Confidences to virgo

1, I put my heart to you, then you don't back to me again.

2, the pursuit of perfect virgins, is actually a cheapskate, easily be angry.

3,virgoNagging, it's because they have you in my heart, care about you, love you, afraid to do enough, not enough meticulous, but very thoughtful, very meticulous, nagging into your eyes, in fact, the chatter is a kind of love!

4, say they have cleanliness, as they have mental cleanliness more appropriate.Too picky, met more picky people, had to candidly admit defeat!

Whisper to _ the zodiac for virgo

5, virgo care about things, people or objects, is holding the "have to, I hope;Can not, I am "attitude.

6, virgo, not on the surface of the implicative, serious, they will just dream hidden in the heart.Quiet, and peace, but in their hearts, the bamboo forest is more than the neon of amorous feelings of peace.

7, virgo very believe in logic, but they are doing for everyone into confusion.

8, virgo is a perfect future of all things, so they will ridicule and scolding all put them on at the moment of people or things.Virgo is in a state of continue waiting for transformation;This is the cause of their clothes for five times a day.

9, virgo is a sensitive and helpless the center of the earth, in pain, they will put himself into a corner or drink down.

10, seemingly devoted virgo, actually very flower heart lewd, virgo man is usual to perform a clean-cut, speech is also a grandiose appearance, actually, he often to eat tofu, let people could not catch him.

11, virgo can enjoy real loneliness and refuse, and task, pressure, such as the difficulties and disasters can not be afraid.

12, completely free, relaxed and stress-free environment, let fear on the part of the virgoan.

13, ability to deal with the material world great virgo, can't deal with yourself.(The zodiac /astro/)

14, emotional breakdown, neuroticism, madness, insanity, is the extreme of virgo, lonely in the crowd to calm, lively and healthy in the wilderness.

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