Confidences to Sagittarius

1, adventure striker also love life in an orderly way.

2,SagittariusAll the lack of talent, they copy everything.

3, have Sagittarius is a man of principle, the concept of time is very strong.

4, finally, her voice became choked, and I want to say, I really miss you.

For Sagittarius whispers _ the zodiac

5, Sagittarius is easy to pin down by first impressions, so the result is often the on-and-off or not from the beginning.

6, Sagittarius like free, is also eager to have personal tube them, if someone with a crazy, so much the better!

7, Sagittarius all like playing mind games, don't like to say so, just hope others can understand their inner thoughts.

8, Sagittarius think their noble mind, so they want to consume everything to ensure that illusion continues.

9, in the heart of Sagittarius, there are some things you can't go bad, if can harm the body structure, he would rather give up.

10, sagittarians have the secret of forever young: refers to a state of mind, they like pursuing knowledge, clingy tide, also have language talent.

11, Sagittarius seemingly casual, but have a consistent policy is not subject to change if he had planned beforehand is not temporary to change for anyone.

12, Sagittarius, although an optimist.Happy forever happy, but the striker was not believe in, striker believes is "smooth natural" feel like a flowing water.

13, Sagittarius, half human, half flame can be said to be very individualizing constellation, careless, discard, free and easy, have a lot of desire and pursuit, but the striker's character completelyThe childThe child.(The zodiac /astro/)

14, Sagittarius, if that love will never back again, the striker after brokenhearted will be some "optimistic", that's because they really pay, give up don't feel regret, they will feel really regret it, is the person who don't understand to cherish his feelings.

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