The surface of a internal cancers

Water elements:

Pattern: the founding

Prototype: mother, healer, invisible man

Those who do not to be noticed by others will not feel there is no person live, they seek existence and way of living as a ghost.The ideal is seen,The deadDesire is the be remembered.- Norman. Brown

cancerThe symbol:

Inner sky _ the zodiac constellation cancer

A crabIs a weak creature, its gravy tasty, it is food for the seagulls.How does he live?His hope?He is just a small piece of waiting for the predator mouth food.

In order to survive, the cancer to grow a shell.He must grow a layer of wall between oneself and nature.He is too weak, can not in any other way to protect themselves.

With this armor, cancer can survive.He made peace with the environment.But the success of a risky shift is hiding under the seeds.Cancer want to eat, to mature.Soon he hold his shell, shell must be faded away.If he is very cunning and lucky, he was able to live to have a chance to grow another shell, the shell will be bigger, more suitable for state after he grew up.But only when he is cunning and lucky this situation to happen.

Cancer of the destination:

beGeminiTurning turn Trojan turn a bit dizzy, confused by the chaos of life, consciousness now turning inward, turned to the root of it.For Gemini, truth somewhere outside.They are in the world for the oneself with alert and curious.But not the search results.Life more mysterious than before, full of more details didn't solve the problem and no digestion.

So far to set out a new direction.He is not all the way to search in the universe, but along the tendrils of consciousness go inward, explore the foundation of deep experience, groped my heart position.

For cancer, the world is the basic structure of feeling.Great subjectivity driven this constellation.Gemini brief textual, news type of consciousness into a tapestry is composed of impression and personal response.Objective universe is no longer exists, the rest of the only a series of reaction model.

Those affected by the cancer is very heavy here is to gain insight into your inner life.They are very familiar with deep self language - the language of emotion.They are having a knowledge of the subjective, the reactive part of the very fascinated, their life process is a long-term process of psychological analysis is usually make their own.

To feel, feel every nuance of life consciousness, shell shed we used to arm themselves, we use the shell to against the cruelty of the world, all of these are at work.Cancer of the destination?To see life as hell is not harmonious, but still against common sense but to love, trust, and accept to bring their own everything.

The strategy of cancer:

A deep water automatic detector.What is the purpose of it?Draw four miles below the surface in the depth of the terrain, collecting samples from the sediment.Finally, the intact to return to the carrier.

It's one of the most important strategy is: to survive.Sea it, find in it the sound of any weaknesses and flaws.Completely in the dangerous environment, the defense is one of the most important.If there is no armor, this little fragile sensors in milliseconds can be crushed.

However, in the defense must have an opening on the layer.A two feet thick layer of steel wall can be perfectly protect the submersibles.But maybe too perfect.If there is no opening on armor, submersible cannot interact with the environment, and that is its main function.Must have the window of the camera;Internal computer wires must be with external eyes and ears of attachment;Inner must have a storage space to store collected material from the outside world.

Submersible designer faces a very difficult question: if their machine protection too good, it won't be able to complete its work to be done;But if we do not protect it well enough, it would be it want to explore the environment destruction.

Have the same problem for cancer.

Cancer of the "sensor" is the most sensitive of all the constellations.No another constellation can such intensity of feeling.For cancer, feel everything is life.But these emotional circuit board may be overloaded, they may be burned.Life have to be a way to control a little closed in.Suddenly put down all the defense would be tantamount to suicide.Cancer's aim is to let oneself to maximize interaction strength of the world, but at the same time protect themselves very fine emotional sensitivity.Wrapped himself with a layer of steel fully although can make it survive, but the meaning of life is not to live.All, the strategy of the cancer is in survival under the premise of creating the smallest defense.

Shy is one of the defense.In early life, daydreaming and silence is the cancer of disguise.When he was only in the most can't avoid to interact with world.He wore a mask, mask of an anonymous.Is like a primitive tribal people in the desert, he is in front of us, but we can't see anything, can only see nearby bushes.

In the later stages of the life, this defense may become more complicated.At that time, in a social situation, cancer may learn to cast a very credible, three-dimensional holographic personality.May even be a gregarious image.Behind the mask, he like a spy, the X-ray photographs, secretly detect surrounding the human soul.

