case, although on the surface looks like this.This part will give a virgin strategy, is a kind of perfect her efforts.

Accurately, virgo is not here to serve others, but to adhere to the principle of service.In this way, she transformed her.She took out their own the most perfect part, and then completely agree with.She became her work.

If she is a consultant, she must be full of infinite love and understanding.If she is an artist, she must be without defect source of beauty.If she is a garbage, she must become the symbol of human dignity is immortal.All the other things, all other restrictive aspects of her consciousness, must be a recession.Services provided by the virgo wants to be her.When her services become more perfect, she also.

Through endless idealism, humble self assessment, and strong in the service of willingness to perfect yourself, this is the strategy of virgo.

Virgo's resources:

Virgo's mind is like a high-resolution film.Every detail of life like a shining light on the water surface.No romance can keep out the veneer of her eyes.She see only what is true, and she saw it with extremely high precision.When the X-ray knowledge to her own heart, it can see the image will be more accurate.The virgo in a cruel like the clear view of themselves, she refused to any grand illusion.

If she saw her any distortion, she won't be able to rest, she felt that it must be removed.Virgo is never complacent, lazy never on her calendar.Reject any luxuriant illusion is a root of her ruthless spurs, drive her forward forever.No matter how she has reached the height, her goal is always more ahead.

If we say that virgo can't become lazy, then this is only half the truth.Want to find the other part, we had to slightly change the these words: virgo can meet.For her, there's no time to waste.Her eyes on the stars, and the stars are Chang Yuan.

Meaningful work for this sign is a very important thing.Winnie Fred if virgo's aunt died, leaving her with a well, she is likely to be immediately moved to resort to retirement.But after six months, we will find her to work harder than before.She probably won't stay Friedeggs, but she will be very busy.Let's leave the millions to Leo, virgo is not come here to relax.

Skills for virgo comes naturally, especially those who need the patience and precision.And in the task that needs to be a sense of responsibility.Usually this performance on the job, but her desire to help, not only in here.Even after the extremely busy of the week, if a friend who lived far away wanted to find her move freezers, the virgin will be there half an hour.If the friends not only need the strength, also need to give opinions, then ten minutes she arrived.Virgo's suggestion is very good, but which may include the ZhiLengYe history in the western hemisphere.Through her mind carefully, virgo, won't make any details have the possibility of being misunderstood.

Virgo's shadow:

In the process of circle of constellation, we met for the first time the ability of self sacrifice.New field of consciousness in the front of the road waiting for us, but there are also some sly gangsters is waiting for us.

Virgo may sacrifice himself too.She may be in honest reefs will themselves to shreds."That was I supposed to look like...And so this is how I now...Good heavens!"

Perfection is a fierce and uncompromising teacher, many people who have a virgo wound to confirm this.Virgo is likely to fall into patterns of doubt and uncertainty.Negative, depress the self-image to be troubling her, reduce her natural vitality.She could limit herself, in a failed marriage plays the subordinate like a fool;She is likely to be trapped in a boring and lowly job;In extreme cases, virgo could make a self destruction.

Pure and perfect - these are abstract concepts.For virgo, these are her goal, but will never be ethereal goal.If she can't see these goals, then all is lost.Her life is dissipation on some very trivial things.She became a popular comic book astrologers say the fuss was about.

But to really go to the perfect, virgo must learn how to prevent to be wounded by your own tools used.Virgo's self-criticism must ease by self-acceptance.She must learn to love yourself unconditionally, and she must be the most difficult way to do this: with an honest mind.

Again, virgo must struggle for pure, but the process is very subtle.She can't go to hate her not pure.She must be like what you yes to love themselves, rather than they may be.At that time, she was able to keep to the trap of self-sacrifice to compensate for a low opinion of yourself.

Virgo myopia, clear consciousness may let she couldn't see a bigger picture.Details might drown her.She may continue to record their life in the process of medium pressure point forgot how good thing it can live is feeling.Be agitated, nagging, self-sacrifice, when she doesn't have a clear perspective and self-acceptance, these are all possible danger.

If virgo was caught by the shadow, then came another shadow will be.Like a jackal as long as to attack the lion, the attack on others will always bring to their attacks.If virgo frown at herself in the mirror, she will see the world in myself to frown.

As perfect as a guide, virgo can rise like a missile, also may be like a piece of glass was breaking.The key is self respect.No matter what happens, she must love her!She had to stop my achievement to judge themselves.The coin is on the other side of the road ahead, she is the most can realize the road extends far.Although she tend to plan ahead, but she must learn to live in the moment, and it is full of love to live in the moment.If she have to judge themselves, also let it happen in the present life of endless strongly.The other is not important.There is no other way to more efficiently and more quickly reach perfection.(The zodiac /astro/)

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