Confidences to Aries

1, original forever just a misunderstanding.

2,AriesGentle just for love, for the average person does not show, be afraid of trouble, afraid of produce ambiguity, afraid to let a person misunderstanding, afraid to produce needless trouble.

3, when Aries are not interested in you, your passion will only make them feel that I do not know how to face, do not know how to "return", so "fled", think only in "indifference" to refuse to love.

4, Aries don't like slow, words and deeds to flat and agile, on the surface of a deputy shall not eat grass back to posture, but their heart is the most vulnerable.

Confidences to Aries _ the zodiac

5, ram is filled with dream, romeo and Juliet is not old.Love is pure, warm and bold and unrestrained and direct, as long as the heart, will not hesitate rushed forward, pursuit of romance that is not the same.

6, Aries in guys maverick, rampage is actually in order to attract the attention of people around you.

7, most of the Aries always likes to run around, but only five minutes heat.Once they completely shallow wade after collapse.

8, they never said important, more not receive others' words.Don't trust them or rely on them;They will always be in a the first guy to gas pressure.

9, Aries loves dominate the weak, and threatened by any of its forms of wisdom.Aries have oversized ego, they never think about other people think about himself only.

10, under the mask of them up, it is a lot of beating around the bush, uneasy and hesitant.Aries at anything Ren Ding control in place to ensure that no one else.

11, optimistic Aries in sad is eerily quiet, heal itself, his recovery, in their own world, trying to forget sadness, injured ram always does something seemingly normal but it is different.

12, the sheep in the normal situation say it must be true, please believe them.

13, ram, although abundant energy, like to take the lead, but don't expect things smoothly.New problems arise at any time to meet halfway.They don't have the patience to wait for the whole thing without bad completed smoothly.(The zodiac /astro/)

14, Aries subconsciously looking forward to blow, largeThe war, injuredbleedingSinking, personality (submerged in the crowd the feeling of suffocation), heroic heroic and sacrifice (when this is the most selfless), had been framed.In these setbacks, reveal the true sense of life of the flesh and blood.

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