Wear a mask or to present herself completely bare.Cancer of the select few.His internal process is so subtle, but life is so loud, so that if there is no isolation, his nervous system would collapse.The danger is that his defense system may become too powerful, security will be in the first place, even on the front of the growth.

If the cancer want to evolve, he must remove himself in the shell.But the timing of each molt must be precise.Not a man of affected by cancer heavy need in a crowded place to stand in a speech on the stage takes off his own psychological pants.Must be very careful to choose the audience, and the timing must be perfect.Because cancer so fragile, so he take the risk is very big.

But he must be open and trust.Love is always a gamble, is a risk.

Cancer must learn to adventure.

Cancer of resources:

For most of us, sitting on top of that the coach to tierra del fuego exciting as an agent of acupuncture anesthesia wind.But the reaction of the cancer is different.He sat down, close your eyes, then ten seconds later he came into the legend of middle-earth.

For cancer, the outside world more than imagine a world created by the pale, that fresh is the cancer of the inner world of a key resource.He more than any other a constellation can comfortably live in our mind in the fairy tale world.

Imagination, subjective, feelings - these are the cancer of raw materials, they are focused on the most important thing in all the emotions that thing - love.Look at the other person feel soft heart, want to go to help, healing, nourishing the impulse.No competition, don't feel any fear, without any other feelings, only support.At that time, your cancer circuit is shining.

Kindness and concern for the cancer is a reaction without thinking.They are this constellation inner only thing more powerful than self-preservation instincts.A man in the world the most cowardly may after drank two bottles of beer, muster the courage, then go to chat up the cancer.But he might as well get the key to open the Treasury gold gate church, opportunities to a greater success.But if you let a person like genghis khan fierce with a broken heart, cancer immediately open the gate for him.

This love come naturally for cancer.But this is only a resource of it, not a destination.To support, to help others, to protect others, these are laudable strengths, but these are not cast off their shells, not revealing his naked.They are a very special love, but is relatively safe.

Like a mother to take care of, this is the cancer of resources, it is natural for cancer.But real love is more difficult than this, than the danger.It will never happen through efforts.

The shadow of cancer:

Like mother love is the highest expression of cancer, also may let it drop.Such behavior may have nine of ten times is soft expression of human love -- from any perspective is commendable, but in the midst of another, it may be a hidden their behavior, is another shell.

People - particularly those who are in pain, will be attracted by the uterine cancer is full of comfort.Cancer will be in contact with him every sensitive and suffering derivation, encourage them to feel safe enough to laugh and cry.Cancer is like wearing a printed with the word "mother" t-shirts of the etheric body.Let cancer sitting in the car on the bus to tierra del fuego, not for ten minutes, there will be a person is to be seated by his side, his mood and poured out.

No one could convincingly like crab constellation mother's mask.We're going to get cancer of understanding and compassion, and he also got security and stealth.But no one really so forward - at least in an intimate relationship.To a stranger on the bus mother's role is no problem, but it can not become the theme of a marriage or friendship.Once this happens, then the relationship of natural equality are broken.Relationship of both sides were stripped the human nature.

Cancer should be very alert to guard against the danger of temptation by mother's role.He must be careful not to let yourself in too much wisdom, forgiveness, and understanding, that he himself an inner life, his own needs, also not be seen.The cancer can through this way to achieve security and stability.But it's just another game.In this game, the minimum bet is lonely.

Emotion revealing for cancer is very terrible, but the same terrible and external life unrest and unsafe: change, adventure, experience.

For cancer, a bit of experience will be able to last long.Drive ram the sort of existentialism and Gemini fireworks for cancer is like a horror movie.But cancer also require a degree of pattern and change.Sadly, his innate caution may prevent the occurrence of this matter.Just as a Taurus, he is likely to fall into a kind of spiritual numbness boring and predictable patterns.He may have been mechanically to do a job, even if the significance of the work to grow dries up.Relationship may also wither into a ritual - all of these are in order to avoid to face the uncomfortable change.So, in their own security, cancer romantic creative spark may lurk for decades.(The zodiac /astro/)

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