Inner sky Aries

Elements: fire

Pattern: basic

Prototype: warrior, pioneer, courageous, survivors

Love god, and the exercise of your will.- st. augustine

AriesThe symbol:

Inner sky Aries _ the zodiac

The impact.Lower the head above claw, gaining momentum, fierce, not to yield.This will impact smashed his head?He doesn't care.Any thing can make him afraid.Any thing can let his will change direction.For him, or is victory, or destruction in the process of pursue victory, only the two fate.He will go to one of the two roads.

Aries is life, there will.Originally all does not exist, then there have been some what.Life will be empty from projection, in vain he created their own turf.This process is fearless, explosive and very violent.It reminds people of volcanic eruptions, and white star cloud burst into fragments.

A mad dog will drive you to the edge of a precipice, its fangs exposed, mouth with foam.You hold a knife in his hand.It close to you, the roar, red eyes, flashing a yoshimitsu.You up in spirits.No manners and education mask, no language, only the survival of the animal.You cried, from its throat.

Have you found your Aries.

Despite the end of the:

Aries teachings is courage.It represents by will overcome any threat, obstacles, and concerns.Ram is within us that do want to do it.It choice and action, everything else is irrelevant.Blindfolded withThe crocodileStruggle?Yes, if that's what we want to do.But this kind of behavior is to stray.Aries is bold behavior, the behavior of any adventure, no matter how much this behavior is smart.But its true meaning is more profound.It represents the existence of courage.

What is that?In a word, it is selfish.This is a very delicate art.Isn't sensitive, also is not small.Not to manipulate.But to say: "this is my life, I have the right to find anything I need to have experience.Nothing can block between me and my growth.No one, can any kind of circumstances, including my fear."

The end of Aries is the perfect combination of our desire and action.This is free.Won't be lost in the feeling, for we will not decide the following psychological foundation of infatuation.The only attract the attention of the ram is to build a life of will power.

Aries strategy:

The courage must be scared to come out, it cannot get through other channels.Pressure and courage is is a good match for each other.Scary situation will not let us become more brave every time, but without them, we can never become more brave.

Aries in search of courage.So, it can also attract pressure.Ram will be how to face the pressure is unable to be predicted.He may be firmly and create to face.He may also like toThe rabbitSee as a bulldozer to escape.The only thing we know is there will be pressure.

Crisis like the shadow following the Aries.Completely to do the thing that oneself like, the brave.It made the crisis is very fierce.Friends may leave, authorities may suppress you.Many times we are now a safer, less dangerous place to practice the courage of existentialism.This is the adventure.

Now imagine we were a rope hanging in a bare cliff half-way.If there is no problem, the rope is also very strong, and if we don't make mistakes again, we could have survived that evening.In this case, if I am not afraid of, that we must be having a problem.Most climbers, I suspect that are agreed to.But climbers learned to control fear, in the emotional stress in the sport of him keep working efficiently.Said another way, he developed the courage.

Climbing a mountain is need courage, no one would question this.But this is a static assertion, did not catch the dynamic changes in the process of this.An astrologer would express it in another way.He or she would sayClimbing the mountainWill call forth a person's courage.Natural emotions to be overcome, the structure of consciousness has also been changed.All through a classic strategy: Aries deliberately choose a crisis.

No matter what way to get through, this shift is the essence of growth.Mountain climbing is a sample, and we are each of us has our own mountain.For a person, it may be to learnswimming;To another person, may be to query his overbearing boss;For the third person, may be to give up smoking.Whether or not a ram willing to meet the challenge, life will give him a look ordinary but again mountain.And whether or not to conquer it is his own choice.

Ram in longing for what could be an experience, usually is dangerous.They are like after a cold night in the chaoyang attract ram.This desire, no matter what it is, it is hidden.It was wrapped under the veil of fear.Ram's strategy is to reveal the need, no matter how much it is frightening.And then meet it at all costs.With fear, and clearly and firmly action - that is the art of ram.

Aries resources:

Natural to ram mountain ready for it.Ram born belligerence, vigor, and a survival instinct.It's very strong and direct soul.Honest, active, enthusiastic, independent, and antipathy towards authority - these are the resources of the ram.

In the sensitive carefully check, you can anywhere in the ram disk on a find aggressive tendencies.This aggressive sometimes appeared on the physical level of clear, just like a climber on the mountain.But usually it is not so obvious.May be a good answer.We may see a fighter to protect women's rights, or the environment.We may also be seen in fighting with your inner demons - a abstainers, a nightmare to war veterans of the Vietnam war veterans.By looking at the chart we can usually see ram where the fire will burn.There will be a war, there will be a goal, it's just a matter of sooner or later.That we can be sure.

Even if will be the most docile Aries person into a crisis, we can also observe the efficiency of a cold, clear.Under pressure for knee may shiver, after they might faint.But under the pressure, the real ram qualities will shine.The resources of the ram?No matter how he in this world, wearing a coat, in that the following are beating a soldier's heart.May be it through a crisis out of the crisis to force, but it must be in there.

The shadow of Aries:

One dark night, a dark alley.A large body in the distance vaguely come over to us.In such a situation, I wish I could have a Aries friends around you will be very good, or better yet, we have our own Aries of burning in the sun or the moon in our spirit.

But a soldier what to do in peacetime?He can't nothing against his threat in the external maintain a self-image.A soldier to the enemy.The need to fight.If they are not a reasonable challenges by the enemy, so they don't chance to find a reasonable enemy, may be to originally to protect the country against them.We found this phenomenon in Aries will.He will fight, this is certain.But no one knows his fight with a purpose to help in evolution, or still pointless conflict.

Fortunately, more reasonable the enemy.Once again, ram will encounter roadblocks.This barricade may want to take a ram free authority, may be the combination of all kinds of difficulties, sometimes it may be the inner weakness.Roadblocks usually appears in the form of misunderstanding between the two sides, and this kind of misunderstanding is often derived from the ram own strong degree - this trait often let others into defense mode.No matter what roadblocks to form, they must be faced.If there is one of the most important for ram, then it is cowardlyescape

The combat appeal is fuzzy.We may know that they can help us grow, but we may be very tired.Ram are also free to choose the road of least resistance.Combat must be voluntary.

In either case, the ram is a pressure piece of magnet.What kind of form is choice is that stress can only.It can be a sense of personal growth, challenge and conquer the mountain.Or it may be, do not have endless debate -- is often out of ram his boredom, irritability, and depression.On this road is the ram's shadow.

A warrior is filled with the enthusiasm of the battle.He needs it to finish her to this mission.However, if he is not to face the evolution of the crisis, that fire is still there, it won't go out.Instead, it went against an external goal, rather than being used on the real problem.

They occur, often there will be a corresponds with the content of the debate is not particularly strong emotions."Why do you have to wear this cursed yellow clothes?"

So, despite all the violent, determination, and courage are consumed without a purpose.My friends are away;Marriage failed;Without a career but also because of small problems.There are no winners.Evolution, the booster rocket fuel like National Day fireworks into the sky, at the sulphur and the fire of hell, it doesn't make any sense.

Chose this way ram injured as a result, full of hunger and frustration.He may think he is just, is likely to be poor.But his problem is always the same: "why am I always let others into defence?"

And the answer is simple, the soldier fought a wrong battle.(The zodiac /astro/)

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